Did you get normal butter this time?

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 requested this but I think they changed their name? I can't find their request - which is why i prefer you message me privately rather than comment things because my pea brain can't remember shit - so I couldn't flush out some details 

It's probably been like five years since I last watched Teen Titans all the way through and I shit you not whenever i remember that scene where Robin stood expressionless, arms folded, in front of a boom box that was so loud it was making his hair go back I have to giggle

Our man said eardrums be damned i'm listening to dubstep full volume and it fuckin cracks me up

Today was Friday and Friday was grocery day. Robin was in one of those moods where he never wanted to go outside again aside from at night and the only people he wanted to talk to were his team. Due to this, he stayed home whilst his team went out. He decided that he would clean up whilst they were out so he could pull his weight and he'd sent the team out with a shopping list because there was no way in hell he was going to let those slightly grown-up children to get everything they needed. At one point, he couldn't go with them because he was on bed rest and they came back with sweets, crisps (fuck you), and fizzy drinks. When Robin asked if they got butter, he was presented with cookie butter. How any of them stayed in shape was a mystery. He supposed they did learn their lesson as halfway through the week they were begging for something substantial. So, this time, he trusted them to follow the list and only deviate a few times. He began doing the dishes, putting on the boombox so he had something to listen to. The tower felt too quiet without everyone. 

After finishing the dishes, he moved on to moping up when he heard the door behind him open. He counted the footsteps, finding that there were way more than just his team. He played it cool, pretending he didn't hear the noise and glanced to the pans that reflected the living room. He scowled when he saw who it was and huffed to himself. He really wasn't in the mood. "Get out," Robin stated. Standing only a few feet away was his family. At least, it was his previous family. They were nothing more than colleagues now. When Robin was almost taken from him, they all agreed with Batman so they could piss off before they even attempted to say anything to him. Well, anything other than sorry but he doubted any of them would. Each of them he'd put trust in and each of them stabbed him in the back. His team, Young Justice, agreed that perhaps being Robin was simply too dangerous at his age. Maybe he could train for a while and then come back. He left before they could continue their argument. The main seven of the league: Aquaman, Batman, Flash, Green Lantern, Martian Manhunter, Superman, and Wonder Woman. His scowl harshened further at the sight of his old mentor. Batman was the one to start all this.  He decided that this was all necessary. Dickhead.  His friends stood by him too. They said he should come back to the hero gig when he was better prepared or not come back at all. They offered he could join the police force or work somewhere with the law. Maybe he could be a lawyer. They all knew that wouldn't be enough for Robin so he left them behind too. Then there was Roy. The last person he saw before leaving. He expected some sort of support but Roy agreed with the team and the League. Robin got him hurt too many times. That was the final push to leave. Jump City would be his new home and he left before anything could be set in place. "We just want to talk," Miss Martian stated.

"You have plenty of other people to talk to," Robin replied. "So get out of my tower and never come back."

"Look we know we weren't fair to you when your title was taken and you've grown so much with the team you have here so we believe you're ready to be part of the League. Properly," Wonder Woman added. She expected Robin to look at her with that excited look she missed so much but he looked unfazed. He hardly spared her so much as a glance. Robin continued to mop and act like he was alone in the room. "C'mon Dick, we messed up but we're trying to make things better," Kid Flash insisted. The use of his previous name made him slam the mop into the bucket and glare at his former best friend. Someone he'd once thought of as a brother. 

"Don't ever use that name. Dick died in Gotham when you all decided he was too weak. I'm Robin now and I'll remain Robin unless I find a title that feels better," he growled.

"Mistakes were made but we're offering you a major position in the Justice League. Isn't that everything you wanted?" Aquaman asked. 

"I wanted a family, respect, and my title to be mine. Here, I get that and I've come to realize that I never had that with you," Robin answered. 

The room went silent as the heroes tried to find something to say. They clearly didn't think it would be this hard to lure him back in but he wasn't stupid. This was something to smooth things over because they couldn't deal with the guilt. Robin couldn't care one bit how their consciences felt. He didn't want to join them. It would take him from his team here, the one that respected him and cared for him. "Robin, I admit that I handled this poorly. I should've allowed you to decide for yourself on whether you wanted to be a hero or not. Trying to retire you early wasn't a good idea," Batman admitted. It was some sort of apology but that wouldn't be enough. 

"Say whatever you want but I won't humour you with forgiveness nor with joining the League. A group that blindly follows one member is a group I want no business in," Robin replied. He folded his arms and maintained his hard stare. "You failed me once and you'll do it again. I'm staying with the Teen Titans."

"But you're a tiny group! The Justice League is so much more. We can offer you better resources, better missions, better everything," Green Lantern insisted.

"My team is small but we have plenty of Titan branches across the world. As for resources and missions, we've got all that. I've seen different worlds, I've met so many new people, I've been able to be Robin without Batman. I'm more than a sidekick here."

"You've always been more than a sidekick. You were a valued member of the team," Aqualad insisted. "And you can come back to us. You'll be part of the Justice League as more than a protege and you can join me as co-leader. You've shown yourself perfectly capable of such a position."

"I'm not coming back. End of. Now, leave before my team comes back. Their welcome won't be nearly as warm as my own."

"We're not leaving without you," Superman proclaimed. "Your home is in Gotham. Your home is with us."

"My home is here and right now, none of you are welcome here." He went back to mopping when he felt Superboy's hand grab his arm tightly. Robin stared him dead in the eye. "I'm going to give you ten seconds to let go of me before I take matters into my own hands and force all of you to go."

"You can't stand a chance against all of us," the clone stated.

"Make that five seconds."

"Are you sure he won't mind, friend Cyborg?" Starfire asked. They followed the list but when they got to the part where Robin had written "all of you pick snacks and treats for the week" they may have gone overboard. "He said that we could get snacks and treats," he reminded her.

"You and Beast Boy bought sixteen pints of cookie dough ice cream. I doubt that's what he intended," Raven deadpanned. 

"Then Rob should've been clearer," Beast Boy defended. They all took two bags each since they had so much food and went into the tower. They continued to bicker over how mad their leader would be with Starfire often pointing out that they got him some sweet treats too so he can't be that mad. The elevator pinged and they walked into the living room only to be met with plenty of heroes they had a grudge with and their leader. Superboy held their leader's arm tightly but they saw how calm Robin looked so they stayed quiet. The group hadn't noticed them yet and they decided that whatever was going on needed to be dealt with without their intervention. Did that mean they weren't going to stay and watch this trainwreck? God no. They were going to stay and enjoy the mess even if their ice cream would melt. Robin began counting, the heroes tensed up as they did. When he got to five, he swept his leg under Superboy's legs and pushed him into the group which successfully knocked over Artemis. He grabbed the small battle staff he kept on his person and pressed the button to elongate both points. He pressed another button and sparks of electricity danced along the points. "One last chance since I'm feeling especially merciful today," Robin announced. He got into a fighting stance as he waited for their reply.

"And we said we're not leaving without you."

"So be it." He threw a smoke bomb at the ground, obstructing everyone's view. Luckily, Cyborg had installed infrared CCTV cameras just in case and he could pull up a holographic feed for the team to watch. What could he say? He wasn't going to miss out on the action and neither were they. Robin attacked the two speedsters first, shocking them then cuffing their feet together. He then shocked Miss Martian and whilst she was disorientated threw her into Aqualad. Batman and Superman double-teamed the young hero but ended up punching one another when he slipped between them. He shocked both of them as payback then went after Green Lantern. Robin hit him over the head and stole his ring, shocking him then handcuffing him to Flash. Superman threw another punch but that was dodged and Robin grabbed his fist, using it to swing onto the hero's shoulders then he threw all his weight back but flipped off before he could hit the ground alongside Superman. Wonder Woman grabbed him from behind and held him tightly as Martian Manhunter tried to grab his legs. Bad choice. As soon as the alien was close, Robin pushed off him and flipped back so the hero's arms were twisted in such a way that she could no longer hold onto him. Then he shocked her and pushed her into the martian. He'd only just broken a sweat at that point. Aquaman decided it was no longer worth the fight and went to help his fellow heroes who were rubbing the back of their heads from hitting them against the floor. Most of those who got knocked down stayed there, finding the prospect of getting their ass beat not worth getting up. The smoke began to clear and only Batman was left standing. "I know you have another Robin," Robin stated.

"It wasn't a planned replacement. He was a boy who needed a title as you did."

"You gave him a title that was already filled." He threw a punch at his mentor which was dodged so he went for a kick but Batman grabbed his foot. He went to throw him but Robin got out of his grip and dropped down, shocking his mentor in the legs. Batman fell down and rolled out of the way as an electric battle staff nearly hit him in the chest. "You know what? I'm glad I meant that little to you that I could be replaced just months after I left." He sighed to himself and paused the battle. He looked around at his past family. "I'm glad I meant so little to all of you." 

Robin pressed two buttons and the electricity stopped before the staff collapsed in on itself. He glanced over to the team who tried (and failed) to look nonchalant as though they'd only just walked in. He smiled at them and walked over. "Did you get normal butter this time?" he asked, glancing at the bags. 

"Yep. We got you plenty of cereal and we remembered the milk this time," Cyborg answered. 

"So the list helped, good to know. Let's get this stuff put away," he continued. 

"What about our guests?" Raven inquired. There was a hint of a smile on her face. She couldn't help but feel proud of the guy. It must've been hard to be ganged up on by his previous family yet he was icy cold. "They're leaving soon. Aren't you?" The group of heroes got to their feet and looked at Batman for what they did next.

"You weren't replaced, Robin."

"And all of you haven't emotionally scarred me. Y'know, since we're not telling the truth anymore." Wonder Woman put a hand on The Dark Knight's shoulder and shook her head, signalling that keeping this going was useless. All of them had prepared for this to happen but they hadn't expected it to actually happen. Robin had always been so forgiving as a kid and now it seemed they'd pushed their luck. Batman took one last look at his protege before relenting. It was no use and he had to come to terms with the fact that he only had one foster son now though he'd never truly cut all ties with the boy he'd come to know so well. "Concentrate on your new kid. Maybe you'll understand you can't just train children to become you," Robin said. His eyes studied each of his previous colleagues. "My family is here now and I'm not coming back for the foreseeable future so don't wait up." The heroes hung their heads and left, unable to say anything in their defeat. 

"Are you alright?" Starfire asked, moving to stand beside Robin. 

"Yeah. I'm gonna go make sure they leave. Put all that stuff away, will you?" They nodded and watched him leave for the security room. 

Robin watched the groups leave, using the Bioship and the Invisible Jet irrespectively. He stared at them for a moment before flicking to the cameras in Gotham. He knew the new Robin. Jason Todd. Currently, he was walking home from school, talking to some school friends. Robin sighed to himself as he watched. "Don't worry Jay, you've got at least one person looking out for you. I'll make sure nothing happens to you."

Teehee final angst uwu

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