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_GetTraughtOrGetDead wanted me to do something with Tiger and I tried my best with my limited knowledge


It was pitch black and the air was thick with dust. Tiger couldn't see a thing beneath the rubble which came as no surprise given it's rubble and he failed to be both irradiated or born on an alien planet. 

Of course, something like this would happen on the mission where he was stuck with the chatterbox that was Dick Grayson. The building had collapsed on them just as they were about to finish up too. They were so close to going their separate ways but now they had to wait for Spiral to find them. Wonderful. Potential hours with an idiot who only knew to shut his mouth when it was life or death. Even then, he struggled to understand when that was. 

"Welp, we're in a predicament aren't we?" Dick commented. "You know, this isn't even the first time I've been buried alive."

"Don't start," Tiger snapped. The other chuckled at him. There was some shuffling then a sharp hiss but he couldn't be sure if it was from a burst pipe, the rubble settling or from another person trapped with them. He couldn't get his bearings but he did know he was rather lucky to sit in a small air pocket with nothing pressing on top of him. He had some space to move and air to breathe. He couldn't ask for more than that.

"How long till Spiral comes?" 

"Anywhere from 1 to 4 hours. I only just sent out the distress signal." He heard more whines like someone was hurt. Intrigue took over and he rooted through some supplies, feeling for anything that could light up the room. He didn't find anything. His curiosity would have to remain peaked until they were dragged out. 

"That's so long," Dick complained. "You wanna play something? Would you rather maybe?" 

"I'd rather save my oxygen."

"Oh yeah that's something we should keep an eye on, isn't it? Silly me," he replied. There was a shake to his voice, one that couldn't be hidden by its jolly tone. Tiger squinted in the direction of the voice, sceptical of him. 

"Injury status?" he asked. There was a long pause. He could almost hear the cogs turning in Dick's head. Despite the incessant noise, the man insisting on being annoying for no reason other than his own entertainment, its absence now was worrisome. If only they had some light in here. 

"It's just a graze," Dick lied. "Let's save oxygen, shall we?"

An hour must've passed when Dick let out a pained groan. Tiger's eyebrows furrowed together. As much as he liked to criticize the other, there was one thing he did have. A high pain tolerance. Whatever injury he'd sustained was much more than a graze and anything bigger than a graze required attention sooner rather than later. 

"Hey, you wanna know something about me? I'm one of the very few people in the world that can perform the quadruple backflip on the trapeze."

"What's that got to do with anything?" 

"Well, friends share things about themselves."

"We're not friends," Tiger corrected. As usual, he shot down the notion that their relationship went any further than acquaintances. Even that was too friendly for his liking. There had to be a level beneath that. Work colleagues? Coworkers? Both were too close to acquaintances.

"Play along, Tony." He tutted at the nickname. "I'll crack you one day...hopefully." The last part was desperate yet was whispered. A desperate comment to someone who wasn't supposed to hear it. Tiger shook his head at the acrobat, deciding to leave the last part ignored as intended. It wasn't his responsibility to pry into every part of his private life. "Cover your earpiece," Dick ordered suddenly. 

"What? Why?"

"Just do it," he tiredly argued back. Tiger rolled his eyes but did it anyway. "You done it?" He grunted in confirmation. "If I ever die, I need you to find someone and tell them I'm sorry for everything. His name's Damian. He lived with Bruce Wayne in Gotham, I don't know if he's still there but if anyone can find him, it's you. Say you're a friend of mine. Tell him I'm proud of him and to not trust everything his dad says because he doesn't always know best. Trust Alfred, he knows everything." His voice was strained as though he was holding back tears. A level of vulnerability was being shown and Tiger didn't really know how to respond to it or if it was his place to even comment on it. They'd never really gotten into personal stuff before. That meant there had to be a special reason for it now and he didn't have the heart to tell him no. 

"Fine," he responded simply. There wasn't much else he could say. Did he want to know what was going on in the darkness? 

"Thanks. You can uncover your earpiece now."

Another hour and Tiger was feeling antsy. His only assurance that Dick was still alive was the soft grunts and whimpers following any sort of movement. Sure Dick was aggravating but he'd rather not be stuck in here with a dead body. Though it would free up space for having another agent. Maybe he could get a better one that didn't talk as often. That had a clear distinction between work and home life. That'd be nice. Then again, he still felt some sort of upset when he thought about Dick being dead. He didn't like him but there was still something. Like an annoying little brother. He hated the guy's guts but if someone else said that he'd have words about it. The man grew on him like black mold on a damp wall.

"Dick, how bad is your injury?" Tiger asked. 

"Look at you making conversation. Maybe I'm rubbing off on you," he answered.

"Answer the question."

"Honestly? Really bad." He sniffled quietly and let out a heavy sigh. "Bleeding wise, I've got two more hours still I'm unsaveable. That's if I don't get some sort of infection from the pole."

"The pole? What is going on over there?" Sick of Dick's cryptic ways, Tiger crawled over to where he heard the man speak. His hand found Dick's clenched fist. He flinched away from him. "It's just me." Tiger reached out into the dark and found a pole that he suspected to be the one his partner had mentioned. He could feel the rust splintering off of it. His hand trailed down it until he reached something wet and heard a squeak of surprise. 

"Don't touch it."

"You've been bleeding out for the past two hours and you decided not to tell me?" Tiger scolded. 

"You couldn't do anything to help anyways. Better you not know than count down the minutes. Time is already going slow."

"Idiot." He moved the pole a little and got a pained yelp. So moving it wasn't an option. He wondered if he could see through it with his knife so at least Dick wasn't pinned to the floor. No doubt he was freezing cold since the concrete was cold to the touch. Low body temperature and blood loss weren't the greatest of combinations. 

"Just...just leave it," Dick ordered weakly. 

"You'll die faster if I do."

"I'll die less painfully if you don't," he retorted. Tiger could hear how laboured his breathing was. Had it always been this bad? "M just gonna rest for a bit."

"Eyes open. You're not dying on me."

"And you say we're not friends," he said through a tired laugh. That wasn't comforting. 

"We're not. I just don't like the idea of being trapped in here with a dead body." 

"Oh." There was some sniffling. "Couldn't let me die thinking any different, huh?"

"You're not dying!" Silence. Too long of a silence. He patted the side of Dick's face. He didn't feel a reaction nor did he hear one. "Dick?" More silence. "Don't you die on me. I'm not getting another partner." He moved the pole a little to see if that jostled the young man awake. Nothing. "Allah, subhanahu wa-ta'ala, I know I have prayed for this man to be taken from my hands but not like this. I may hate him but he doesn't deserve this. No man deserves to die like this."

Dick groaned as he was slowly drawn back into consciousness. He heard the faint sound of a heart monitor steadily beeping in the background and the soft click of a ventilator. He forced his eyes to open but he had to blink a few times before they were used to the light. The room definitely wasn't where he'd last remembered being. It was bright. He remembered the last place being pitch black. He moved his head so he could take in more of the room and whimpered unhappily. 

Something was going on with his side but he couldn't tell what it was. His eyes dragged around the room in a daze before he noticed Tiger sitting in a chair across from him. The man was asleep, his head resting on his shoulder and his arms folded. He looked tired. There were a few healing cuts on his face but nothing too worrisome. The room looked like a hospital room. He guessed Spiral must've dug them out of the last place. The last place...oh that pole was what caused his side to hurt! He went to sit up but let out a strangled cry at how much it hurt. His heart rate spiked alongside his attempt, successfully waking Tiger up. The agent walked over to the bed and forced Dick back down. 

"You're not supposed to move. Are you trying to pop a stitch?"

"What happened?" Dick asked groggily. 

"How much do you remember?"

"I got impaled. You were your usual gruff self. I think I asked you to visit someone? You said something about Allah maybe?" the acrobat recited. His memory was foggy and his mind was yelling at him to go back to sleep. 

"You passed out from the pain. Spiral found us half an hour later. I thought you'd died," Tiger filled in. "You've been asleep for two days." 

"I must've been really tired. How long have you been here?" he asked out of interest. 

"Two days." Dick raised an eyebrow at him but a small smirk spread across his face. "What?"

"You care about me. Ol' Tony the Tiger really does have a heart." Tiger rolled his eyes but decided to let the nickname slip this one time. 

"Get some more rest, idiot." 

Did i do good?

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