Davick C O N T E N T

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David woke up with a gasp. The last thing he remembered was a whimper before everything went black. He knew who the whimper belonged to and he prayed it was all just a bad dream. His eyes darted around the room but that didn't ease his fear at all. He wasn't in the place he last remembered being in and he wasn't in bed with Dick. That meant what happened beforehand was real and he'd been moved. The room was recognizable though. He was in the small infirmary in a warehouse Dick took over a few months back. 

"You're up," a voice stated. He whipped his head towards it. Jenny gave him a sad smile before flashing a torch in his eyes. He winced back before relaxing. Jenny had been a nurse in a previous life before turning to crime. Dick loved her the moment she stepped foot into his territory demanding to give some low-life medical care that he didn't deserve and she was quickly adopted into the gang. She worked as a personal doctor for Dick and David whilst doing small patch-up jobs on the other members. 

"Where's Dick?" David asked. The other's brown eyes sparkled with sorrow before she told him.

"He's been kidnapped. I think it was The Snakes. They attacked your private base remember?" He wracked his brain for answers but he was forced to shake his head. "They've not given us a ransom yet. Most of our members are out on jobs set before the attack so we'll just have to wait to go on the offence," she explained. David sat up with a wince and tried to get out of the gurney before the brunette's hands stopped him. "I don't think so, mister. You've got one hell of a concussion and you need rest."

"Rest? Dick is with The Snakes and I'm supposed to rest?" he snapped.  

"Yes, you are because if you go in there with a concussion like that, you'll get him and yourself killed. I've got a cruise to pay for and I'll be damned if either of you dies before payday," Jenny snapped back. He glared at her but laid back down. He couldn't believe he'd let this happen. Trust that the moment they relaxed somewhere for the weekend something like this would happen. Dick trusted him to protect him no matter what and now look where the acrobat was. He didn't doubt that his boyfriend was holding his own but he shouldn't have to. "Perhaps you could call in some support?" Jenny suggested, knowing he would hate the idea. 

"Dick will kill me if I bring in any of the bats and the bats will kill me for being with Dick," he reminded her. 

"I didn't say the bats. I said support. There's always the League." He hummed unhappily. Even so, Dick might still be mad at bringing in heroes. He'd always been iffy with their involvement and honestly, he felt the same. Every conversation he had with the heroes left him feeling gross. Like he was a stain on their favourite shirt. "You need their help, David. I know you two want to keep to yourselves but you can't play knight in shining armour when for the next week you're gonna get migraines and bouts of confusion. We don't have the people to do this either." He stayed silent, making her sigh. "Rest for now."

After a couple of hours of mentally debating it and feeling like his head was splitting, David decided this was enough of an emergency to warrant outside help. If The Snakes didn't ask for a ransom then they didn't plan on giving Dick back. If they didn't want to give him back, what were they going to do? Probably something drawn out and gruesome to send a message. The risk was too great and David was anxious to see his boyfriend again. He didn't like not knowing where he was and he hated that he wasn't there to protect him. Yes, the ex-hero could very easily take care of himself, he just didn't want him to. David didn't want him to feel like he had to take care of himself anymore after years of thinking it was the only option.

Jenny gave him the clear to get up and about after giving him some painkillers. She wasn't entirely pleased with him driving or going on a mission but he assured her that he'd taken her advice before he went back to their main base. 

There was a phone there that was locked in a box hidden beneath the bed. This phone had the contact details of the Leaguers Dick still held dear to his heart that hadn't disowned him. He kept it locked away to keep their identities safe and if anyone breathed a word about a locked box he'd kill them and whoever they said it to. Strict yes but he didn't fuck around when it came to secret identities, something he worked hard to maintain even when he came out as Nightwing during the career change. 

David and he were the only ones with keys to the box, even then, David had only gotten the keys after a series of tests and on the condition that if any information was leaked, he'd be up shit creek without a paddle. The ginger opened the box and turned on the phone. He scrolled through the contacts with a frown. Who could he deal with the most? Who wouldn't make him feel like he'd besmirched a perfect hero even though he'd become a villain prior to their relationship? 

Flash immediately came to mind so he began a group chat with him first. David guessed he'd need two more if he was taking on a whole gang with himself not in top gear and Dick being potentially hurt. Who else? Wonder Woman. She was hesitant at first but had really warmed up to David. She told him once that she was happy that Dick found him. She thought he was grounding. She was added. He scrolled right past Superman (too goody-goody) and Green Arrow (too full of himself.) Black Canary, now that was someone he could stand and he'd always had a bit of a soft spot for. Favourite heroes and all that. She was the last to be added. He went to the group call option and hoped they were all on world rather than fighting some unknown alien invasion. 

After an agonizing few seconds, all three picked up. "Dick?" they all asked nervously. 

"Dick's been kidnapped. I don't have the men necessary to get him back without risking too much. You guys were his emergency contacts. Are you able to gather at the base in downtown Bludhaven?"

"Is that the one near the Dunkin Donuts or the Starbucks?" Flash asked. 

"Starbucks." There was an affirmative grunt from all three. "I'll explain more when you get here."

"Got it! Be there in a flash."

Within twenty minutes, the three heroes were outside of the base doors. He let them in and led them to the room Dick usually explained his plans in. They say absence makes the heart grow fonder but right now his heart was doing nothing but ache. David had the layout of the base his boyfriend was being kept in and he'd already scrawled all over it in red pen. 

"Wonder Woman, you're with me. We'll go in through the front. Flash you'll meet us in this main area once you've taken out the reinforcements. Black Canary I need up on the roof. You'll drop down if things go south," David explained, pointing to the different scribbles. Nobody could read his handwriting. Well, no one except Dick which always made him smile. He'd always translate his scrawling during meetings. Wow, he'd gone soft since knowing the acrobat. How that man turned him from a cold killing machine to a lovesick teenager would be a mystery to him. 

"Sounds good. How're you coping by the way?" Flash asked. David raised an eyebrow at him.

"What does that have to do with anything?" he replied.

"Dick wouldn't want you being too stressed out over this. He's just making sure you're alright since Dick can't," Black Canary explained. 

"I'll be alright when Dick's with me again. Until then, my emotion doesn't matter." They shot him worried looks but he didn't care. He cared about getting his boyfriend back in one piece. Flash put a hand on his shoulder and patted him. 

"It'll be okay. He's probably singing ninety-nine bottles to annoy them. Maybe he's even broken out already and is sitting there waiting to dramatically reveal to us how he took down an entire gang by himself." David wanted to believe that. He really did. But there was a pit at the bottom of his stomach and a voice telling him Dick isn't okay. He just knew he wasn't okay. That didn't mean dead or dying, it just meant hurt. Potentially really hurt. 

"Let's just go get him."

The Snakes were no match for the combined force of the superheroes and David but their leader wasn't stupid enough to leave Dick on his own. He knew the bond between the bodyguard and his captive was the safest place for him to be. David had gotten a small headache from overexerting himself but he didn't care about that right now. His mind was set on the prize. 

Wonder Woman turned a blind eye to his gun use on the condition that he kept the shooting to nonlethal areas though being shot anywhere could lead to death. He reluctantly agreed. She waved him over to a doorway once they finished off the men guarding the entrance. He hid slightly behind her and followed her eyeliner. 

The doorway led to a room lit by a few bright overhead lights. The sides of it were shrouded in shadows, giving them a good place to hide. Dick was tied to a pole, his arms stuck in an uncomfortable position and his wrists were bound in ropes that looked far too tight as it was turning his skin red. David scowled to himself at the sight. His boyfriend looked barely conscious whilst blood trickled down from his nose and bruises blossomed on his face. The few bruises around his neck caught their eyes the most. They looked freshly done. 

Beside him stood the leader of the Snakes. He'd only just been put in place as leader and David was going to make sure he didn't stay in power much longer. David and Wonder Woman spied Flash's bright red suit coming from the doorway on the left and they gave him the signal to wait. They glanced up and got a thumbs up from Black Canary to show she was in place. 

"I'll go out first so you three can catch him off-guard," David whispered. Wonder Woman nodded and signalled that to Flash. It took a few times but he eventually got the message. David reloaded his gun before stepping through the doorway and walking out of the shadows. He raised his gun only for the other man to place a gun to his boyfriend's head, drawing out a whine. "Let him go," David demanded. 

"Or what? Do you have any idea how much he's worth now Batman won't save him? A lot of high-paying criminals will give me anything I want for just a few minutes alone with him," the criminal responded. "I've already let a few of my guys have some fun with him when he wouldn't stop singing nursery rhymes." He knelt down beside the acrobat and grabbed a fistful of his hair so he was looking up at David. He whimpered, too tired to protest any further. "They had a lot of fun." That was the last straw.

"Fine. You brought this one yourself," David growled. He put his fist up and the three heroes ran in. 

Black Canary smashed the glass on the roof, screeching as she did so the man dropped his gun in favour of protecting his eardrums. As she landed, Wonder Woman dashed in and forced the Snakes' leader to the ground. Whilst the women took care of him, Flash and David ran over to Dick who didn't seem to have a clue what was going on. 

"David?" he asked quietly, his eyes open just a crack. There was a gurgle to his voice that made both men worried about the acrobat. That couldn't mean anything good. 

"I'm here. I've got you now," David answered, gently putting his hand on the other's face. Dick smiled and leaned into his hand. "Flash, I need you to take him to Jenny. She's pitched up at the place Dick showed you last month." The speedster nodded and finished untying the ropes, picking up the injured "villain" carefully as to not make things worse. "I'll see you there Dickie," David said before kissing his lover on the forehead. He gave a nod and Flash ran off. He turned his attention to the man lying on the floor. He was unconscious and bruised but that wasn't enough. The women knew it wasn't enough for the hitman. 

"We better get back to the Watchtower. For the record, we were knocked out when you decided what you wanted to do with him," Black Canary told him. 

"Thank you."

"No need. Let us know how Dick is when you get the chance," Wonder Woman replied. The heroes ran out so they could plead ignorance when David did what he believed to be necessary. They wouldn't have done that for any other criminal but he was dear to them and they would be lying if they said they didn't want to do the same. A single gunshot rang out but they didn't hear it.

When David got back, Dick was asleep with Flash at his side. He sat on the edge of the bed and took his boyfriend's hand. 

"Jenny says he's on bed rest for the next couple of weeks. The gurgling we heard wasn't that sinister. A tooth was knocked out and the blood was still in his mouth," Flash explained. David hummed. He didn't want to respond much more than that. "He'll be okay."

"I'm aware. You should go before Batman finds out where you really are. I'm not dealing with his drama whilst Dick is like this," David said. He wasn't lying entirely. He couldn't deal with Batman's drama right now but he also didn't want Flash there. He wanted to be alone with his boyfriend. Flash seemed to catch onto that and nodded, not pushing to be there

"Alright. Tell me how he is when he wakes up," he responded, disappearing. 

Now finally alone with his boyfriend, David could be affectionate. He kissed his hand and petted his hair in hopes of comforting him. Dick grumbled something under his breath as his eyes fluttered open. He looked tired but it didn't surprise David that he didn't stay asleep for long. He was always horrible at sleeping. Dick grinned at him despite the pain he must be in, clearly relieved to see him. 

"Looks like one of us got the short end of the stick, huh?" The hitman tutted and lightly pressed his lips against the acrobat's. He didn't want to go much further for fear of hurting him. He felt Dick smile against his lips and couldn't help but return it with a smile of his own. Of course, it was nothing compared to the seemingly indestructible smile his lover had. 

"I'm sorry," he whispered as they parted.

"What for?"

"For this. I should've known they'd retaliate," David explained. "I should've protected you better. I pushed you to send so many people out at the same time. I left us defenseless."

"Don't do that to yourself. Neither of us knew this attack would happen. We underestimated a change in leadership. Now we know we can't," Dick assured him. "You're my boyfriend first. bodyguard second." He pulled the ginger in for another light kiss to quiet his mind. 

"Well, we don't need to worry about him anymore. I took care of it."

"Why thank you. What a gentleman you are," Dick joked. 

"Mhm, now get to sleep. I'll be right here."



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