It is what it is

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PNGonzalez wanted this because a certain SOMEONE cut their hand whilst chopping and they want to make fun of them


"Hey, Rob?" Artemis called. He glanced up at her with a smile. "I'm gonna regret asking this but how'd you get that scar on your hand?" This was one of the few times he wasn't wearing gloves which they were thankful for since he was rolling out the dough for M'gann. Pizza with bits of material in it didn't sound too appetizing. He paused his rolling and pointed to the long scar that stretched across the top of his palm, below his fingers. 

"Oh this?" he asked to confirm. She nodded. "Well, it's hardly anything sinister if that's what you're thinking."

"It was which now makes me more curious," she replied. 

"I got it because I was dumb."

"That's not nearly interesting enough," M'gann pitched in with a smirk. "C'mon tell us about it!" He rolled his eyes lovingly and got back to rolling the dough. 

"Alright fine. I was nine when it happened..."

Dick always loved the look of a Batarang. They were sleek and sharp, able to cut through the air and hit their target with perfect precision. He was certain he'd be some sort of naturally gifted child when it came to learning how to use them. After all, he'd thrown knives a few times in the circus and gotten them down quite easily. Of course, he wasn't throwing them at someone but the targets they used as a replacement so he wouldn't have practice on a moving person but it was a good beginning. He was sure the knives were close enough to a Batarang so logically he had to be at least a little good at throwing them, right?

"You have to be super careful with these," Bruce told him as he showed off the weapon. He could practically see the stars in the boy's eyes at being so close to them. He would've smiled at that but he had to remain serious. These were very dangerous weapons and he needed to make sure that Dick knew how dangerous they were. "Each side is extremely sharp so you must be careful. You have to hold it at the end between your thumb and finger when you throw it or you'll cut yourself. Got that?"


"I'm trusting you not to cut yourself on this okay? It will really hurt if you do because it will slice right through your skin and possibly your muscle. That means that it could be hard for you to use your hand in the future," Bruce clarified. He was really trying to drill it into the boy's head that this was incredibly dangerous. The last thing he wanted was to stitch the poor boy's hand together. 

"Uh-huh, gotcha B!" 

"Good lad. Now I'm going to give you this and you're going to keep it between your fingers on the end." Dick nodded and gently took it, simply in awe at how sharp it was. "I'm going to turn away just to grab the others so don't do anything. Okay?"


Bruce turned to get the rest of the Batarangs when he heard a hiss of pain and then the sound of metal hitting the floor. He whipped around only to find his ward holding his hand that was gushing red. He looked like he was holding in a laugh but Bruce couldn't see why. There was a river of blood running through his fingers and spilling onto the floor. He rushed over and took hold of his hand, wincing at how bad the cut was. It looked deep. To the bone-deep. 

"I left you for half a second!" Bruce exclaimed. 

"Yeah that's gotta be the fastest I've gotten an injury after you told me specifically not to get the injury," Dick replied matter-of-factly. "It's a lot of blood." He gulped at the sight of it gushing. He couldn't quite feel the pain yet but he could feel the throb of the blood escaping from his body. Bruce carefully took his hand and raised it so it was above his heart to slow the blood loss. 

"Of course, it's a lot of blood!" The acrobat winced at how loud his mentor was and sniffled to himself. 

"Am I in trouble?" he asked quietly, just about ready to burst into tears. Bruce shook his head as he brought him to the medbay, blood dripping on the floor the entire way there. That would be unnerving to clean up. "Are you sure?"

"I'm sure chum," he replied. He picked up the small acrobat and put him on the bed so he could get a better look at the cut. "You freaked me out, that's all. You're going to need stitches so keep your hand above your head whilst I get- what did I just say?" he asked when Dick moved his hand close to his face to get a good look at it. All the colour drained from his cheeks as he stared at it. 

"B, there's white in the cut."

"That's your bone- shit!" Bruce lept forward to catch his falling ward who, upon realizing his bone was showing, fainted.

The team burst out laughing at the image of little Robin fainting and a panicked Batman rushing around. 

"How did you even get hurt that quickly? You're so careful," Connor inquired. Robin shrugged to himself as he moved to put the rolling pin in the washing-up bowl. It was already filled with warm water, soap and whatever they were using before. He began washing it as he answered the question. 

"As careful as I am, I seem to just attract cuts. I could just be standing here and- ow!" He instantly pulled his hand to his chest and looked to see what caused the sharp pain. "Crap."

"What've you done now?" Wally asked, practically teleporting to his side. 

"Cut myself. Must've been a knife in there," he replied. The speedster pulled his hand away from his chest to inspect the cut. It wasn't that deep but the soap had irritated it.

"Haven't you been through enough?" the ginger muttered. "You need a bubble around you at all times."

"That would make kicking ass rather hard."

"Then I'll just have to keep you safe, won't I?" Robin smirked, shoving him lightly.

"That's if I'm not too busy saving you."

"That's cute and all but he's getting blood everywhere," M'gann interrupted.

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