12th Day of Christmas

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is this self-indulgent because i have to get deadnamed and misgendered at Christmas? YES dear God, what I would give to see Grayson on my presents and not my deadname 

trans!Dick if you haven't guessed

Having a trans ward was a lot easier than Bruce thought. It was hard when it came to seeing the bigotry he'd have to face growing up and how people were for some reason deciding to recognise a child as transgender was inherently sexual but actually raising the child was no different. Dick had insecurities as all kids did, they were just gender-related. He asked all the same difficult questions that other children asked which really tested Bruce's ability to parent. The only thing Bruce saw as different was the fact they ran around at night to fight criminals. Without that, Dick would be a normal little boy to his mentor. Yet Bruce knew not everyone was as accepting as himself and Alfred and he'd spent a lot of time in the principal's office fighting over the injustice of the week. One week it was about using the bathrooms there, another it was about being deadnamed. What he would give to pull Dick out of school but the boy was determined to stay there and have one normal experience in his life. Given his drive and confidence in the face of transphobia, Bruce was dedicated to making this the perfect Christmas for him. Of course, Dick knew that he was accepted and didn't need an extravagant display of wealth as proof of it but this was Bruce. He was a billionaire who wanted to do everything he could and it was the least he could do. He knew there were hard days and things he couldn't do to remedy the situation but providing a wonderful Christmas full of presents was something he could definitely do. 

On Christmas morning, Dick awoke with excitement and raced to jump out of bed to look outside. Snow twinkled in the light and gathered on his window sill. He was completely enamoured with how it danced with the wind and watched it fall for a good while until he heard a knock on the door. "Come in!" he announced before returning his gaze to the white frozen fractals decorating the window pane and the ground below. Snow was probably one of his favourite things. When he was with the circus, it would gather on the tops of the trailers and one of the strong men would help him onto the roof to push it all off. It had to be one of his favourite jobs and he'd wait until someone walked past before he pushed it off on top of them. They'd give him a lighthearted lecture before moving on with their day. He'd miss doing that but now he had Bruce and Alfred plus all those wonderful coworkers of Batman. It wasn't the same but that didn't mean he loved it any less. 

"Good morning Master Dick," Alfred announced as he opened the door. There was a warmth that came from hearing his name. It felt like a warm hug that assured him that unlike the people out there who doubted him, those who mattered cared. His name meant something here as it always would. "Merry Christmas."

"Merry Christmas Alfie!" The older smiled softly at him, feeling a sense of comfort in seeing him so happy. "There's so much snow! Can I play in it?" 

"After breakfast and opening your presents, sir," he replied. "I brought up special Christmas pyjamas. Would you like to wear them?" Dick broke his gaze away from the window and raced over to him to inspect the clothes. It was comprised of red flannel pants and a long-sleeved jumper patterned with Santa hats. He nodded upon finishing his inspection, finding them bright enough even if they were only red, white and black. "We will be waiting for you in the living room. Whipped cream and marshmallows in your hot chocolate?"

"Yes, please! Thank you!" Alfred's smile grew at his manners and left him to get dressed. He waited until the older left before diving under his bed for a little box he'd hidden there throughout the whole of December. He felt bad about asking for money to buy gifts so he didn't. Instead, he built them something with materials he deemed fair game to take. They'd been hard to work on considering an adult had to be there when he worked with the equipment in the Batcave. He understood why he was watched, he wasn't naive to the fact he was ten and most ten-year-olds were kept well away from power drills, but that didn't stop it from getting frustrating. He found that he had to work on Alfred's stuff when Bruce watched and vice versa which made him look very suspicious but it was worth it. For Bruce, he made an unbreakable USB. He knew it was unbreakable because he'd tested it very thoroughly. For Alfred, he took inspiration from the James Bond movies and gave him a watch that could fire small sleeping darts just in case bad guys ever tried to get him. He hoped they liked the gifts since he knew they were making an extra effort to make Christmas special. Christmas always felt somewhat bittersweet because he knew that he was supposed to be spending it with his parents but they were gone. He wondered if he could visit them today.

"How was he?" Bruce asked when Alfred came back downstairs. He knew how hard the first few Christmases were when you'd lost parents so young. It took a while before you truly understood that they weren't coming back and they wouldn't be sitting by the tree to open your presents. Dick's first Christmas had been less than ideal. The boy didn't want to leave his room at first and was only coaxed out upon being promised he could bake with Alfred. Even then, he just sat and watched him work almost catatonically. They knew he hadn't slept the previous night, not from excitement but from despair. This year was different though as Alfred relayed to him how Dick had been watching the snowfall. Bruce breathed a sigh of relief and took a sip of his coffee to soothe his nerves. He wanted today to be everything his kid wanted because that's what his kid deserved. Spending every night saving people he didn't know, protecting a city that had people who turned their backs on him and facing off against villains that must have been terrifying when he first saw them - all of that meant he had to have a good time today. A day where he could be a kid. "Do you think he'll be okay today? Sometimes it hits later on," Bruce fretted.

"I cannot predict his emotions sir but he seems in good spirits. I don't think we'll have a repeat of last year if that is what troubles you," he answered pragmatically. The billionaire nodded and took another sip. Worrying was something that he'd always done and he was arguably the best at it. He wouldn't believe today was a good day until he saw it. 

Footsteps soon came trotting down the stairs and through the hall before pausing at the door. Bruce smiled at the awe on the boy's face although his attention soon turned to the box he was carrying. He tilted his head to the side since he never remembered giving him any money for presents. Perhaps he'd made something. He didn't say anything to acknowledge the box just in case it spoiled whatever plan Dick had for it and Alfred appeared to do the same. "Merry Christmas Dick," Bruce greeted. 

"Merry Christmas B!" He skipped over to him and set the box down on the table before clambering onto the couch and throwing his arms around his mentor who put his coffee down just in time.  The older let out a chuckle and hugged him back before he wriggled away. "Who are all those presents for?"

"They're for you," Bruce replied. 

"You're joking," he whispered.

"Not in the slightest. I hope you like them."

"Holy Christmas Batman!" Bruce laughed at him and watched him tentatively approach the presents, almost as though he was waiting for it all to be revealed as a prank. He picked up the smallest of the wrapped gifts and glanced back at his mentor who nodded, prompting him to open it. Inside was a small journal. Nothing fancy for anyone else but this gift meant the world to him because it wasn't just a journal. It was a journal his father had given to him but it'd been confiscated as evidence and subsequently lost in the storage lockers of Gotham's police force. He grinned upon having it in his hands again and held it close to his chest for a moment. "Thank you, Bruce."

"It's no problem. Open the others. I don't think they'll bring you tears." The boy giggled at him and moved on but not before placing the journal on the table for safekeeping. 

After opening all the presents and saying thank you after each and every one, Dick decided it was time to give his presents. He went to the box on the table and picked it up, holding it tight to his chest as though to protect it. Then he grabbed Alfred and made him sit on the couch beside his guardian. "I probably have to explain them and I hope I didn't make you mad 'coz I used some of your stuff," he said before he gave them their gifts. They smiled at the disclaimer he gave and smiled even wider when he told them to close their eyes and then hold their hands out. Not wanting to upset him, they did as they were told and felt something being pressed into their palms. "O-okay, you can open your eyes now," he announced. They did and looked down at the items. 

"So that's where my watch went," Alfred murmured.

"I promise I didn't steal it just to give it back to you! I uhm I modded it," he explained, suddenly even more anxious than before. "We fight big meanies so just in case they come a-knockin, you'll be protected even if we're not there." He helped the butler put it on and pointed to a new button beside the crown. "Now you have sleeping darts in them."

"Thank you, sir," Alfred chuckled. He had to admit that it was adorable how Dick sought to protect him. Although Bruce had already made provisions in case such a situation occurred, it was sweet that the child was so open about wanting to make sure he'd be okay. 

"And B, yours is a USB that's pretty much indestructible! Y'know since we're doing super dangerous stuff sometimes and we can't always make sure that we're protecting something like that." Bruce smiled at the invention, twirling it around to get a look at the handmanship before looking at its inventor. 

"I love it. Thank you, Dick."

"I know it's not much compared to everything you got me and like everything you've done. I'm probably a lot to handle and this doesn't really make up for it," he said defeatedly. Initially, he'd been excited to show them their gifts but after receiving so many, his looked like nothing. Maybe he should've tried harder. 

"You're not a lot to handle," Bruce assured him. "I love what you made me. Besides, I'll always go over the top at Christmas so don't feel too bad."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure. Why don't we test out your new toys?" Dick nodded and gave him another hug before running off to get one.

True to his word, Bruce went overboard every Christmas yet seemed to always surprise the acrobat even as he grew older. 

Gifts were being exchanged and Bruce was about to outdo everyone else's gifts for his eldest. "I know it's something you've wanted for a long time," he commented as they watched the acrobat open the envelope. Dick sent him a curious look as he pulled out a check. At first, it didn't click. 

"Ha, B called you poor!" Jason taunted. Then it clicked. The amount on the check would cover his bottom surgery and everything he needed after to recover. He'd never been able to get it on his medical insurance and he sure as hell could never pay for it fully out of pocket. 

"This is enough for all of my surgeries," he said quietly, clearly in shock. His family glanced at him a little worriedly. 

"You're not ill, are you?" Tim asked.

"No, no nothing like that," he answered quickly. A watery smile appeared on his face as he looked at the amount again to make sure it was definitely there and he hadn't just imagined it. "I could never get a hysterectomy or oophorectomy because they said I'd regret not having the option to have kids but with this, I can just go private and then I can actually get a phalloplasty."

"Hi, confused newcomer to the family here, why does Dick have a uterus?" Duke asked but when he said it out loud he realised the answer. "Oh. OH!"

"But who would cover my city? When I had top surgery I was with the Titans but who can look after Bludhaven?"

"We can take shifts," Damian offered. "You have done much for me and I would be honoured if you allowed me to take the burden. You deserve to have this."

"Yeah, and we could do with fresh meat!" Steph added, punching her hand menacingly. 

"Geez Bruce, you make my socks look like shit," Jason huffed good-naturedly.

"Is anyone gonna talk about how Dick named himself that or?" Duke asked.

Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays to all my followers!! I hope you all have a wonderful time and take some time for yourself!! Thank you for all the love and support you've given over the year/years!! I appreciate you whether you're new or old!! It's been a hard time for all of us since the COVID 19 outbreak so it's okay if you feel run down or burnt out - I hope 2022 goes better *knock on wood*

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