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LISten peachrcses and I were talking about ginger squad headcanons and one of us needed to write them

CW for some suggestive themes near the end

Wally and Babs both loving him in a skirt

"Okay guys, what do you think of this?" Dick called before walking out to greet the pair. He'd recently been shopping and had brought home quite the haul. Of course, his two partners were very insistent on a fashion show. Mostly because whenever they gave him a compliment he'd blush and grin. Totally not because the fashion show tended to end in the bedroom. The couple were greeted by probably one of the best sights known to man. Dick Grayson in a skirt. It was a pastel purple plaid skirt paired with a baby blue sweater. He had white fishnets underneath and a pair of chunky white filas. He gave them a twirl and looked to them expectantly for an answer. They stared at him with their mouths open. "Oh come now, you're gonna catch flies looking at me like that."

"Those in favour of you wearing a skirt whenever you're home," Wally stated. He and his ginger counterpart raised their hands. Dick rolled his eyes at them. 

"Why do you like me in a skirt so much?"

"You look good-" 

"Easy access-" 

"Babs, no."

Wally and Babs flirt competition

There was nothing wrong with friendly competition now and then but when it came to a competition of flirting, neither Barbara nor Wally kept it friendly. At least not in Dick's opinion but he was biased since he was the object of their affections and therefore was the one who ended up with furiously flushed cheeks from their comments and actions. He supposed their newest competition was brought on due to the boredom of being at home. There were no missions, no work, nothing at all to occupy the three. Dick took this time to watch some TV but his partners took this time to torment him with their competition. "You look so good today Dickie," Wally commented. 

"Thank you but what was that for?" he asked.

"Can't a guy compliment his handsome boyfriend?" he answered. He had a point so Dick shrugged the suspicious feeling off. 

"You're right. You look good too, as you always do," he replied. Wally kissed his forehead and walked off. 

A few minutes later, Barbara walked in and sat beside him. "You're so cute when you're concentrating," she said. He smiled at her and received a light kiss on the cheek. "You know how you could look even cuter?" He shook his head with an intrigued look. "If you were under me."

"Babs," he whined, his cheeks going red. She chuckled softly.

"You love it really," she replied. She got comfortable on the couch and rested her head on his shoulder. Her hand soon found his and she interweaved their fingers. Dick didn't think much of this interaction, simply putting it down to her being her. Then Wally came in too and sat on the other side of him with his hand soon finding its place on the acrobat's thigh. "You have such pretty thighs. You should show them off more." Dick looked away, flustered, which caused Barbara to shoot the other ginger a light glare and sat up a bit for her retort. 

"You should show everything more. You're such a beautiful sight," she said. 

"Stop, you're making me blush," he told them but that was the nature of the competition. It ended when one of them clearly won. He jumped when Wally's hand ran up his thigh, dangerously close to his crotch.

"But you look so great when you blush." Barbara went that step further and put her hand on his crotch, slowly rubbing him through his jeans. He gasped but didn't stop her. If they were going to make him "suffer" through their competition, he was going to get something out of it. He whined at her continued touch and she smiled smugly at Wally. "That's not flirting! That's touching him up," the speedster complained. 

"He's blushing, isn't he?" she pointed out. 

"Because you're cheating! Dick, isn't she cheating?" Dick went to reply but was cut off when he felt his girlfriend begin to suck and bite his neck. Instead of an answer, he moaned chastely. "Fine! I'll beat you at your cheating game."

Around an hour or so later, Dick was snuggled up in the middle of his boyfriend and girlfriend. "So who won?" Wally asked.

"It was a tie."

"Round 2, all or nothing?" 

"You're on!" Barbara replied.

Dick is at the club and someone tries to get with him and two very jealous gingers come to set that person right

Dick sat at the bar, waiting for his partners to arrive. They'd been called out on a mission earlier and they promised they'd be at the club by eight. Right now it was eight thirty. He didn't mind though. He knew that they were simply being held up by the others. Besides, he could get a few drinks in beforehand. He was sipping on his cocktail, a whiskey sour to be specific, and having a rather nice time playing on his phone when someone sat beside him. He glanced up with a smile thinking it was one of his lovers only to find it was someone he'd never even met. She was around his height and shared his hair colour only she had brown eyes instead of blue. She wore a white dress that hugged her curves and was off the shoulder. She smiled back at him as he turned away in embarrassment. "Excited for company?" she inquired with a giggle.

"Sorry I was expecting someone else," he replied. She hummed sceptically. He must've sounded too nervous to be genuine with that excuse. No matter. 

"My name's Emma," she said. Considering how he was sitting alone at a bar anyways, he decided to entertain her. 

"I'm Dick," he responded. She giggled again. Now upon hearing it again, he noticed how fake it was. 

"Oh I know," she stated. Oh no. She knew him. That never ended well. "I saw that photoshoot you did. Makes me wonder why you bother with a shirt at all." He laughed, this time he was faking it. He didn't like where this was heading. 

You see a lot of girls, guys and those who lay between approached him like this. Smiling, laughing, only so they could get to one place. Either because they wanted to have that notch in their bedpost as a bragging point or to get something else entirely. Dick tried to be as nice as he could to these types of people but that often led to him giving them the wrong impression and him being called a tease for leading them on. He wished Barbara and Wally were there. Sure they were a little blunt with telling the person to leave him alone but it did the job much better than he could. "You know, I can make a good whiskey sour," she stated. He gave her a curious look as to why she'd find the need to say that when she reached across to rest her hand on his thigh. It took everything in him not to slap the hand away. He had to handle this correctly or there would be a PR disaster. "You could come over to my place and I could make you one?"

"I think the fuck not," Barbara announced. She, along with Wally, stomped over and she slapped her hand off of her boyfriend. Wally sat beside Dick and wrapped an arm around him, pulling him away from the woman with a glare. "Hey!" Emma hissed, rubbing her now red hand. 

"Beat it skank," the ginger growled.


"Not a word Dickie-bird. If this bitch thinks she can touch our property she has another thing coming," she continued.

"Our?" Emma parroted.

"Yes, our. He's our boyfriend," Wally told her. She laughed mockingly and got up.

"Wow, I knew you were a slut but this is a new one," she stated. "You'd probably give me the claps or something." 

Luckily Dick managed to catch both his partner's before they could beat her ass in the middle of a club. She walked off confidently into the crowd, probably to snatch up some other guy to spend her night with. "Guys it's fine. Let's just have a nice night," he told the pair. They glared at the woman until she was lost to the dancefloor and took a seat on either side of the hero. Each of them put a hand on his thigh, making him blush. "How dare she touch our boy," Barbara growled. The other ginger nodded, just as annoyed. 

"Maybe we'll need to mark you up, hm?" Wally commented. The acrobat blushed harder and drank the rest of his drink, too flustered to protest to the suggestion.

"Good idea Walls. I think people need a reminder he's all ours."

"You two are going to be the death of me."

Babs and Dick getting skirts and teasing Wally

Wally huffed as he sat down on the couch from a long day of hanging out with the most energetic being to exist aka Bart Allen. He'd only just turned on the TV when two hands covered his eyes. "What Babs?" he asked.

"We've got a surprise for you," she answered. He could hear the smile in her voice which made him ever more suspicious. "Keep your eyes closed until I tell you to open them." She took her hands away and he kept his eyes closed as instructed. He heard the creaking of floorboards behinds him but noted that there were two sets of creaking. So Dick was involved too. His eyebrows knotted in concentration as he tried to hear what they were doing. It wasn't his birthday so his surprise wouldn't be cake. This was a little too dramatic for just a bunch of flowers and he couldn't hear the rustling of the plastic that you usually heard when being given a floral arrangement. It wasn't valentine's day so he couldn't see why anything like chocolates would be the surprise. The creaking stopped and felt two pairs of hands rest on his tights, pushing them apart. A blush crept up on his freckled cheeks as he thought about all the possibilities. He then felt two people sit on either of his thighs. "You can open your eyes now~" Dick practically sang. He did as he was told and was met with the wonderful sight of both his partner's in skirts. His one true weakness had always been skirts. He put a hand on each of the pair's backs and pulled them closer. "What's this for?" he asked with an excited smile.

"We just wanted to show off our new skirts, didn't we Dickie?" Barbara replied innocently. The acrobat nodded.

"Is that all?"

"Well, she said our new skirts, not that we had anything underneath them," Dick clarified. 

"You dirty duo. I hope you two weren't playing without me," he replied. The pair giggled and he rolled his eyes. "I suppose I'll have to teach you a lesson."

"That's if you can catch us~" 

That was about the only warning he got before the giggling pair jumped up and began to run away. Obviously, he could catch them with ease but where would the fun be in that?

Babs and Wally being dominant as fuck over dick (no i don't know why it went there either)

Whenever Barbara and Wally got the chance to be doms, they exacted it. Dick had gotten used to it pretty early in their relationship and enjoyed when they took charge. What could he say? Being a sub was just too much fun sometimes. 

One of his favourite times they got dominant was when he was working late. He must've been at the computer from the moment he got home to past midnight, racking up at least eight hours staring at the screen. He wasn't planning on stopping either. Not until he finished every case he'd been putting off that week. Well, that was the original plan until he felt slender hands place themselves on his shoulders. "It's time for bed," Barbara told him. He shook his head. "Oh? And why not?" That tone she used sent shivers down his spine. It was low and calculating yet was still strung together with love. 

"I gotta finish all my cases. I'll go to bed in an hour," he replied, not taking his eyes off the screen. He knew what look he'd be given if he did and that would be much too persuasive. He couldn't be drawn away from his work. Okay, that was a lie, he could. After all, the police were already working on these cases and he should probably give them some more interesting stuff other than petty crime. But he'd already become invested in it. "Do I need to get Wally in here?" He shook his head. Two doms in the same room? Now that would definitely be too much of a temptation. "No Babs, I promise I'll be in there in an hour." He heard a low chuckle.

"Since when did you decide these things baby boy?" she whispered in his ear. His breath hitched. "So I'll give you another chance. It's time for bed." Whether it was his determination to finish the work or purely because he felt like being a little bit of a brat to get them to be extra dommy, he didn't know but he still refused to go to bed. "Tut tut. I'll be back in a moment with Wally."

Dick nervously typed as he waited for her to come back with her fellow ginger. Honestly, he wouldn't mind them forcing him to go to bed. Maybe giving him a light punishment for refusing. His mind got carried away with the possibilities and soon he was just staring blankly at the Word document in front of him. "I hear someone doesn't want to go to bed," Wally's voice announced. Dick snapped out of his gaze and nodded though he remained faced away. How far was he willing to go with the bratty attitude tonight? He'd like to sit down tomorrow but a small sting would be rather satisfying. "What do we do when one of us is talking puppy?" the speedster asked. Dick decided to turn around upon that question, sensing the dark tone that threatened something if he didn't. "We face each other," he replied quietly, his eyes fixed on the ground. There was a set of chuckles and he gulped. Perhaps he shouldn't have gone this route. Well too late he was already here now and they were in their dominate headspace so he decided to go along with it. They walked up to him, Barbara bending down and hooking her finger under his chin, lifting his head up. "We also look at each other. Such a naughty boy disobeying us, aren't you?"

"I'm sorry, I just wanted to keep doing my work," he replied.

"As noble as that is, do you know what day it is?" Wally asked.

"Wednesday?" The ginger laughed lowly.

"Yes but it's also your civilian day which means bedtime is at midnight. What time is it now, puppy?"

"Just a little past midnight."

"Which means you've gone past your bedtime. You know what happens when you disobey us?" Dick nodded with flushed cheeks.

"I get spanked," he replied. 

"Right now it's five minutes past midnight. Since you've disobeyed both me and Babs, we'll double that five. That's ten slaps. So you either go now and have ten or you stay here and get more. What do you want to do?" 

"The first option," he responded. Wally smiled and held out his hand, helping the hero out of the chair. 

"Now that's a good puppy. Babs, I take it you'll deliver the punishment?" She nodded with a grin and snaked her arm around Dick's waist.

After being delivered his punishment, Barbara had him straddle her as she kissed him gently. Her hands were careful to avoid his now sore ass and held onto the bottom of his thighs to keep him steady. She rubbed and down his thighs as he rested his head on her shoulder. It would sting tomorrow but this was the best part. A dom that gave you punishments was good and all but two doms giving you aftercare? Now that was amazing. "How's our little brat?" Wally asked with a laugh, any intensity in his voice before completely stripped away. Dick looked up to him and stuck his tongue out with a smirk. He rolled his eyes at the younger and pressed a kiss against his cheek. "Oh, you love us taking over. C'mon, let's get you into bed."

"Cuddle time?" Dick asked excitedly.

"Oh, how could we resist your cute little face?"

"You can't. I'm betting on it."

subtley dommy things - thigh grabs during meetings, hands-on his waist during galas

Every single meeting it happened. Halfway through, either Batgirl or Kid Flash - sometimes both - would reach over and grab Nightwing's thigh. They'd always know because a small blush would form at the new touch and smile at his partner. "Can't you keep your hands to yourself?" Nightwing would mutter. They'd turn back with a grin and simply say, "I can but why would I want to?" It got to the point where Batman was glaring at them through the entire thing. Other leaguers found it rather cute. Although Batman would tolerate it, Robin most certainly did not. He took to sitting next to his brother and occasionally glaring at his partner. He went so far as to catch Kid Flash's hand and say rather loudly, "I'm going to cut your fucking hand off if you put it anywhere near him."

"Dami, it's fine," Nightwing assured him.

"It's not fine, you harlot."

"Don't call my boyfriend a harlot, brat," Kid Flash snapped.

"Don't call my son a brat, you idiot," Batman pitched in.

"Don't call my nephew an idiot, you...meanie," Flash argued. Batgirl patted him on the shoulder with a sigh.

"You tried," she said. 

At gala's, the pair of ginger's need to have their hand on their boyfriend wasn't quelled. In fact, it was heightened by the amount of young single semi-rich women just trying to get their hands on the Wayne fortune in any way possible. Any Wayne that was legal was free game and unfortunately, Dick fell into that category. This lead to him always having a ginger by his side, no matter what. "Do you not trust me or something?" Dick asked one gala. He liked the feeling of having their hands on his waist but if it was because they didn't trust him not the fuck the next person who suggested it, it wasn't as nice. "Of course we trust you," Barbara replied. "What makes you think otherwise?"

"Well, you never leave me alone at these things. I know it's hard seeing people flirt with me but I'm not interested in any of them," he assured the pair. 

"It's not like that. We just like keeping you close," Wally told him. "Plus you look so good in our arms, doesn't he Babs?" She nodded as the billionaire's ward blushed at the compliment. He kissed each of them on the cheek with a smile.

"You two are too cute."

"We're not cute, we're sexy," Barbara corrected. 

calling him subby nicknames 

"Kitten, can you grab that for me?"

"How's my little prince today?"

"Where's my baby boy?"

"Puppy, do you remember that phone number I told you earlier?"

And those are our headcanons lemme know if any of these have given you any requests or somethig

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