Tenth day of Christmas

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Can we appreciate that Bart is 5ft 7 and Tim is 5ft 5? They're both so small. Little rat boys

Alfred_Is_A_Badass wanted Tim/Bart and I'm sorry in advance for ooc 

As much as he liked to joke about Tim's terrible caffeine addiction, there were times when Bart got seriously worried for the hero. It was well known Tim hardly slept and would do anything it took if it meant that he could stay awake just that little bit longer to get stuff done. Sometimes he went a little too far with his need to stay awake via caffeinated substances and by sometimes that means it was most of the time. Bart, being well aware of this, started to notice the signs of when the other was coming to the end of a really long no-sleep week and that's where plan Bedtime Bat came from and since it was at the end of a no-sleep week, Tim never really remembered how on earth it continued to work. All he knew was Bart started plan Bedtime Bat by taking him out on a date and this time he was determined not to fall asleep as a matter of principle. He wouldn't be outsmarted by the ginger today no matter what.

They planned to meet up in Central City and spend their day just drifting around the city chatting. There was no real plan which made Tim immediately suspicious. With no real plan, there was more likely to be some trickery that would get him to sleep but he wouldn't have it this time. No, he was going to get through the whole day without so much as a nap purely out of spite. Sure his plan probably wasn't the best for his health and he knew that Bart was doing it from a place of love but he didn't enjoy that the speedster was getting the drop on him so often. 

Tim was on his phone as he waited for Bart to show up. For someone who had the ability to run so fast it broke the sound barrier, Bart was always late to their dates. There was something endearing enough about it that kept stopped it from being offensive but mostly it was annoying. Suddenly a gush of wind went past the hero though that didn't make him look up from his phone. He knew who it was immediately and he wouldn't give a warm welcome to someone who was a) late to their date and b) had some secret plan to get him to sleep.

"You're late," he stated.

"Oh, c'mon I'm earlier than I usually am," Bart pointed out, wrapping his arms around the other. He pressed a kiss against his cheek, gaining a tut from the bat. 

"You live here and you're still late. Remind me to get you a clock," Tim complained. He turned in his arms and stole a proper kiss. He had to pretend like he didn't know something was up or else Bart might change his plan. 

"I think we both know that wouldn't work," he responded. His smile slipped into a concerned frown as he cupped Tim's face, his thumbs gliding over his eyebags. "Looks like you've been pulling all-nighters again."

"What gave it away?" the smaller asked. 

"It's a tie between those bags and the memes you send me at five in the morning," he answered. He booped Tim on the nose, getting a light glare. He was used to it at this point. It was almost a sign of affection. "Hey, I was thinking we go see that Star Wars movie since Captain Boomerang kinda ruined it last time." Now that was incredibly suspicious. They never watched movies in the cinema. Tim narrowed his eyes at the speedster.

"You want to see a movie? Where you'll have to sit still for an extended period of time?"

"I wanted to make it up to you. You hardly get time off so we may as well do something you like! Besides, I think I can handle sitting in one place for a bit."

"I'll believe it when I see it."

A movie wasn't usually Bart's idea of fun so Tim had to be on high alert for any suspect sleep-inducing behaviour. He stifled a yawn as they walked into the theatre and bought some snacks for the movie. He made sure to get things that had tons of sugar in them as well as an energy drink to make sure he wasn't going to feel sleepy at any point. There was no way he was sleeping. Nope. Tim paid for the treats and the tickets, laughing off comments from Bart about being a sugar daddy. 

"I am not a sugar daddy," he huffed, chugging his drink. He knew once the place was dark and he slowed down, he was probably going to start dropping off. He could not let that happen. 

"Hey go easy on the caffeine dude. You're gonna give yourself a heart attack," Bart scolded. He attempted to take the can of Redbull away but his hand was batted away. He tutted at the other and rolled his eyes. "Please, Tim. At least only drink half of it?" Oh no. He was using that voice. That voice that could move heaven and earth. Tim swallowed thickly. He had to stay strong. This was a matter of principle. There was no way he was losing to the guy who ran into a window because he was going too fast to realize there was a glass. 

"I'll be fine. Just because you can't eat five grams of sugar without vibrating through the floor doesn't mean everyone can't handle it." Bart put an arm around his hip and pulled him closer, successfully snatching the drink from him with a smug look. 

"But at least I admit when I'm tired dumbass." He shook the can a little to estimate how much his boyfriend had and gave him a concerned look. "How did you chug so much of it in one go?"


"Hm. You can get the rest of it after the movie or else you'll have a panic attack," Bart insisted. He gave him a sweet kiss as bribery to comply and Tim found himself falling for it. He could get through the movie with willpower. Hopefully.

They soon found their seats and noticed that it was pretty much empty. They guessed it was because there'd been a recent attack by Mirror Master but they already had a death wish by being heroes so that wouldn't stop them. Their seats were in the back, per Bart's request, and when they got in the ads hadn't started playing yet. The ginger put Tim's Redbull in the cup holder furthest away from the bat to stop him from taking any sneaky sips. He pushed up the armrest closest to Tim and put his arm around him. 

"Awfully touchy," Tim muttered. He couldn't help but lean into the touch. It was just so comforting and warm and he could see himself just drifting off- NO. He jolted and sat back up. He wasn't going down that easy. He opened one of the sweet packets he bought and stuffed jelly beans into his mouth, hoping to fight off the sudden tiredness. 

"Save some of those for me," Bart laughed, finding the odd sight rather funny. Did he know what was going on? Perhaps. "Relax, won't you? Barry has the city covered."

"It's not that," Tim muttered. He sat straight up in his seat to stop himself from even thinking of slouching over and nodding off. He was going to get through this movie just like how he was going to get through the rest of the day without so much as a wink of sleep. 

"Then what is it?"

"I'm not sleeping. You can't make me," he snapped. The ginger looked at him blankly for a moment then laughed. He moved so his lips were just grazing the smaller's ear and Tim shuddered upon feeling his breath against his skin.

"I don't have to make you," he whispered. He moved back to his seat and pulled his bewildered boyfriend close to him. 

Tim woke up to the sound of Bart calling his name. He groaned unhappily at being disturbed from his peaceful sleep before he realized his mission. Not falling asleep. He jumped up with a disappointed look and heard the taller giggle at him. 

"Told you bird brains," he stated proudly.

"How long was I out?" Tim asked, rubbing his eyes.

"The entire movie. You didn't even make it through the ads," he replied. He laced his fingers in between the smaller's and started to lead him down the steps, careful with the newly woken bat so he didn't tumble down them. "Since you lost whatever game you were trying to play, how about you come back to mine and finish your nap?"

"I've slept long enough thank you very much. I want the rest of my Redbull too."

"Ooo he's grumpy from his nap," Bart cooed. 

"You're insufferable." He waited a few moments before kissing the ginger on his cheek.

"What's that for?"

"I suppose you deserve it for caring about me. As much as it aggravates me that you outsmart me in this one area, I guess there's something sweet about it," Tim admitted. He had to give it to his boyfriend. He wasn't the easiest to deal with and at the end of the day, he did feel better after sleeping for the time he did. A crash was coming anyway so he liked to take this as a coincidental victory for the other. 

"I love you too but you're still going to nap more at mine and you're not getting out of it that easily."

"Oh yea totallyyy- NOT!" Tim broke away and pushed his boyfriend into a set of seats. As he crashed down into the aisle, the bat in training dashed down the steps and gunned for the exit.

"Get back here!" 

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