Now we're even

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peachrcses suggested this so i can get rid of my writer's block - let's hope it works

It was a cold day in Gotham and Wally, who'd been unused to how cold it was in the city, was shivering as he attempted to do his homework alongside his boyfriend. He had a long-sleeved jumper on but it was far too thin to keep out the cold. Dick had noticed his shivering out of the corner of his eye and cackled to himself, rolling his eyes at the other's dramatic. "It's not that cold," he taunted. 

"It is too! Antarctica is warmer than this place," the ginger complained. He could hardly keep his handwriting legible because he was shivering so much. Granted it wasn't that understandable in the first place with the pace he wrote at but still. 

"You're being overdramatic." He huffed at the other. Wally was never his opinion. He was being perfectly dramatic. It was a well suited dramatic reation for the situation. He bet Dick was just as cold but was using some sort of Bat mind over body trick to prevent the shaking because there was no way he wasn't cold. The acrobat was so much thinner and was wearing a short-sleeved shirt it was physically impossible for him not to be cold. Wally waited for Dick to get back to his work, something to do with math but Wally hadn't listened when he was telling him about it, then slid his hand underneath the smaller's shirt and pressed his freezing hands against his back. Dick gasped and batted his hands away with a scowl. "Hey! Hands off the merchandise!" he exclaimed, jumping away.  

"There! I am not being overdramatic, I'm cold," Wally argued. "Can't we take a break so I can warm up?"

"You can take a break but I'm doing my work. Get under the covers or something," the acrobat answered. Definitely not the desired response. Again, his boyfriend huffed at him. He stuck out his tongue in response. 

After a grand total of one minute passed by, Wally was fed up of being curled up alone under the covers. He quickly wrapped his arms around the smaller's waist and pulled beneath the covers before rolling on top of him. He pinned the teen down with a smug smirk to make sure he couldn't wriggle away. Dick went bright red at how close their faces were and somehow got redder when they locked eyes. Wally silently asked permission, flicking his eyes between those sapphire blues and the smaller's lips, and Dick answered by locking their lips together. The ginger loosened his grip around his Dick's wrists and brought his hands to cup the other's face. Dick gasped a little since his hands were still cold which gave him the devilish idea to slip them under the other's shirt to get him to gasp again. When he did, Wally slipped his tongue into his mouth. Their tongues battled for dominance but Dick let Wally win on this occasion. He put his arms around the ginger's neck to keep them together and gently tugged on his hair every so often.

Bruce glanced at the time and thought he may as well check up on the couple upstairs. They'd gone up there to do homework though he doubted they were actually doing it. They were probably playing Mario Kart or something. Still, he decided to check up if not to make sure they were okay but to get them back to work. As he walked up the stairs, he noticed a lack of yelling that normally came from playing games together. Maybe they'd actually stayed on task. When he got to Dick's door, he didn't think to knock. It slipped his mind to. He simply opened the door and froze at what he saw. Wally was on top of Dick and practically had his tongue down his throat. The shock soon left and Bruce went straight to anger. "Wallace Rudolph West!" he yelled. The pair broke away from one another and jumped apart. 

"Bruce calm down-"

"Calm down? Calm down! I trusted you two to be alone together but if this is what you get up to," he couldn't even finish his sentence he was that annoyed. 

"You aren't much better!" Dick snapped. His mentor gave him a confused look. "Don't even pretend you don't remember what happened."

"I have no idea what you're talking about."

"You, Mr All High And Mighty, brought Selina over when I was eleven and didn't lock your door so when I came into your room I saw you two "wrestling"!" 

"That's completely different!" Bruce argued. 

"Nuh-uh! I was traumatized and you're traumatized so now we're even."

"That's not how it works!" 

"Yes, it is! I was only kissing, every other guy my age does it! Is it because I'm kissing a guy?"

"Dick don't-"

"Maybe twitter would like to hear how Bruce Wayne freaks out over this hm? Don't think I won't," Dick warned. He got his phone and showed his mentor that he was going on Twitter. Bruce sighed angrily. 

"Fine fine we're even. Just keep to the kissing and nothing else got that?"

"Sure, now out."

"Just do your homework," Bruce added, closing the door behind him. 

I hope this didn't suck

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