In my defence, he was a dick

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If you're a fan of my darker stories, please check out my child's new book! So much effort and time have gone into this and I want it to get as many reads as possible to make it worth the effort! 

peachrcses is a simply superb writer so check 'em out!!!


Part of being a hero was to deal with the media in a clean and concise matter. Being both Dick Grayson and Robin meant that he was the best to teach his team how to deal with reporters. He used some footage from interviews other heroes had done and began pointing out the faults and successes. When he got to an interview between Black Canary and someone from the local news, he had to stop himself getting angry. He hated watching this back. Reporters were such dicks when it came to his female hero counterparts. He was asking questions like how come you show so much body? Does your boyfriend know you're out? What does your boyfriend think about your suit? How do you juggle keeping a clean house with being a hero? Black Canary had been rather polite to such a scumbag of a man and this was supposed to be a successful interview. He looked back to his teammates and immediately noticed the disheartened looks on Artemis and M'gann. After showing the clip, he was supposed to say this is what you do but he couldn't. It wasn't fair that they couldn't nip things like this in the bud. They'd have to be nice to avoid a whole page on how much of a bitch they were. He couldn't tell them they had to just deal with these people. "How come her questions were so different to Superman's?" M'gann asked.  

"Because reporters are assholes. If someone comes up to you asking questions like that call me over. You're not suffering through that for the sake of publicity," he replied.

"Won't that reflect badly on us and on you too?" Artemis pointed out. He shrugged.

"I don't give a shit really. Let's continue with the course."

After finishing a mission without blowing up a building, mostly because they weren't allowed to thanks to the mission being in a populated area, the team were met by interviewers just itching have their first interaction with the new round of heroes. Of course, Robin went straight into it without hesitation and gladly answered their questions. Aqualad and Superboy gave one-word answers so they were soon left to themselves since they weren't giving much juicy information. Once he got a report gushing about all the great work he did, Kid Flash found that he loved reporters. Especially flirting with them. That might come back to bite him one day but Robin didn't say anything about flirting. He probably should have though. Artemis and Miss Martian were unfortunately set upon by one of the less reputable reporters. "Hey girls, mind answering a few questions for Channel 63?" a man asked. They nodded nervously. 

"Rob might need you over here in a few minutes," Artemis said as the man introduced himself.

"Gotcha. Give him a chance but if he says anything shady, I wanna know ASAP."

"Sounds good to us," Miss Martian replied.

"This is Johnathan Conner reporting from downtown Central City where none other than the Young Justice team have yet again foiled another villain's plot. We're here with the girls of the team and we're going to have your burning questions answered," he announced, a shit-eating smirk instantly appearing on his face. He turned to the pair and shoved a mic in their faces. They really didn't like him. "Now girlies," he began. They grimaced. They could beat his ass ten times over and he was really calling them girlies? They weren't five. "The public is dying to know if you two have anyone special in your lives."

"Oh, not really," Artemis replied. 

"I'm actually dating Superboy," Miss Martian answered cheerfully. Johnathan grinned. He was a shark and she'd just put blood in the waters. Maybe she shouldn't have said anything at all. 

"It must be lovely knowing you're protected. Considering how you females have a habit of being kidnapped, I'm sure you feel much safer knowing such a strong guy is on your team," he stated.

"We can defend ourselves quite well actually," Artemis snapped.

"I'm sure you do," he replied in a patronizing tone. "But biologically you'll always be weaker than your friends won't you? How do you get around that?"

"Robin, come over here before I kill this guy," Artemis growled.

Within seconds, the small teenager was by their side with a bright smile he always wore for the press. "What's going on here then?" he asked. His presence instantly put his colleagues at ease and they simply let him take over. 

"I was just talking to these two about their hero work that's all."

"Oh then why was telling them they're weak and asking them whether they have boyfriends only to use that information as a way to justify your own misogynistic values necessary hm?" he replied snarkily. The reporter opened his mouth to say something but Robin continued before he could. He hated guys like this and he'd been feeling rather frustrating so this idiot was going to be getting a few weeks of pent up emotion. What could he say? Working with Batman could get annoying very quickly and he'd yet to find a way to deal with it healthily ever since the wall punching ban. "You know, I'll give you a pass just this once considering how high off your tits you are right now."

"I'm not high," Johnathan spat.

"Tsk tsk, I know you're used to lying to yourself but don't try to lie to me. You're high because your eyes are dilated and you're lucky the bright lights of the camera make them smaller so the general public won't notice. By the smell of your breath, you chased whatever you took - I'm feeling cocaine but can't be certain without checking your nose for damage - with shots of rum," Robin began. He was just beginning too. "I couldn't blame you for turning to whatever you took right before you hopped in your shitty news van over here considering your history. You're used to the better high-risk news reports but after your wife left you for that rather dashing man down at the coffee shop who actually looked at her like the fine young woman she is you thought you needed to find yourself. Unfortunately, you found yourself in debt from the prostitutes and drugs you bought to make you feel less lonely in that queen- no king-sized bed but you had to downgrade to a single when you moved into your much smaller apartment in the rougher side of Central. So to pay off your debt you run back to the station begging for your job back but the station has moved past you now, they've got a much younger much more professional guy doing all the stories so you run around like a headless chicken trying to find someone to hire you. Eventually, Channel 63, a channel whos only watchers are the people flicking through the channels at 3 am because they want to pass the time, take you up but you're not even given the good jobs. No, you're given the responsibility to get gossip and you've run dry on content until my team finally ends up in your neck of the woods. Due to your distaste of women, because your wife left you and you've had to pay for sex because not one woman can stand your massive ego nor your rather measly living accommodations, you decided to get back at these two amazing women who stand behind me and that simply won't do so now that I'm done ripping you apart emotionally, I think I'll sum it up in just a few words on what will happen if I ever catch you talking to anyone I know again." Robin cracked his knuckles as a distraction before kicking the man in the balls. As you can imagine, that was incredibly painful considering he was wearing combat boots and he had one hell of a kick. "I'll make sure nobody finds your body," he whispered in Johnathan's ear. He shoved the man onto the floor and turned to his two friends with a smile. "Now how about we get going? We've had enough fun here."

The clip of Robin handing the reporter his ass soon went viral and of course, Batman saw it. Part of him was extremely happy to see his protege defend his teammates like that but the other part knew this was going to be a nightmare. When he got home from being with his teammates, Batman was there to greet him. "You want to tell me anything about tonight?" his mentor asked. He sat in the chair facing the Batcomputer with his arms folded and his eyes narrowed at the boy. 

"In my defence, he was a dick."

"Language," he scolded. "As much as I agree that his actions were uncalled for, you didn't follow protocol when dealing with people like that." Robin rolled his eyes.

"Not everything has a protocol! He got what was coming to him," he snapped. He walked past his mentor confidently. He didn't care if he was grounded, he did what was right. 

"People will talk about this you know. If you mess up at any time, there won't be sympathy from our media."

"I don't care. They hate me anyway. If you don't mind, I'm going to get changed then go to bed. I'm not in the mood to deal with your bull." With that, he went into the changing room and slammed the door behind him. Batman groaned and took a sip of his coffee. Teenagers.

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