Can we keep him?

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Baby Dick and Teen Damian

Lost children weren't a foreign concept to Robin. He spent a good chunk of time returning kids home or finding their parents in the event of fires. There were a few babies there and then but they were a rare occurrence and it was even rarer to hear them in apartment blocks that had been long since cleared out. He'd only been in the area because a local had asked him to check on the baby, unable to go in themselves due to the locked gates. He'd agreed since it'd been a slow night and went over there. The building itself was only abandoned that Monday so it hadn't had time to become too weathered. He'd heard that they would soon be replaced with something shinier that would most likely be too expensive for any normal person to live in. That was Gotham for you. As he got closer to the building, he could hear the cries in a cracking voice. Robin never really felt affected by his work. He'd seen things, heard things, discovered things that could top the sound of a baby crying in an abandoned building yet this time on this occasion, he felt uncomfortable. Maybe because the crying was loud enough for at least a handful of people to hear yet only one of them had come up to him to mention it. They could've called the police but no they waited until they saw him. Surprisingly with his superiority complex, he didn't take pride in that knowledge. He hopped the gate and walked up to the building, cringing as he got closer to the baby crying. He wondered what the story was behind the baby being there. Perhaps a couple had left them there, hoping someone else would find them once they moved out. Maybe some cruel older brother or sister had made them go missing to regain the attention of their parents. Babies don't appear out of thin air. Someone had left them there. Abandoned. He knew that feeling. To be so young, at the point where parents were supposed to be excited at the beginning of the new chapter and to be abandoned all the same like they were a piece of old furniture. At least his mother had been excited at his arrival although it wasn't excited for the right purpose. He tested the door to find it locked but with his master key that was a hell of a kick, the door was soon opened. 

Inside, Robin could hear the crying coming from closer than he expected but he couldn't immediately see the source. He walked further into the reception before concluding the noise wasn't coming from this room. He looked around and found a door to the stairwell and when he went through, he was certain the baby was near him. He looked underneath the stairs and found a small wicker basket with a baby inside, wrapped up in a blanket. The baby was crying their heart out yet until now, all their cries had fallen on deaf ears. Robin wondered how long they'd been here. Too long for any child to be left alone. He knelt down and upon noticing his presence the baby stopped crying and let out a gurgle. Their little hands reached up and made grabby motions. Robin offered his finger and marvelled at how the tiny fingers wrapped around his. He noticed an envelope poking out of the side of the basket which he pulled out, hoping for some answers. He ripped open the envelope and pulled out a handwritten letter.

Dear whoever this may concern,

The baby is called Dick Grayson and he's 9 months old at the time of writing this. His parents died in an accident and we don't have the funds to bring him with us. We don't have the papers needed for him to enter the system so please take him in or give him to someone who can. We left him with some things. 

Dick Grayson? He'd heard that name before. The Flying Graysons. Oh. This baby was the baby of the dead acrobats. No papers either. He didn't have a very good start in life that was for sure. The circus had left a few days ago when everyone had been moving out of the place and whichever of them had done the deed probably thought someone would've picked him up right away. Obviously, that wasn't the case and now baby Grayson was most likely malnourished and severely dehydrated. He noticed the baby was making grabby hands again and with a sigh, he picked him up out of the basket. Dick gave a happy noise and snuggled up to him. Robin knew he was far too thin for a baby his age. A doctor's visit was needed but he wouldn't be able to carry the baby all the way to Leslie's. He needed to call this in. "Grayson, please refrain from dreuling on my suit," he stated as he pressed his finger against his comm unit. There was a small beep before he was patched through to his mentor.


"I have a situation. The baby of those acrobats has been left in a building since the event. No one has claimed him and he appears to be malnourished."


"Golden Street, the block of flats that have been cleared out recently." There was a hum and an ETA before his mentor hung up. He didn't mind that though, he and Batman weren't talkers. He got himself comfortable with Dick in his arms and looked over to the basket. Aside from the note, there were a few things left for the baby. A rattle, a locket, a picture of the acrobats and a plush elephant. Robin picked out the plush and handed it to Dick who took it as soon as it was offered, hugging it tightly. 

Eventually, Robin heard the sound of the Batmobile pulling up outside the building and brought both the baby and the basket outside. He was quick to get inside the car in hopes of warming Dick up as it had been chilly inside the abandoned building. Dick upon entering the car became infatuated with the blinking lights inside and stared at them with delight. Robin wondered if they reminded him of the circus. "He's tiny," Batman commented. 

"Quite so. He needs to be seen to," he replied. The older nodded and began driving to Leslie's. It made things much easier to go to her than to a hospital and she was closer anyway. As they drove, Dick babbled in the direction of Robin almost as though he was having a conversation. The interaction brought a small smile to Batman's face seeing as most wouldn't dare to talk to his protege. His social skills began and ended with interacting with animals. Seeing him engaged in the nonsensical noises of an infant was rather adorable. "There is a baby in urgent need of care in my arms, why are you smiling?"

"Never seen you get along with someone for so long," he replied.

"Grayson is a child. He doesn't get along for liking, he's compliant for survival."

"Is that why he's trying to hand you his elephant?" Robin glanced down and gently took the soft toy away.

"Clearly he's bartering. Apparently, even babies know capitalism." 

"He's being nice," Batman insisted. He rolled his eyes at the older and gave the toy back, gently rocking the abandoned acrobat. "We'll have to hand him to the right authorities."

"No. He stays with us." The older was caught off guard by the stern disagreement. He'd never known Robin to be affront to such a thing. They found lost children often, although this had to be the youngest of their finds, and he wasn't exactly enjoying the family he had currently. 

"Babies are a lot of work. Taking him in might not be the best for him. We could take him to a nice orphanage and make sure he's matched with a couple who doesn't spend their nights fighting crime," he argued. He'd never taken in a baby before. He wouldn't know where to begin. He'd have to babyproof the house and Alfred wasn't exactly a young man by any means which would only make things harder. Then there was the increasing danger that was coming from years in the business, the uncertainty of stability and so much more that came simply from being a hero. That didn't include the inclusion of being a billionaire businessman who was still hands-on. 

"We can't guarantee he'll be with a nice family nor a nice orphanage. You know as well as I do what Gotham is like."

"But you also know the danger that comes with being a Wayne. Let's just get him seen to first then we'll revisit the conversation." The younger huffed but didn't say another word on the topic. Whether that was due to his attention turning solely to Dick or because he was okay to put a pin in things was unknown.

Leslie had seen a lot of things come from the Batfamily but a barely year old baby was new. She immediately got to work upon hearing that he'd been left in a cold stairwell for days. Yet once Robin put the baby down, all hell broke loose. The previously tranquil Dick screamed every time Robin was out of his sight, kicking and wriggling as he tantrums. Robin was forced to stand there holding his hand to keep him calm enough for the doctor to work. "I didn't know you were good with children," Leslie commented as she administered an IV.

"I'm not," Robin responded. "He gave me his toy so I presume he thinks a transaction was made."

"I think he likes you," she stated. 

"Is he going to be okay?" he asked.

"He's able to scream which is a good sign. Means he has energy. I think he'll be fine but babies tend to take turns very quickly." He nodded and ran his thumb over the baby's hand. He hoped for the best. Dick fussed when she was hooking him up to other machines but soon calmed down when he saw Robin was still with him. The concept fascinated the hero. Did this child know he was a hero? Why did he like him so much? He wouldn't get an answer but the questions remained. There was one thing he knew though and that was Dick was coming home with them. Something was telling him he was meant to find the acrobat. Things were lining up all too well for it not to be of some sort of significance. Besides that, there were also practical reasons. If Dick was going to scream his little heart out when he couldn't see Robin, he'd only be trouble.

"Father, I must say my stance remains the same. He is coming with us," he announced.

"Damian, he's only little. You need to understand the amount of change that's going to happen if we take him in," Batman told him seriously. He knew that. He wasn't stupid enough to think life would be the exact same but he did know Dick would be better off with them one way or another. 

"You can't change my mind."

"I'll have to speak to Alfred."

"He'll agree."

"I still need to ask."

Robin was right and they had to call half the league to see if anyone had spare baby supplies with no context as to why they needed them.

Aight time for my break for a few weeks

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