if not now then maybe never pt 3

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Readsforescapism requested a continuation very nicely so i have to follow it up

Robin had faced many terrors that your average teenager would never know of nor be able to truly comprehend. Yet, now standing just outside the doorway with his hand against the wall to support him because his legs were shaking, here that once great hero stood terrified of what he'd be met with. Wally knew who Dick was. They'd introduced themselves by their real names faster than anyone could tell them not to so naturally they were best friends. The rest of the team had no idea. He took a deep breath and just pushed himself forward until he was through the doorway and there was no way he could go back now they'd seen him and-


Dick had never regretted an action so fast unless he counted the time he made a "your mum" joke with Bruce. He'd never get over the chill he got and the pure embarrassment of having to explain what the joke meant only to be told it was in bad taste since they were both orphans so he should know better. After that point, those types of jokes were reserved for criminals. 

He studied his friend's reactions to M'gann's outburst as well as his reveal of who he was which had been swiftly taken out of his hands and therefore out of his control. He never did well when things were out of his control and although he could've just about dealt with not controlling how his friends would react to the reveal, he felt horribly violated that he hadn't even been able to get out that he was Dick Grayson. 

Artemis was staring at him with an almost unreadable expression. It looked somewhere between intrigued and annoyed but then again she always looked like that with him. She said it was because he was annoyingly interesting or violently fascinating as a person. He actually liked both of those descriptions. 

Connor and Kaldur were studying him, looking mildly put at ease if not curious by his reveal. He knew both of them had been accepting of his secret identity and didn't declare their distaste for his secrecy half as much as the others. Connor would sometimes mention how he found it odd he could never see Dick's eyes and Kaldur always insisted that he could trust them no matter what he was hiding. Since the mole situation, that felt a little disingenuous but he didn't say anything. 

Wally looked relieved for just a moment but then seemed to catch that Dick was regretting his reveal when M'gann yelled his name. He shot his friend an apologetic look, like he wanted to do something but couldn't think of how to do so. The team could infer from their closeness that Wally already knew about his secret identity but it had never been openly stated and he looked to be debating if now was the time to state that.

M'gann was the easiest to read out of all of them. She looked like a fan who just got the last front seat ticket to their favourite band or was about to have the meet and greet of a lifetime. Her gaze made him feel uncomfortable and itchy like she was picking him apart or pulling up all the photos that she'd seen of him to decide if he was close enough to the idealised version she'd made of him. 

Finally, someone said something to break the minute-long silence since the alien's outburst. Dick hadn't meant to let it stretch on for so long but he didn't know what to do. 

"You know him already?" Connor asked curiously. M'gann nodded excitedly, snatching up one of her teen magazines to show him the evidence. It was a picture of Dick out with a girl with ginger hair, Barbara but her name hadn't been outed yet, both of them were trying to cover their faces from the press. Big bright bold letters spelt "SECRET GIRLFRIEND? FIND OUT MORE INSIDE" and Dick could feel his skin crawl upon remembering that day. Press had followed them for hours and he'd apologized endlessly on the way back home, even warning Gordon about it. The man had ultimately told him to calm down but that didn't make him feel better. Dick glanced over to Wally who looked like he was about to say something but was cut off by the alien.

"He's only like the most famous kid in Gotham! Aside from being Robin of course but he's supposed to be the next ultimate heartthrob! I read all your interviews and you've gotta tell me what's happening with this girl. Is she your girlfriend?" she asked curiously. He drew his shoulders up to his ears and shook his head, feeling suddenly self-conscious. Why did Black Canary convince him this was a good idea? He didn't even get to introduce himself because now they had already met him. This isn't what he wanted and it was taking everything in him not to turn on his heel and run away forever. 

"She's just a friend."

"Aw, I thought she was more than that," she huffed before the excitement picked back up much to Dick's disdain. "This is amazing! Before Artemis used to tell me everything which I couldn't really trust because she hated you but now I'm actually meeting you, I can get it all direct from the source," she exclaimed, seemingly not catching what she'd just said. 

"M'gann!" Artemis scolded before shooting her teammate a look that was just as hard to pin down as her expression beforehand. Dick knew she didn't like him very much but he didn't know she hated him. He tried to reign in the traits he enjoyed as Robin when he was his public persona into something more palatable but if she hated then she must really hate him. His eyes darted over to Wally who was frowning at her but not saying much of anything. Immediately, Dick's mind did what it did best and supplied him with everything that could go wrong if his best friend's crush hated him. He was already coming to the conclusion that he wouldn't have his friend anymore. Why did he reveal who he was, again?

"Why do you hate him?" Connor asked.

"I don't hate him."

"M'gann said you hated him."

"Okay, maybe I hated him before but like in a way people hate rich people-"

"Isn't your mentor rich?" Kaldur pointed out.

"I mean yeah-"

"So you hate your mentor?"

"No! I know who he is."

"You said you knew who Dick was and you know all about his type. You spent like twenty minutes trying to convince me that he was a horrible person because he took the last slice of pizza and bumped into you in the hall," M'gann reminded her. 

"I can get you a new pizza Arty," Dick offered, hoping his anxiety didn't bleed through his joke. He wanted his mask back, the comfort blanket that was Robin. He felt too exposed.

"You've done enough for me," she replied genuinely. "Guess it makes sense now why Bruce Wayne wanted me in that stupid school. Didn't make much sense that Batman would ask his boyfriend on my behalf." Dick raised an eyebrow before remembering the very popular rumour that Batman and Bruce Wayne were dating in secret. A rumour he'd only strengthened for shits and giggles. 

Wally stood up, joining his friend who was still standing out of place away from the couches and wrapped an arm around Dick's shoulders. The younger smiled at the comfort. He used to be quite a cuddly person before work got to him and even though their friendship still had plenty of hugs, he'd insisted that they keep it at least a little professional in front of the team. Would that change though? He could imagine himself letting go with M'gann because she would probably leap at the chance to let him steal hugs but the others not so much. His brain was already overloaded with figuring out what he could and couldn't do. His perfectly crafted persona was gone now and he didn't know where Dick Grayson stood now his mask was gone. 

"How about we just start from the top here? I'm pretty sure Dick wanted to be the one to introduce himself," he announced, pulling him a little closer as he spoke. The ginger must've been waiting for the right moment to cut in or was just enjoying watching his friend lose that hard exterior that would've usually left him unbothered by the comments. Both of those were just as plausible.

"Did I do something wrong?" M'gann asked worriedly. 

"No not really it's just that I was kinda hoping I'd be able to make an impression before you read all that media junk," Dick admitted. "I didn't think Gotham news would, well, make it out of Gotham. I was only expecting Arty here to recognise me."

"Oh, I'm so sorry! Go back out and then come back in and say it," she replied. 

"Wouldn't it be easier to wipe our minds?" Connor asked.

"I don't wipe minds," she huffed, pushing him lightly. He shrugged at her since he was only suggesting the most logical solution. 

"It might be easier to just ask me things," Dick suggested. "Things that preferably don't involve me having a possible girlfriend." They smiled and Wally dragged him to sit on one of the couches. It was such a small move but it felt good to sit down as Dick Grayson. He loved his anonymity but it always felt like it set him apart from the others. Now as he sat down ready to hear their questions, he felt like just another teenager meeting with friends rather than some stoic figure lurking around teammates. "So, what do you wanna know?"

Aww happy ending

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