Imagine#8-Remembering you:Robbie Kay

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Y/N's P.O.V

It's been three years after we moved out from (your town) to (your dream town).And living those past three years was a complete blur.I got in an accident on that year,it damaged my head so bad so I got all my memories wiped out.But not everything.I still have my logic though I never knew anyone when I woke up on that night in the hospital.I still remember when two strangers came rushing in the room telling me they're my parents.They looked so worried so I had a sense that they were telling the truth.

Then,the things that followed were confusing and really weird.Many others came in the room and greeting me and were crying that they thought they lost me.I wish I could cry,too.But I can't,I don't remember them.And I was there like a complete retarded idiot asking all of them who they are and asking who I am.

The doctor told me I had to stay for a while so I could get better and I had to stay for a whole week.My 'relatives' always comes visit and telling me stories about themselves and about who I was,though some parts of it was like a lie.They told me,my favourite color was violet.I doubt that,very much.I think it's more think of it,I thought it belongs to someone's eyes.

They told me many more.About my best friend,my house,my school,my love for books.At times,they would tell something...or someone then trails of when 'mom' shoots them a glare.They always end up with saying 'Ro-'.It's like they were hiding something from me by telling me lies and looking guilty about it sometimes,I didn't want to believe them.But hey,I had amnesia.You can't remember,Y/n.

At the end of the week,there's this moment that I'll never forget.I was finally leaving the hospital,off to my home.I walked slowly at the hallway with my parents on my side.They told me to walk as quietly as I can,and I did what I was told.I wanted to ask why but my eyes lead itself to the answer.There was a boy laying asleep on the waiting chairs,he had brown hair though I still couldn't see his eyes,he was deep asleep.He looked like he's been here for a week with no bath and no rest,dry tears visible on his cheek.Awful eye-bags lived under his eyes,clothes dirty and a slightly foul smell.He looked miserable.

We were almost pass him,but I wanted to see his eyes.Like how I want the heat of the sun on my skin after a long week in a closed room.I can feel that my parents might hate this guy and doing my idea might get me to my first disciplinary grounding from them,but I had to see those eyes.

I flung my right foot and sent my slipper flying,hitting the boys legs.He shot straight awake and the sight of his made him jump off his seat.Mom and dad pulled my faster towards the elevator,the boy ran to us.I tried to stick my feet on the hospital floor.

"Y/N!"the boy shouts,"Y/N!!Please we have to talk!"

The three of us stopped on our tracks as we faced the miserable boy.I was slightly satisfied,I saw his eyes.They what I think is my favourite color.

"Oh my god,Y/N-"He was cut off by my dad.

"Stop it.Leave her alone!"dad demands.

Then,he told me he was worried about me and he was waiting for me to get out so he could talk to me again.But he was a stranger to me,I don't know him.I glanced at my parents,their eyes full of fury.The boy tried reaching for my hand but I snatched it back causing him to stop talking.

"I'm sorry,"I say with the best way of meaning it,"But I don't know you.Who are you?"

I showed a little concern.I feel guilty saying those words,those words that came out of my mouth like a sword straight to his heart.But it was true,I had no clue who he was.Mom started to drag me away,dad stayed with him to whisper-shout things to the poor boy.Later on,dad caught up to us.I took small glances to the green-eyed boy who who was looking at me with hurt,his eyes was full of sorrow and it filled his cheeks a waterfall of tears on his cheeks,again.

By the time we reached the car,mom and dad told me that it was that boy's fault I forgot everything and finding out about his name was the last thing they want for me.So I asked dad what he told him.

"We're going to move away from here as far as possible."

That scene never left my mind until now.Three years later and it was still fresh on my mind.

I'm going to college now.And I was going to tell my parents tonight where I was going to study.Study for colleges for four years at (your town).


Dinner didn't went well.My parents got really angry.On the bright side,I can still go with or without their consent unless they want to pay up big money and hire a good attorney to take my scholarship away.They can't stop me,I want to find out my past.It doesn't mean what they say is always true,I know there's something that they're hiding and it has something to do with the big empty space in my whole heart.

I headed to my room and started packing up my bags.I have a big day ahead of me.


Robbie's P.O.V

Another day without my beloved Y/n.My heart is in ashes,I rarely smiled this passed three years.I wanted to jump off a building.I kept telling myself it was a log better having her alive but forgetting about me than dying completely and gone forever.Plus,it was my fault.I was so stupid to drop my present for her on the middle of the road,uncaring of the risks.It was my fault she had pushed me out of the way so that bloody car hit her instead.It send her a blast away hitting her head hard,she was lucky to survive.Most of all,it was my fault that I'll never be able to feel her loving ways again.

Here I was,sitting under the fire tree where I asked her to be my girlfriend.I had my happiest moment here,I didn't know I'll be spending the unending saddest thing here everyday.I miss everything about her.I can't believe myself,how could I let the most important thing in my life slip away that easily.I'm a loser,I always was.It was how she found me.

Y/N's P.O.V

I have a whole day left before class starts.I was venturing the school park for some random reason.It just felt like I always do it,though I don't remember.

Soon enough,I reached a fire tree,adoring it's red color.I got lost in my chain of thoughts,trying to recall what memories do I have to get a feeling of recognition to this tree.I touched it's trunk,brushed my fingers along the bark.And it naturally came to me.A name that struck my heart.Robbie.

Robbie,he must be valuable to me.

I still can't get the picture so I try moving around it.Suddenly,I felt my foot caught a root.I tripped.My head hits a hard root and I slowly lose my vision.I can hear someone calling me,trying to shake me awake.But I fell unconscious instead.

I was indeed in sleep.But my mind was more awake.It reached a part of my brain unlocking all those that was kept hidden to me.All those memories came back.I found out the truth.I found out what I needed to find.The green-eyed boy.It was Robbie,my sweet Robbie.And I told him I had forgotten about him.

I woke up from my blackout,I was in the school clinic.There was an ice bag laying on top of my head.Ouch!My head hurts like hell.

Aware of the things that I just found out,I started to tear up.Despite the headache,I sobbed.Until it came to crying.I got on my feet and made my way out of the room,I have to find Robbie.

On a second thought,I don't need to.He was right there on a bench,asleep.Just like the day I left.More tears came out of my eyes.I remembered what terrible thing I did when I came out of that hospital room.I made my way beside him and knelt down to level up with his head.I wiped out all my tears and try pulling myself together.

"Robbie,"I call out with my weak voice,"Robbie,wake up."

He did.And he looked confused.He stood up from his position.

"Hi,"he retorted solemnly,"You probably don't know me.But you tripped,and you got your head hit on a tree."

I can't help it anymore,I let out the tears and hugged him tight.

"I'm so so sorry,"I say between sobs.

He didn't hug back,he was shocked and confused.I pulled away and looked at him dead on the eye,"Robbie,I love you so much.I missed you."

"Wait,"he slowly cups both his hand on my cheeks,he rubs his thumb wiping off the tears,"You-you remember me?"

I nodded.He was dumbfounded,then he tears up.Robbie pressed his lips on mine,hungrily and relentlessly.I gave in and let his tongue explore.We smiled through the kiss.Oh,how I miss this.

We broke apart to catch up our breaths.He draws his face closer.

"You had no idea how it hurts so bad.I feel like I always get stabbed everyday,every hour,every minute,every second.I love you so much,don't ever do that again."

"I had to,I don't want to lose you,"I replied.

"And I don't want to lose you.I was so heartbroken,you know."

Lols.It's terrible.Guys,I'm so sorry.I had an affair with school and I have love-hate relationship with math and science.And I totally got homesick so I cried like crazy.Oh my god,why can't I have a longer weekend?I miss publishing everyday......😑😑😑😑😑😞😞😞😞😖😖😖😖I missed you guys..

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