Whump fic? Is that what you call em?

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I think i saw this in a fanfic somewhere similar to this maybe but that might just be a fever dream?

Robin was exhausted. Going on a full-on mission was much different than going on patrol. Patrol was a lot of standing about. He didn't really do much half the time. There were times where he spent two hours on a rooftop just doing cartwheels to let off steam. It wasn't that Gotham wasn't crime-ridden. It was. It was more that Batman elected for the laying in wait for the big catch approach and that happened to give his forever energetic protege not much to do. So when it came to missions where he had to be on high alert all the time and fighting for pretty much the whole time he was out, he found himself almost surprisingly tired. He always thought he was a fireball. A being of pure unbridled energy. But here he was trudging along, barely able to keep up with the Leaguers. He should be ecstatic. Bouncing off the walls with glee. They'd gotten through a mission with little more than scratches and bruises. He was half expecting a "congratulations" or a pat on the back from his mentor but he'd hardly gotten anything of the sort. Normally that wouldn't upset him. Normally he'd brush it off his shoulders, shrugging it off without a second thought because Batman was Batman. He'd save his affections for one big show at some point during the month. So how come it hurts so much right now? He'd done good, hadn't he? He'd kept up with all the Leaguers even though he was less than half their age and now he was only falling behind a little when he was exhausted. Shouldn't that be a prompt to give him something? "Robin, keep up," Batman called, noticing the younger was no longer beside him.

"M tryin," Robin responded. He stumbled a little but played it off as best he could. Luckily, nobody noticed.

They, unfortunately, had to land the Invisible Jet in the middle of the swamp. The water was waist-deep for Robin but for everyone else, it just hit the bottom part of their thighs. Those who could fly had attempted to but were quickly pulled back down into the cold opaque water by those who couldn't. "Why can't we fly over again?" Superman asked with a huff. Robin would've cackled at his childishness had he not been so tired. Trudging through the thick mud at the bottom of the swamp and dealing with freezing water was zapping away any leftover energy he had left. He knew he was slowing down as the gap between him and the chatting heroes were getting wider and wider. Robin couldn't find it in himself to call out to them. It was taking everything in his power not to lean against the closest tree and nap there. Batman had suggested naps to help with his lack of sleep but it was hard getting into them. He supposed he was really tired. He hardly noticed when his foot got stuck in the mud until he fell face-first into the water. His hands squelched into the mud, the brown devouring his hands. For a second, he found it funny. Here he was, walking away from a dangerous mission, and now he was trapped underwater. Robin tried to pull away. That's where the fun came to a grinding halt. He couldn't get out. Oh God, he couldn't get out. This wasn't funny anymore.

"Robin, are you okay back there?" Batman called. He didn't get a response. Not even a disgruntled groan at the check-up. "Robin," he attempted again. Maybe the boy was just daydreaming. Robin often daydreamed. It wouldn't be too uncommon to catch him staring blankly out a window or peering a little too intently at his cup of hot chocolate. Yet when Batman was again met with no response, he got this awful feeling that this wasn't daydreaming. He whipped around quickly, scanning their group from left to right. Superman, Wonder Woman, Flash, Black Canary, Martian Manhunter. There was a slot left unfilled between Superman and Wonder Woman. "Where's Robin?" Batman asked, doing his best to make his voice calm. Yes, the boy was small but he wasn't small enough to disappear. The heroes glanced around but Superman seemed to notice something straight away. His once calm, near stoic expression descended into one of panic. He flew over to a spot they'd passed a few minutes ago and plunged his hands underneath the surface as his fretful look grew. They watched him in confusion. Was this some country bumpkin trick to finding people? It wasn't like he could feel around for footprints and follow them to wherever Robin had gotten to. "What're you doin- Oh God!" Black Canary exclaimed when the hero pulled out Robin. His arms were hooked underneath the acrobat's torso and he held him bridal style since it seemed to be the best option for carrying him. Robin turned his head away from the older to cough up the water he'd gulped down in his panic. He could almost taste all sorts of bacteria in the water that were now going to travel around his body looking to infect him. Superman flew over to Batman where all the heroes swiftly gathered to get a look at him. "B," the boy whimpered, making grabby hands at his mentor. The Dark Knight didn't waste a second and instantly collected the shivering dirty mess that was his protege in his arms. "Hey chum, what happened there then?" he asked, the gravel that usually adorned his voice when he wore the cowl nonexistent.

"Gloopy mud," he mumbled tiredly. "Stuck n m tired."

"Translation for those who don't speak sleepy ten-year-old?" Flash asked.

"He's tired and the mud was thick. I'm guessing he got stuck because he was so tired and couldn't get himself out," Black Canary translated. The small acrobat nodded to confirm her theory. 

"You should've said you were getting tired," Batman told him.

"M tired," Robin stated with a giggle. The older tutted although his smirk betrayed him.

"Flash, get him to the jet. There should be a change of clothes in there. Keep an eye on his temperature," Batman instructed. He passed Robin over to the speedster with a stern look. One which said, "if you make this worse somehow I'll kill you." Flash carefully took the boy and ran off. "That boy is going to be the death of me."

"I forgot how exhausting a mission could be. You won't have any trouble putting him to sleep tonight," Wonder Woman commented.

"It's keeping him asleep which is the problem. Come on, let's not stick around in this place," he announced.

"Don't have to tell me twice. There are at least three leeches stuck to my calf," Black Canary complained.

When Batman got to the jet, Robin was fast asleep in Flash's lap. He was wearing a hoodie with little ears that reflected his mentor's own. It was something the boy had found in a mall and refused to leave without. That was the first time he'd ever seen Robin so passionate about wanting something and he just couldn't say no to that. His sweatpants were also Batman-themed but the symbol was being hidden by the hoodie. Flash wore a small yet noticeable frown on his features as he rocked the still shivering child. "How is he?" Batman asked, his voice low as to not wake up his protege. 

"He's still shivering but less so than before. I gave him a quick once over but you really need to get him to an actual doctor to make sure there's nothing serious. We don't have any equipment on board to make me free of doubt," the speedster explained. 

"I'll have him looked over once we get back. He's a tough kid, I'm sure he'll be okay." He ran his fingers through his ward's wet hair, gaining a small hum. 


"Everything's okay chum. Go back to sleep." Robin didn't need to be told twice and nuzzled back up to Flash. 

"Actually Batman, he probably shouldn't. He's got water in his lungs," Superman said.

"How'd you know that?" Martian Manhunter inquired. 

"X-Ray vision."

"Ask permission before you do that to my kid," Batman snapped at him. He didn't like the idea of the boy scout just looking at his protege like that. It creeped him out for a lack of better words. He picked up Robin and went to his seat with a worried frown firmly set upon his features. "Wonder Woman, land as close as you can to Park Row. Get there as quickly as you can. Robin, stay awake for me." The acrobat grumbled but forced himself to keep his eyes. He took to rambling to keep himself awake and despite the seriousness of the situation, the heroes couldn't help but find his sleepy voice adorable.

Leslie tapped away on her keyboard, making sure all payments from the Wayne Corporation had gone through. She needed some new supplies for the clinic and the funding would come in handy. It had been a rather slow night which she blamed on Batman and Robin not going out. Sure they were doing great work but they did find a way to fill up her waiting room by the end of the night. It was then when she got a phone call. "Finally some action," she muttered as she picked up the phone. "Dr. Thompkins speaking, how may I help you?" 

"We've had an incident on our mission and Robin is hurt. There's nothing I can see at first glance but Superman reported he had water in his lungs," Batman's distinct voice greeted. 

"How's his breathing?" she asked, holding the phone to her ear as she rushed into another room. 

"Short but I wouldn't say it's hyperventilating level," he responded. 

"Alright as long as he can breathe."

"It's the shivering I'm worried about. He hasn't stopped and it must've been at least half an hour since he was in the water." She hummed and went through all the possible explanations. 

"How far away are you now?"

"Ten minutes at the most. He's got progressively worse since we left. I think he may have caught something from the water."

"Where did it happen?"

"In a swamp. He wasn't underwater for that long I think. Shit-"

"You said a bad word," Robin mumbled in the background. There was a very clear slur to his voice. He was probably tired but she'd take note of that just in case. Her mind was already building the worst-case scenarios.


"Feel sick," she heard Robin whine. 

"I know, we're almost there. Stay awake just a little longer." She could hear the anxious tone in Batman's voice. She always heard it when Robin was hurt. 

"Focus on keeping him awake. Call me if his condition takes a turn."

"Right. Yes. Good idea." She hung up and continued making preparations. 

As soon as Batman placed Robin in the clinic bed, he was shooed out by Leslie so she could do her thing. He reluctantly let himself be banished to the waiting room. He decided to let Alfred know what was going on. He didn't want the butler to worry about where they were. Batman doubted his heart could take the stress. The phone was answered straight away which didn't do anything for his ever-growing guilt. The butler must've been worried sick since they were already half an hour late. Not to mention he hadn't let Alfred know anything about the situation whilst on the plane ride back. He'd been too preoccupied with keeping his protege awake. "Sir, what happened? You're never normally so late without warning," Alfred greeted. He could hear the concern laced within his words. 

"We had a situation. I'm fine, it's Robin who was hurt. I'm unsure of how serious it is yet," he explained. "I was so stupid, Alfred. I completely forgot that he's just a kid. When we finished our mission, we had to trek back through the swamp and he was fine going through it when we came off the jet so I didn't think he'd have a problem on the way back. He was so exhausted he fell over and nearly drowned."

"How long was he underwater for?"

"I don't know but it couldn't have been too long. He was mostly coherent when he was pulled out. Still, I should've known better. You should've seen him. I don't think I've ever seen him so tired." Batman rubbed his hand over his face as he stared at the door Leslie was working behind. He desperately wanted to be at his protege's side but she knew what she was doing and if she wanted him out then he had to go out. "I didn't even say "great job" on the work he did today. The League members were there and I had a reputation so I just thought I'd say it later but what if this is really serious? What if he catches something from the water?"

"Then now you know to show your appreciation for him in the moment. Robin is still a child and you must treat him as such from time to time. A compliment will go a long way in helping the lad," Alfred replied. 

"I hope I have the opportunity to tell him."

"I'm sure you will sir. He's a resilient little boy." Batman hoped he was right. 

It took about forty-five minutes before Leslie came out. "You can come in now," she announced. Batman didn't waste a second and got up immediately, following her into the room. Robin was on the bed looking worse for wear. He was curled up in a ball and on the verge of falling asleep. When he noticed Batman enter the room, he immediately smiled and exerted a little more effort to stay awake. "Hey chum, how're you feeling?" Batman greeted, sitting on the bed. He moved some hair out of his face and noticed a small bruise forming. It wasn't too bad but it was enough to make Batman's eyebrows furrow together. "Not the greatest."

"You're lucky it's only minor pleural effusion. The fluid should go away on its own but I'll prescribe some morphine to help with the pain he'll have. It'll be bedrest for the next two weeks and he should take it easy after then. If his shortness of breath gets any worse then bring him in," she explained, reading off her notes. 

"Will the water give him anything?" Batman asked. 

"I can't for say for certain. If you suspect he caught anything, let me know." He nodded and watched Robin lean into his hand. 

"He's still shivering a little," he commented.

"He will do but his body temperature is stabilized. It's best if you get him home, begin him on some morphine and stay with him for the rest of the night just in case. I don't want his night terrors getting too out of hand whilst he's short of breath." She scribbled something down on the clipboard and then moved to a small cupboard that resided by the bed. She threw Batman a pack of morphine and ripped part of the paper off, handing it to him. "There's the dose you should give him and I'll need you to keep that in case someone wonders where that morphine went. The last thing I need is to be accused of is back alley drug selling." He nodded and pocketed both of them. "Get him to bed. He's about to drop off."

Leslie was right. As soon as he was collected in Batman's arms, Robin went straight to sleep. Batman wasted no time getting him back home to reassure Alfred that there was nothing horribly wrong with the newest member of their family. He left the pair to go upstairs whilst he made some coffee for Bruce. Bruce debated letting Dick sleep in his the sweats he had on but he found they were a little damp. Flash must've forgotten to get him dry before helping him change. He got the boy changed which only showed how tired he'd been since he hardly even made noise about being moved around so much. Bruce tucked him into bed and left to get changed himself. He'd hardly noticed that the bottom of his suit was irritating his skin from being soaked with water. When he returned, he was greeted with coffee on the bedside cabinet. He took a sip and knew it was decaffeinated. Of course, it was. 

Have it 

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