Bedrest Bats

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I need fluff content and if the story is bad then sorry it's for me and people who need nice soft content who don't mind bad storytelling to get their soft content

Bed rest wasn't a term in Bruce's vocabulary. Every doctor in the country could say you need bed rest to him and he'd still be out at night in his Batman garb. Alfred had never managed to persuade him until Dick came into the picture. Now that there was a small child about with no sense of his own boundaries and an idolization of Batman that they should really keep an eye on, he now had a way to guilt-trip the billionaire into listening to him. It wouldn't even take that long for him to get the guilt-trip evidence either. 

Both Dick and Bruce were put on bed rest, Bruce because of the gunshot wound on his calf and Dick because of his bruised ribs. Yet Alfred was not surprised to hear the pair of them training as soon as it wasn't immediately painful to sit up. Instead of going in straight away, the butler waited for the inevitable to happen. Hopefully, it would teach them both a lesson. It was when Dick threw a punch a little too hard that he received a terrible wave of pain across his entire chest. He yelped loudly and fell to his knees as he wrapped his arms around himself. Bruce dropped what he was doing and rushed over along with Alfred. Although he felt bad for letting the boy get hurt, it was for a good cause. They both needed bed rest yet they were both way too stubborn for their own good. Maybe this would teach them a lesson. "Are you alright?" Bruce asked. 

"My chest," Dick cried. "Really hurts." He could barely breathe without aggravating it more, only taking short breaths that weren't doing much for him. 

"Dr Leslie told you bed rest for a reason young Master," Alfred told him.

"Bruce got told the same thing and he didn't rest! Why do I need to?" he whined.  The butler turned to the hero with an expectant look. He hoped this worked. 

"Because...I have a higher pain tolerance," Bruce answered though that didn't really convince the little boy. He probably wouldn't have convinced the most gullible person in the world with that one.

"Nuh-uh, you've been wincing all day!" He took a deep breath which proved horribly painful but tried to get up all the same. It was difficult to remain on two feet but he managed it and slowly let out his breath. Though it did hurt, he tried to go back to training but was stopped by his mentor. "No no, you've got to go lay down," Bruce insisted. 

"Bet," he replied in a deadly serious voice.

"No Dickie, you'll only feel worse."

"Well, I doubt that Master Dick will take a break when his mentor refuses to take a break also," Alfred pointed out. Bruce narrowed his eyes at him, knowing the older had the upper hand so now he didn't have a way to get out of bed rest. At least while Dick was awake. After that, it was free game. "Fine," he muttered in an exasperated tone. "Dick c'mon, we better listen to the doctor and go rest." He held out his hand for the younger to hold which he hesitantly did. One of his arms was still around his chest which wasn't exactly comforting.

"Can I stay with you for a bit? It's too lonely in my room."


Alfred won the battle but that wasn't the end of the war. He'd gotten them to go to bed but now he had to make them stay there. Hopefully, Dick had learned from the incident in the gym but this was Dick, and when he wanted to move about he would. The only time he kept still for more than twenty minutes was when he was asleep. Bruce was similar and if he wanted to go do something, he would go do it. So, aside from locking the bedroom door to keep them in there, Alfred had to keep them entertained. The first thing he gave them was a tablet for Bruce to continue some work on and some colouring supplies for Dick to keep him occupied. "How's your chest doing?" Bruce asked as he swiped through emails. There was nothing interesting there. Just work emails that were sent to him but half of them weren't even important. He didn't need to know about the water cooler replacement happening on Tuesday at 6 pm.

"Better. Must've just moved it weirdly. You wanna sneak out and do some training? I could probably still do kicks," he answered, a mischievous grin playing on his features. Bruce chuckled lowly and shook his head.

"No, no, you need to rest up. I don't want you making your injury worse." The boy cocked his head at him with a confused look.

"But we always train no matter what? You said you gotta work through the pain so you get better," he pointed out. There was something about how easily he recited the phrase that made Bruce uncomfortable. He couldn't quite place why. It was as if he knew the younger had thought about those words a lot. Like too much. "You know there are limits right?" Bruce pointed out. The younger shrugged and got back to colouring, not seeing anything of significance in what the older said. That didn't do anything to ease his worry. Maybe he was a bad influence on Dick. Had he specified there was a normal amount of pain then there was a bad amount of pain? He swore he did but maybe he didn't. Did he push the kid too far? 

"B? You okay?" Dick asked, shaking him slightly. "You got that distant look on your face." His blue eyes shone with worry for his guardian. Always so caring. It was a feature Bruce admired about him. His unbiased kindness towards people. How he really did care if he hurt someone or if someone needed help. It was a trait that the billionaire wished to take on more. He'd become hardened in the years since becoming Batman. Part of him feared he'd become much too bitter to have an ounce of the care Dick showed people.  "When we train together, do you hurt?" The acrobat nodded with a confused expression. "Like a really bad hurt? Like you really need to stop?"

"Sometimes but you say to work through it so I do," he responded. God, how many times did that happen? He was so small. So young. Here he was pushing himself to his limits to the point where it was extremely painful and Bruce had no idea. What was he thinking? 

"You're not supposed to feel that bad. When I say pain, I mean like an ache that once you get through you'll be okay. There's a difference between good pain and bad pain."

"But how do you know the difference?"

"When you feel like you could cry it hurts that much, you need to tell me. If you feel like you can't catch your breath because it hurts that much, you need to tell me. You're still a kid so we need to be really careful or else you could give yourself an injury." They sat quietly for a minute before Bruce sighed to himself. He was a bad guardian. He just knew it. He should know when to step in. Of course, the child beside him wouldn't say anything about being in pain if he kept saying you just need to work through the pain. He was a child, he didn't get the nuance behind that. It took him an entire weekend to understand what a metaphor was. "Do you want a hug?" Dick asked. "You seem sad."

"I'd really like a hug," he answered. The boy winced a little as he reached over and wrapped his arms around him. The older carefully picked him up and placed him in his lap so he could hug him easier. 

Before it was only Alfred telling him what he was doing wasn't good. Even though he thought of the butler as a second father, he never really took his complaints on board when it came to his career. The constant suggestions to actually take doctor's advice just went over his head. He never needed to take accountability since it was only hurting himself and he had a high pain tolerance at the end of the day. Sure Alfred could complain but he wasn't directly affected. At least, Bruce didn't see it if he were. Yet here was this child that knew nothing more than to copy what he was doing. Dick didn't know anything about being a hero other than what he told him or what he showed him. That, in the beginning, hadn't struck Bruce as a bad thing. It meant the kid would learn on the job whilst also training and he was stupid enough to think he'd have a perfect little hero at the end of it. Here he was now realizing that for Dick to be the perfect little hero, he needed a perfect model and Batman wasn't as perfect as he could be. Instead of learning limits early so that when he grew up he knew when to push and when to stop, Dick didn't know that he could stop. Looking back, the billionaire could see this child he cared for more than anything being tainted. He was drinking coffee at ten! Sure it was super milky and probably had no actual caffeine in it but the habit was forming. He'd start moving onto less milk and more caffeine. Bruce wouldn't be surprised if he was drinking black coffee by twelve which just didn't sit right. He was staying up much later than any other kid his age would and his nightmares didn't guarantee a good night's sleep whenever he did go to bed at a fairly normal time. Bruce had thought it was rather cute when Dick asked to take cases to school but now he was thinking over that more. Was he overworking himself? Was he not bonding with other kids because he was focused on his career? What if he pretended he liked people like Bruce pretended to like the women at the galas who hung off his every word? What kind of person was he setting this poor boy up to be? His thoughts were cut off by the sound of soft snoring. He glanced down and found Dick had fallen asleep in his arms, snuggled up close to him. Bruce needed to do good by this kid. He needed to change. He needed to take doctor's advice and he needed to take care of himself so Dick did the same. The little acrobat in his arms was going to change the world someday and Bruce needed to be around to see that. He needed to make sure Dick could change everything.

After a few hours, Alfred went into the bedroom to provide another activity to keep them occupied but he found a rather pleasant surprise. Bruce was actually taking a nap. The man who swore he'd never take a nap in his life was fast asleep. It got better too because Dick was nuzzled up to him, fast asleep also. They were finally letting themselves do what their bodies wanted. He smiled to himself and closed the door. Perhaps Bruce would change but if he didn't, Alfred couldn't wait for him anymore. Dick needed him now and he was going to make sure that from an early age, he knew that he was more than a kid fighting crime. He was Dick Grayson. Something no one else could ever be.

I am depressed but life be like that n you just gotta fuckin vibe with that 

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