10th Day of Christmas

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Selina and Bruce didn't know what their relationship was. They knew it was casual with some deeper meaning neither would admit to underneath it all. They were never official about what it was, their dates remained unlabelled and the quiet decision to not date others was never spoken about. It was due to this nuance that Selina didn't know anything about Dick, most notably the fact he was living with Bruce. He hadn't begun his life as Robin yet and he hadn't been publically fostered so she had no real way of knowing. Bruce had been waiting for the right time to tell her but he never found it. She didn't notice any change requiring an inquiry other than their meetings being more night based but she just thought his butler was hounding him on what they were and dissuading him from letting her stay somewhere with so many snatchable valuables. After all, he was a hero and she was a criminal. Unfortunately, he really should've told her about him especially when he brought her to the Manor that night as Dick never had a peaceful sleep.

There was a calm before the storm that was finding out about the acrobat upstairs. They'd snuck in to avoid alerting the butler and took sanctuary in the library. It gave them a quick exit if Alfred stirred during the night and gave Selina a nice subtle exit so as to not attract the press. Her face splashed across the front page of every tabloid in Gotham would only make stealing things right from under their noses that much harder. She took a seat on the luxurious couch as Bruce lit the fire to set the mood but before he could take advantage of the romantic setting, there was a loud scream. Selina jumped at the sound and looked at him with concern, not finding any comfort when he looked worried. Bruce Wayne, Batman, was visibly worried. That meant big trouble if he was showing that he was worried. She went to ask who that was considering it sounded so young and she very much doubted it belonged to Alfred but Bruce was already rushing out of the room before she could get a word out. Curious as she was, she chased after him to get to the bottom of the noise. She couldn't exactly let go of hearing a scream and casually make her way home. 

"Bruce?" she called in hopes of an answer, careful not to be too loud. After all, she didn't know the nature of this situation and being quiet was usually the best course of action. He paused briefly once he reached the staircase and turned to her with a serious expression although she could tell he was anxious to get going.

"I think it's best you go home. It's been a wonderful night but I need to attend to this," he told her. She frowned at the reply. That didn't give her any information on the scream nor did it reassure her.

"I just heard a scream in your house and I know damn well you aren't running to console a ghost. Who was that?" He sighed and looked between the stairs and her, deliberating on what to do. Before he could come to a decision, she slipped past him and dashed up the stairs to find the source herself. What else was she supposed to do? For all she knew, her billionaire fling could have someone trapped in his house or something else nefarious. She may not be a hero but she couldn't let someone who was potentially hurt go unnoticed. She paused at the top of the stairs before a shout alerted her to turn to her left. Running down the hall, she noticed a door opened by a crack and heard crying coming from inside. This was definitely suspicious. Why couldn't she just have a semi-normal relationship with a billionaire vigilante? She put her hand on the doorknob, taking a deep breath to work up the courage to see something horrible.

"Selina! Don't-" She pushed the door open and stared wide-eyed at a frightened child who was staring right back at her. His blue eyes were wet with tears and he clung to a small stuffed elephant.  

"What the fuck?" she stated, not knowing what else to say in this situation. 

"Bruce!" the boy cried, his voice already hoarse from the previous shouting. 

Said billionaire appeared in the doorway, squeezing past the shocked criminal to get to him. He made grabby hands at the older which would've been adorable if Selina hadn't just found a random child in her sort-of boyfriend's house sobbing his poor little heart out. She couldn't even move as she watched Bruce scoop said random child up and let him cuddle up close. This was Bruce Wayne. His personal space was an invite-only zone and here was this random child with a fast pass. 

"Shh now, it's okay. It's just Selina. She's safe," he promised. The way he was speaking was so fatherly. He was comforting and warm so much so that the child was already calming down despite her still being there with little to no explanation. He was content with being nuzzled up to Bruce and gently swayed back and forth. He had black hair. Bruce had black hair. He had blue eyes. Bruce had blue eyes. They were close enough for him to feel safe and for him to call out for his help. How old was he? Old enough for Bruce to be in his playboy phase. He couldn't have, could he?

"Bruce, who is that?" Selina said, finally finding her voice. 

"I can explain this all later, just let me get him settled." She bristled at his casual tone given that he may be holding his offspring and she didn't even know if she could deal with this much commitment. She definitely wasn't happy with not knowing about this prior to getting together. Who hid a child from their maybe girlfriend? Bruce apparently. She moved further into the room to show she wasn't budging and he sighed tiredly. He sat down on the bed, gently rocking his possible son, and nodded his head at the empty space. 

Slowly, she walked over and sat beside him. The boy flinched when he felt her presence so close but nothing more. Instead, he sniffled and continued to hug Bruce as though he were a big teddy bear. 

"Is he yours?" she asked with a touch more venom than she'd intended. The boy let out a whimper and she immediately regretted saying it in that tone. 

"God no, he's not mine," Bruce answered quickly almost as though the very notion offended him. Selina nodded to prompt him to give her more information than that, doing her best to ignore how the boy almost flinched at the insinuation he wasn't Bruce's. "His name is Dick, he's only nine and he's not from Gotham. He was with a travelling circus." Something clicked in her mind. The Flying Graysons. She'd seen it on the news one night.

"Oh shit," she muttered. "Poor thing."

"He's staying with me but the social worker suggested we keep the fostering quiet to give him time to adjust," he explained. "I'll take you home in a moment, I just need to get him down." She hummed and stood up, leaving the room but staying close to the doorway. Inside, she could hear him whispering reassuring things to Dick. She didn't know how to feel about it. A whole kid just got added to the equation and she didn't know if she was comfortable with their loose terms with someone so fragile mixed in. Everything couldn't just stay uncomplicated, could it?

After a while, Bruce came out of the room and closed the door behind him. They shared a look before silently going downstairs where he led her to the Batcave through the library entrance. She grabbed her purse from where she'd left it on the couch and followed him down the stone steps. 

"Bruce, word of advice, if you're asked if you're Dick's dad, say yes," she told him seriously. He cocked his head to the side and raised an eyebrow, confused at the request. "For his sake." 

"I don't think a replacement is what he needs." She tutted and shouldered her purse.

"I...I need time. I don't feel good about sneaking around your house when you have him now. Your attention should be focused on the kid," she added. He didn't say anything but gave a strong nod showing he understood her reasoning. She gave him a bittersweet smile as they continued their way down. Right now wasn't the best time for either of them.

Many years after when they're together

"Selina?" Bruce asked one night. 

"Yes?" she replied.

"What did you mean that night when you said I should say I'm Dick's dad when I'm asked?" She gave him a sad smile, one that wasn't too dissimilar to the one she ended that night with. 

"Dick flinched when you said he wasn't yours. I think he wanted a dad back then," she explained. He nodded slowly. "You're making the effort now though."

"I wish I could go back and do it now." She kissed him on the cheek to comfort him. 

"He understands."

"He shouldn't have to." There was no arguing with him so she wrapped her arms around him and hugged him. 

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