Chapter 10: The File

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Nightwing's POV

I shot up, heavy breathing and started coughing. Pain.

"Woah Woah Woah." Diana said and I looked at her standing in front of me. I looked over and saw a sleeping Jason in a chair. I returned my attention to Diana and she gave me worried eyes.

"Are you ok?" She asked and I shook my head in the fastest way possible, I tried to talk but no audio was coming out. "Talk to me!" She demanded and I couldn't talk and I pointed to the white board. She was confused but grabbed it along with an Expo Marker. I wrote in the neat handwriting I have.

'I can't talk' I wrote on their and she gave me the doctor eyes. Seriously, why is it always me?

"Can't talk?" she asked and I gave her the 'really' look, she grabbed a tongue depressor and a doctor light.

"Open." she said and I rolled my eyes and opened my mouth. She placed the depressor on my tongue and turned on the light, she looked around before she took out the depressor.

"Your throat is really red, it probably strained your vocal cords when you almost drowned." she said and I was mad, she smiled a bit.

"We can learn sign language." she said and I rolled my eyes once again. I signed with my hands.

"Seriously Diana, I was taught sign language when I was with Bruce." I signed with my hands and she started laughing.

"Maybe there's a good side to this after all." she laughed and tried to cover her mouth and then Jason woke up.

"What happened?" Jason said, more like slurred. He rubbed his eyes before he stood up, He walked over to me.

"Tell her to stop laughing" I signed with my hands violently and he started laughing.

"He can't talk." he said in between laughed, I was mad at them. I crossed my arms and turned away from them, it hurt to cross my arms.

"Dickie Bird can't talk; he talks on the field the most." Jason taunted in a mocking voice. I have them a silent treatment, I already have a headache.

"Dinah let's stop." Jason said while he held the side of his stomach.

"My stomach hurts." Dinah said and I saw Jason's face get serious. He moved my head so I could look him in the eye.

"Dick, do you know anything about Project R." he asked and I stiffened, I've heard of it but not fully.

"I do" I responded with sign language and his face darkened.

"Do you know the hack code?" he said and I felt my face pale, what does this have to do with me.

"Kind of why?" I asked in sign language and he had a faint smile in his face.

"He need help hacking it." Jason said next and I felt a bit of pride return from where it was buried long ago.

"Why does he want me?" I asked after in sign. He smiled and helped me out of the hospital bed.

"Because it your file." Jason said after my face paled even more than it was. Jay then helped me; he put my arm over his shoulder. He helped me walk, and we walked down a long hallway. There we entered the mission room and I saw Batman typing in the big computer in the Mountain. He looked up and saw me.

"He agreed?" Bruce asked Jason and Jay nodded back.

"Yeah, but he can't talk." Jason responded and I waved with my lose hand. Bruce stood up and walked over to me.

"You ready? This is your file" Bruce responded and I nodded. Jason released me and I planted my feet so I wouldn't fall.

"Yeah" I responded in sign and Bruce smiled. We walked over to the computer and I sat in the chair. I looked at the keyboard; I took the hacking that the Court Of Owls, DeathStroke, and Ra's Al Ghoul taught me. I began typing really fast, I picked up speed. My eyes moved over the keyboard and my fingers followed in suit. A black mentor screen came up and I typed the filling codes and the screen came up.

'Password...'I thought to myself, if it's my file then it must have something to do with me. I had my hand hovering over the keyboard and they started shaking. I pulled them to my sides and took a deep breath. I mental click came, I knew the password.

"What's the password?" Bruce asked as I typed it in. I pulled my hands over the keyboard and typed it.

"Renegade." Jason said and I clicked enter, the file opened and dozens of smaller files came up. I looked at it and my heart stopped, this was my file. On the screen was a picture of me.

"Who's Renegade?" Bruce asked and I felt my heart drop.

"Me." I spoke with my voice, I looked at my old uniform from when I was 14, and I was still lithe but had muscle.

"How? I thought you were Nightwing." Jason asked and I moved the mouse to the first of many smaller files.

"Well we all have to start somewhere." I responded and clicked on it. I opened and information popped on the screen.

"Killed August 16, 2012 by Renegade." Bruce read and I saw the mangled body of my victim

"I think this is your history report Dick." Jason said and I paled again.

"I can finally know what they made me do." I spoke in more of a hushed whisper.

"This couldn't be a very good thing." Bruce said after and I looked at him.

"You look sick." Jason said and I shook my head.

"I'm fine." I responded and I looked back at the screen. I wanted to know what I did to those people.

"Look it says how many files there are." Jason pointed out at the bottom of the screen.

"1461." Bruce responded and Jason's eyes went wide.

"You killed 1461 people in 6 years?" Jason said in a surprised voice and I shrugged.

"Hey I wasn't me." I responded and I saw a file that was labeled.

Experimentation: Dick Grayson.

"What was that experiment?" Bruce asked as he grabbed the mouse and clicked, there was a video.

"Let's watch. Jason said and Bruce clicked the play button

"Welcome to Test Subject 37 labeled Renegade."

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