Guess I'm just used to it

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flashbossXD requested this one and was nice enough to work with my boundaries so I hope this was good even though it wasn't your original proposal!!

TW: SEIZURES (idk if this is a trigger but it could be upsetting)

here are some of the places I got the info from and some support websites you might find helpful - as always if I've gotten something wrong please let me know so I can change it :)

Maybe it was because he never thought to ask or maybe it was because he assumed it would be brought up given the nature of it, either way, Batman was wholly unprepared to see a small fitting child on the rooftop of some old brewery on a stake out. He'd noticed that Robin had been quiet for some time but he'd been preoccupied with maintaining vigilance on the entrance to Gotham's newest meth lab. Then he'd heard a thud followed by frantic shuffling. He'd initially thought that Robin was just fighting off pins and needles in his own weird way but when he turned to check he was met with a seizure. Panic surged through him but he urged himself to remain calm and recall what little training he had in treating seizures. He quickly unclipped his cape and rolled it into a ball to make a pillow, putting it under Robin's head to at least cushion it from the concrete. The white lenses of the domino mask hid his eyes but Batman was sure that they were rolling upwards and was silently thankful for not being able to see it. 

"It'll be alright chum, you'll be okay," he said quietly, his voice shakier than he would've liked. He'd seen some horrific sights as Batman but it felt so different when it was someone he knew in trouble and in need of help that he simply didn't know how to give. He couldn't tear his eyes away both to ensure Robin was safe and frankly because he couldn't. It was like a car crash and he was watching the car continue to roll across the road flipping over and over knowing someone was inside it. He didn't think to call Alfred for assistance on what to do or contact Leslie to get a run-through of what was appropriate. Instead, he was frozen, stuck watching. 

It felt like an eternity before the shaking subsided but in reality, it had been barely a minute before Robin made a sound that seemed like a strangled whimper and seemed to be coming out of the episode. 

"Robin? I'm going to put you into the recovery position, okay?" he announced. There was a small hum of approval and he gently moved the boy into the more suitable position, making sure that they were able to face one another. 

"Did I have a fit?" Robin questioned after a minute of adjusting. He said it very calmly and completely unphased by what happened, totally unlike how Batman thought he'd be talking after having a seizure.

"A fit- Is this a pre-existing thing?" He nodded. "And you didn't think to tell me? Are you supposed to be taking medication?" Again he nodded. 

"Ran out Monday," he explained. Batman didn't even know he had any!

"Monday? Why didn't you say?"

"Happened sometimes." He didn't know what to say to that. Instead, he called off patrol and got his kid home.

Later, Bruce would find out that there were instances where Dick was unable to receive medication due to some too short stops in different countries at inconvenient times. He was taken aback by how frank the boy had been explaining he had epilepsy and he was used to seizures happening every now and then. Dick was clear about his warning signs and his symptoms, when was too long and when wasn't, and was able to remember some of the medication he'd been on in the past although they varied in language. Leslie was quick to figure out which one he needed to refill and confirmed that, although she wasn't happy about a nine-year-old in spandex fighting crime in the first place, as long as they maintained his prescription Robin could still make appearances although they had to keep an eye out for the odd seizure or two because the medication could only do so much. From that day forth, Bruce was on top of everything to do with Dick's seizures and easily fell into the habit of ensuring medications were refilled. It became like a second nature which unfortunately bit him in the ass years later.

"Team sleepover!" Wally announced when he entered the living room, followed by loud whooping as he showed off the backpack full of snacks. This would be the first sleepover for M'gann and Connor so he only brought the best snacks that he definitely didn't guilt Barry into buying for him. Canary rolled her eyes at him and took the backpack away so she could add his contributions to the nice spread they had going. Green Arrow had met the same fate as the speedster's mentor and bought a corner shop's worth of snacks for the evening. "Where's Rob? He promised to meet me by the tubes."

"Batman needed him for something last minute," Canary explained. "He shouldn't be too long from what I gathered. They're putting together some case notes."

"Does that mean he won't be available for our mission this week?" Kaldur asked.

"Oh, he'll be there even if I have to drag him out of Gotham myself," she assured him. They'd been seeing less of Robin in the past month mostly due to the sheer amount of cases he was in charge of. As if Gotham couldn't get any more crime-ridden, there'd been a recent spike in crimes conducted in too similar a many to be a coincidence which of course meant all hands were on deck to put a stop to it. They all worried for him at times like these since work was stressful enough when exam season wasn't coming up and now he had all this going on. He insisted he was fine though they didn't quite believe him. Sure he was basically a veteran of the game but he was still only thirteen. "He should be here soon but I'm sure he won't mind if you start the movie without him."

About halfway through the movie, the robotic voice announced the arrival of Robin and a few moments later he stumbled into the room before collapsing onto the closest sofa. The sofa wasn't empty so he ended up laying across Connor and M'gann, neither of which really minded their human blanket. Connor poked at his face curiously to make sure he was actually alive and got his confirmation when his hand was batted away. 

"Well hello to you too," M'gann greeted with classic sitcom delivery. 

"Looks like someone's crashing," Wally commented. 

"I'm fine, just had to do a quick patrol. Then finish English. Then fix my fear toxin antidote because the formula changed yet again," he listed, making himself comfortable. He'd gotten better at being more affectionate with his friends, the same affection the Leaguers were used to, and none of them was complaining. The job could be hard sometimes and it was nice to get a random hug or some dramatic show of affection and trust. "Give me like twenty minutes and I'll be back to myself."

"You better. I'm not playing against Artemis on Mortal Kombat, she always hits me whether I win or lose," Wally pouted.

"I'm excitable," Artemis defended. 

It all happened so suddenly. Robin said he needed to get some air, something about feeling sick or not quite right, only when he stood up and walked barely three steps he collapsed to the floor in a shaking heap. His limbs struck out with no thought behind them, his back arched against the floor and his head was creating a loud thumping noise from being thrown back. Canary immediately got to her feet to be by his side whilst the team watched in frozen horror. Robin was from Gotham so their immediate thought was some villain gave him something when he was patrolling that was now coming into effect. Canary grabbed a couch cushion and put it underneath the teen's head but even she was shaken up, unable to do much else other than watch. She knew she was supposed to time how long these things lasted for the eventual medical appointment so she attempted to use that to keep her calm. Still, seeing Robin have a seizure out of the blue completely out of control was something that made her sick to her stomach.

"What's happening?" M'gann asked, fear gripping her voice.

"A seizure," the older answered. 

"Oh, oh I heard putting a cold metal spoon in people's mouths stops them," Artemis offered. She made an attempt to get up but she was immediately shut down by her fellow blonde.

"That's an old wives tale, it'll only make him break a tooth. We just have to wait for it to end."

"But what if it doesn't end?" Connor questioned.

"It will end," she stated although she wasn't as confident as she may have sounded.

"What caused it?"

"He said he was stressed but I've never seen him have a seizure from that even during the busy seasons," Wally suggested. Suddenly those Cheetos weren't sitting well but he was doing everything in his power to keep them down. The last thing they needed was to clean up his vomit. "Maybe a head injury?"

"Batman wouldn't have sent him here if he had any injury worthy of causing a seizure," Kaldur stated. "Perhaps it's a condition?"

"I've never seen him have a seizure," Wally insisted. His eyes were fixed on his bucking friend, unable to look away for fear of missing something. He had super speed so he reasoned he'd be able to stop a particularly serious blow to the head if he saw it coming but he hadn't seen the seizure coming at all. Nobody did. In all the years he knew Robin, through thick and thin, the acrobat had never once mentioned any sort of pre-existing condition that could do this. 

"Fuck, this is so bad," Artemis muttered under her breath. All the colour had drained from his face, leaving him ghostly pale which only added to the horror. Then Connor winced and stood up to get a glass of water. "Thirsty work watching him?"

"I heard him bite through his tongue. He gave me water when I did it once," he explained, crouching beside the fallen hero with the water in hand. For a second they thought he'd pour it on Robin but he was patient and just kept it close for when it was needed. 

"Coming up to two minutes. If this doesn't stop soon, we're going to have to get someone more experienced," Canary commented.

Less than thirty seconds later, the shaking began to slow into little more than aftershocks and they were able to move him into the recovery position. He was conscious, they knew that for sure as his eyes flicked around the room to familiarise himself once again with his surroundings. He smacked his lips and cringed when he tasted the metallic liquid swirling in his mouth. They'd expected him to be more panicked about suddenly finding himself on the floor since even the toughest of heroes would be a little worried about having a seizure just trying to get some air but he seemed to be rather calmly recollecting himself. He reached out, his hand finding Connor's knee, and he squeezed as if to test his strength. 

"Robin, you've just had a seizure. We're going to get you some help okay?" Canary announced when she was sure he was able to concentrate on what she was saying. His eyebrows furrowed together and he shook his head, swiftly regretting that idea and having to squeeze his eyes shut. "This isn't something I'm letting you pass on. We need to know what caused it."

"Medication," he mumbled, continuing to squeeze Connor's knee at different intervals. His voice was floaty as though he was just about to fall asleep which they weren't sure if was a good or a bad sign. "Switched it."

"You're taking medication for this? Why wasn't I told?"

"You don't take medication for this, I've never seen you take it," Wally argued. 

"Take it with breakfast," he answered back defensively. "Not a fan of this one." 

"No, I wouldn't have thought you would," Artemis commented. "So, do we still need to get you to a doctor or?" He waved his hand dismissively so they took that as a no.

"I'm going to kill Batman for not telling me this was a condition. I'll have to add it to your file."

"Bit embarrassing," Robin complained. They could only shake their heads at him. Of course, he'd find it embarrassing to disclose rather than worth mentioning. "Think 'm going back on the other one."

"I wouldn't be surprised," Canary agreed. "What do we do?"

"Gimme a minute."

"Enough time at me to go yell at your mentor then." She ran her fingers through his hair to keep it out of his eyes before getting up and disappearing out of the room. A few minutes later they heard her chewing her fellow hero out for keeping this potentially vital information from her and the League included. Robin just laughed to himself.

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