Come down and talk to me

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Morally_Gray drew something for me and it inspired this 

I think we all need some comfort, brits especially but not because the queen died it's because our government is shit

It was late at night when Robin heard the sound of something scratching at his door. Most of the team were asleep at this time, aside from him and sometimes Raven when she was engrossed in a particularly good chapter of a book, so it came as a surprise to hear the scratches. He wouldn't have heard them had he not paused the song he was listening to as he switched to a different album. The scratches were faint so he didn't feel immediately threatened by the noise. In fact, he was more so intrigued about what could be making it. Some nights Silky would find his way out of Starfire's room and for whatever reason demand to be let into Robins to sleep at the end of his bed but this couldn't be Silky since the worm creature didn't own any arms. He cocked his head to the side when he heard them pause before starting up again. Whoever or whatever it was, it was patient enough to wait until it was sure he wasn't coming to start again. He couldn't help but feel oddly endeared to whatever was making the noise. There was no reason to be since he hadn't actually seen what it was but it was that similar innate feeling he got when he heard his teammates outside his room quietly discussing if they should call him for dinner. Robin smiled to himself as he pulled out his earbuds and pushed himself halfway across the room on his wheely chair then getting up to open the door. 

The light from the hallway momentarily blinded him since the only light in his room had come from the computer screen and a few soft lights bright enough so he could just about see his paper notes and his keyboard. Robin blinked a few times before his eyes finally adjusted and he glanced down to see a green kitten staring up at him with wide eyes. He leaned against the doorframe, his smile growing fonder as he waited for an explanation for the late-night visit. 

"I couldn't sleep," Beast Boy stated.

"Oh?" he replied, curious. Although his friends came to him for advice on work and sometimes human cultures in Starfire's case, they would never come to him for advice on sleep when he was practically allergic to it so he didn't believe that was why he'd gotten the visit. Especially when Beast Boy slept the most out of everyone there. Well, he was beaten out by Silky but Silky didn't really count.

"Had that Terra dream again." That made more sense. Still, Robin couldn't see why he'd been the comforting person of choice.

"Why didn't you go to Cyborg?"

"His room is too cold. I like your room better," the teen explained whilst his eyes darted inside. There was no way Robin was going to turn him away so he stepped aside and nodded his head, offering an invitation. Beast Boy swiftly took him up on the offer and trotted inside where he immediately jumped onto the bean bag beside the older's desk. 

"Can I ask why you're a cat?" Robin asked as he wheeled his chair back.

"You never say no when I'm a cat." Looking back, he was surprised to find that was true and he let his friend get away with a lot if he was some adorable animal. He always was a sucker for animals. Maybe that was the circus kid in him or maybe it was the many stray cats he played with during boring stakeouts. 

"Yeah, suppose I'm just as bad as Catwoman," he replied. Settling back down to do his work, he popped in an earphone but kept the volume quiet as he brought up another question. "Do you wanna talk about it?" The younger seemed surprised by his question, his ears pricking up, and he couldn't exactly blame him. Talking wasn't his thing, a symptom of growing up with Batman. He'd been a little chatterbox once upon a time. 

"Do I have to?" 

"No, but it helps sometimes." Beast Boy considered it for a moment, kneading his green paws against the bean bag as he did. It was always interesting to see which animal traits Beast Boy would take on once he transformed. Sometimes it was small things like kneading his paws or sometimes it was big things like pounding his chest when he was a gorilla. "Sometimes it helps to just sit around other people."

"What do you do?" came the tentative reply. 

"Punch a wall."

"You suck at jokes."

"No really, I punched a wall once. Cracked it too. Still don't know if it was just horribly built or if I was really that strong," he answered. He flexed his hand as he thought about it. How he didn't break something in his hand was a miracle. "I wouldn't suggest punching walls. Or punching stuff a lot."

"So you punch stuff when you feel bad or have a nightmare?"

"Uhh, pretty much yeah." There was a hum in acknowledgement. "I think you'd benefit from talking. About her."

"She hurt you though." He wanted to say that this was hardly the worst thing that happened to him but Beast Boy didn't want to hear that, he was sure.

"But she also hurt you and I'm in a place where I can listen. I mean, you came to my room for comfort. I'd be a bad leader and friend if I didn't provide that. So you can talk about it or we can hang out. I can only suggest what I think is best." They shared a comfortable silence as Beast Boy thought over his options and Robin turned back to his work. He didn't want to force an impromptu therapy session onto his friend so he waited. Eventually, the younger spoke up.

"Can we talk about it tomorrow?" He glanced down at him and nodded with a smile. "Could we talk about other stuff though?"

"Sure. Anything in particular?"

"Well, Gotham is kinda known for themed villains. What's the dumbest themed one you've fought?"

"Condiment King," he answered straight away. "Worst part was I smelt like a hotdog stand all night."

For the next hour, Robin went about explaining all the horrible gimmicks he'd encountered as the defender of Gotham. He felt homesick explaining all the wackiness he had to deal with as completely serious threats but it was keeping Beast Boy happy and God knows the kid deserved to feel better after a nightmare. His life was in danger so many times that he hadn't given much thought to the lower-level criminals and he was silently grateful for the reminder he'd been given, even if it was making him miss his old home. He was about to explain the time someone tried to make a name for themselves as a zebra-themed villain when he heard a knock at the door. They both turned to the door as though they'd magically know the meaning of the interruption by staring at the metal but were met by more knocking. 

"Looks like there's a party in my room tonight," Robin mumbled as he got up and opened the door. Was there a sign above his door that said this was the designated nightmare-free zone or something? This time he revealed Raven who looked a little dishevelled and was carrying a heavy spell book. "Hey, Rae."

"I was wondering if I could read in your room," she said, straight to the point as always. Her eyes drifted inside and her eyebrows furrowed when she found Beast Boy curled up on a beanbag (still) in cat form. She didn't question it though, deciding to wait until she got the invitation before doing so. 

"Please tell me you didn't summon another demonic rabbit. It took me a week to find all the wires it chewed through."

"Nothing like that." Definitely another nightmare victim then.  

"Beanbag is already taken," he answered before moving aside to let her in. "We were just talking about all the bad villains I fought in Gotham." He returned to his chair and watched as she chose a spot close enough to the pair that she found comfortable before folding her legs up to float. She placed her book in her lap and flipped to a page she'd bookmarked but didn't begin reading. 

"I thought you didn't like talking about Gotham," she commented.

"Not when I'm talking about the bad stuff. This is the fun stuff. Whoever drove Bats mad because they were so obviously goofy villains were my favourite people to fight. Should've seen him when he got those types of calls. Especially on the slow nights where we couldn't make up an excuse not to go," he explained. Sure he left his home with bitter memories of his mentor but that didn't mean there were never any bright spots. He would've left much sooner if that were true. "Working on new spells?" She shook her head.

"No. These are just nice diagrams," she answered and neither of them could tell if she was being serious or not. Airing on the side of caution, they just nodded with vague smiles and she swiftly changed the topic. "Why are you a cat Beast Boy?"

"Better for bean bags."

"It also means I can't say no to him," Robin added. 

"Do you have any silly spells, Rae?" Beast Boy asked suddenly. 

"My spellwork is not silly," she answered sharply. Then she softened and closed her book. "But there are nice ones despite the demonic tendencies. Like making the perfect coffee."

"Where was that spell when I was ten?"

"You drank coffee at ten? You don't even let me have coffee," the youngest of them whined. 

"Yeah and that's why you have to earn your heart palpitations so I know you won't turn into twenty different animals. Cy and I are the ones who have to fix the messes which he's usually the cause of in some way shape or form."

Once again, a conversation followed that felt easy to continue and remained lighthearted throughout. Robin glanced at the time, finding it to be nearly three in the morning, and quirked an eyebrow at himself when he found he was getting tired. He never got tired before four. He glanced to the pair that were now pitching different hero names they liked the sound of but could never commit to. They weren't tired. Weird. He couldn't linger on the throat much since, once again, there was another knock at the door. 

"Seriously, does my room have a flashing light inviting people to hang out?" he muttered but neither of his friends heard him, too invested in the possibility of Blackbird being in Raven's top picks. He got up, since none of them was making a move to do so, and opened the door to find the remaining members of the team. "Well hello."

"We heard you guys laughing," Cyborg said. "Since when were we having a sleepover?"

"I'll let you know when I figure that out," he replied. "But I'm guessing you two are coming in?" They nodded, Cyborg making a B-line so he could fight over the beanbag whilst Starfire remained by the doorway with Robin. She pressed a kiss against his forehead and handed him some bedding.

"Will this be good enough for your sleepover?" she inquired.

"I guess? It's not a sleepover though. BB came to my room then Rae did- how did you even hear us, you two sleep like a rock?" She shrugged and he was beginning to wonder if they all needed some sort of group therapy or if he needed to check the tower for some sort of shitty fear gas. He'd check tomorrow just be sure but he doubted that was the case. Scarecrow was always careful over who got his batches and they usually didn't leave Gotham without good reason. "Do you uhm do you want a hug?" Starfire grinned and quickly snatched him up in her arms, forcing him to balance on his tiptoes. He wrapped his arms around her and squeezed a few times to remind her that he was there. He ignored how his eyes were beginning to sting from that familiar lack of sleep but it was hardly his bedtime yet. Not to mention he had work to do. She pulled away and let out a giggle.

"My, you look tired."

"Nuh-uh. How about you keep the peanut gallery occupied whilst I do work?"

"The peanut gallery?"

"Our friends. Don't get disheartened by that, it's an old reference anyway," he explained when she frowned. He kissed her on the cheek and then returned to his desk as his room was filled with alternative titles. 

"What's that noise?" Beast Boy asked, interrupting the flow of the chatter. Everyone went quiet in an attempt to hear what he had and found there was a soft snoring sound. It was barely noticeable when everyone spoke and without his keen feline hearing, he doubted he would've heard it in the first place. It wasn't loud enough to be anywhere near threatening but it was loud enough to be coming from the room. They looked around for the source, finding their leader slumped over on his desk with his head resting on his arms. It felt slightly abnormal that their first thought had been that there was something terribly wrong with him but this was Robin. He didn't sleep before the sun came up. Cyborg stood up and carefully approached the teen, doing a quick scan for any abnormalities. Nothing popped up so there was only one possible conclusion.

"He's asleep," he announced. He gently shook Robin's shoulder in hopes of waking him but nothing happened. The most he got was a whine at being disturbed.

"Asleep? It's not even five am," Raven pointed out. Starfire was the next to get up and gently ran her fingers through Robin's hair but that only went to lull him into a deeper slumber. Not that she wasn't pleased with that. 

"You know, I've heard that sometimes people fall asleep when they feel safe around others," Cyborg commented after watching his leader lean into the alien's touch. "Maybe having all of us here just chilling made him sleepy."

"Aww, that's kinda sweet," Beast Boy replied. There was something so comforting in putting your friend so at ease they could fall asleep around you, especially someone like Robin who was ready to fight at a moment's notice. They felt safe with him, as shown by them all coming to his room for comfort, and in turn, he felt safe with them. "But I guess we should go back to our rooms then?"

"Or we could stay in here. He would've told us to go if he wanted us to," Raven countered. "If us talking put him to sleep then continuing will ensure he sleeps a decent amount for once."

"We should at least move him so his back doesn't hurt," Starfire suggested. No one got the chance to as she swiftly swept him out of his chair and laid him carefully on his bed, covering him with a blanket so he didn't get cold. Cyborg saved the open documents on his computer before shutting it down then returned to his seat. "Goodnight my love," Starfire whispered.

"M'night," he mumbled back sleepily. "Don' die."

"We will try our best not to." He sighed, seemingly content with that reply and went quiet. "Now, what were you saying about talking to bats Beast Boy?"

"Oh yeah, they're so boring."

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