Chapter 07: Unexpected

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Nightwing's POV

My head hurt in an unexplainable pain, I don't know what happened. There was a man in an orange and black mask, he shot me with 4 darts and I went unconscious. Batman and Flash were there too but they were put under a sedative. I was on my back so I jumped to my feet, I stumbled a bit. I looked down and saw I had a blue crest of a bird on my chest and all black clothes on... Hmm.

"Bruce." Flash mumbled and I turned around and Flash started to wake up.... My reflexes took over and my body ran at a tree. I jumped up and grabbed the low hanging branch; I flipped up and made progress up the tree. I finally made it to the top and looked down and saw Flash sit up along with.

"Bats!" he yelled and Batman shot up and got into a standing position
"He's there." Flash said and I calmed down, I flipped down the tree and rolled so I wouldn't hurt myself.

"Richard." Batman said and I looked at Flash. But all of a sudden a blistering pain erupted in my head. I grabbed my head and dropped to my knees, it was unbearable.

"Richard!" Batman yelled and rushed to my side "Flash, what's going on!?" Batman asked Flash and he looked at me and crouched down. My vision became a haze and images popped up.

"Bruce, come on don't be such a sour bat." I laughed and Bruce looked at the circus tent.

"Well since I can't stop you, how about you're my sidekick?" Bruce said and I smiled and put my foot on the wooden step.

"Yup!" I smiled and Bruce looked down at me.

"Your 9 years old and already fighting crime, you're younger than Damian when he started." he asked next and I blurted out.

"Robin!!" I yelled and he chuckled.

"You act just like the bird." he said after and I put my hands at my side
"It's a family name, my mom called me that."

My hands moved from my head, Flash and Batman were yelling but I couldn't hear them.

"Come on Wall-Man, don't bale on me now." I begged him and he frowned.

"Sorry Rob, gotta go. Superhero business." he said and sped to the zeta-tube. He ran through.

"Kid Flash B-03" the machine said and I frowned. My frown arose to a smile when I remembered Jason.

"Red's home!" I yelled and ran to the zeta-tube and ran through.

"Red Hood B-01." the computer said and I saw Jason. I ran and hugged him.

"Jay bird." I said into his chest and he was taken back but returned which was rare for him, unless it was me.

"Hey Dickie Bird." he replied and I smiled and looked up.

"I missed you Jay." I replied and didn't want to waste the moment.

"I missed you too."

What was happening? Was I getting my memories back, I was confused. But I decided to let it happen.

"Hey Babs." I said as I walked into Gotham Academy with my crouches. She gasped.

"Dick what happened?" She sounded like my mother; well she acted like it at times.

"Well long story short, One daring tree + unstable branch + one unstoppable 13 year old + ADD + ADHD + acrobatics= one very broken leg." I replied and she face palmed.

"That's a long story." she muttered and I laughed.

"You know that you can't ignore me." I sang and she punched my shoulder rapidly and I laughed. Then she tripped and she topped on top of me and we were laughing.
"Be careful next time, Dick." she said and hugged me.

"I'll be sure too."

The memories started popping up. Damian, Jason, Tim, Stephanie, Barbra, Cassie, Bruce, Wally, Young Justice, Justice League and my parents.

" Nightwing" a voice sounded and I looked up.

"Where am I?" I asked and looked around.

"You have a mission." he said after and I looked at him.

"What is that mission?" I asked after and he handed me a folder.

"Thomas Sanders, fellow scientist from Cadmus. Your goal is to kill him, and that's it. Don't fight the bat or YJ." he said and exited the room. Thomas Sanders looked to be in his mid-50s and had a divorced wife. I put the folder on the table and walked out of the room. The man in my room approached me with a syringe in his hand.

"Arm!" He demanded and I stuck it out, he pushed the syringe in and squeezed in the contents. Everything became black.

" Nightwing" someone said and tapped my face. My eyes shot open, I couldn't remember anything, what happened. How did I get here?

"Why can't I remember anything?" I question and looked around, a man with a black and orange mask approached me with a syringe.

"Here kid." he said and stuck it in my arm. He squeezed the contents and I blinked, he became blurry and I remember.

"DeathStroke, Owlman, Ra's, what are you guys doing here" I asked, didn't question my previous objective. It was calm.

"Get to your quarters in Happy Harbor." Ra's said and I obeyed his words. I had this deep feeling like something back was going to happen. But I walked down the hall and approached the vehicles bay. I hoped in my motorcycle and sped off towards Happy Harbor.

"Richard!" Batman screamed and I covered my ears.

"Yeesh, don't have to yell so loud Bruce." I said and sat up. He looked dumbfounded and I looked around. I was in a living room with Black Canary sitting in her chair.

"Talk with him, Diana" Bruce said as him and Barry left, I was in a chair in front of her and she put her elbows on her knees slightly and sat forward.

"Richard, tell me what happened."


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