Chapter: 24

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Dick lead her into the garden where he had some kind of tea party set up.

"What's this?" River asked as as he pulled out a chair for her.

"What does it look like?" Dick replied as he took a seat across from her.

"Um, no offense, but I'm not really a tea person." River said as she pulled her hair over her shoulder.

"Oh but this isn't tea." Dick smirked was he poured a brown liquid into two tiny cups.

"Is that- chocolate milk?" She took a sip of the delicious drink.

"Yep, and here." Dick opened a trey and handed her chocolate chip cookies. "I made these!" River cautiously took a bite.

"Oh my Gosh!" She exclaimed making Dick smile ear to ear.

"Do you like them?"

"Yes!" River grinned at him, she knew Dick from somewhere. He was too formalier.

They chatted for a bit about favorite desserts. Then Dick slightly hit his head. "I almost forgot!" He exclaimed as he bent over under the table and pulled out a box.

"What's this?" River asked as she opened it. Dick watched nervously, grinning madly. "A phone? How the heck did you get this?!"

"I'm a rich guy, remember?" Just before River could thank him, a robin flew by and took one of Dick's cookies off of his plate.

"My cookie!"

"I'll get it." River muttered as she ran after the bird. After she had gotten it, River scampered back to the table. "Here you go!" She laid it on his plate.

"A token of my gadatude." Dick said as he handed her a robins feather.

"Aw, thank you." River smiled at him. 'Okay, what the heck is he hiding? No one's this nice.' That's when they heard the alerting barks of Quinn.

"Sounds like Alfred's back." Dick said as he stood.

"We better get her before she rips Alfred's throat out." River commented as the ran back into the mansion.

They arived just in time, Quinn had Alfred pinned on the ground, with her teeth bared and ready to strike.

"Good girl, Quinn." River spoke as she stroked the back of Quinn's neck. "You can get off him now." The puppy jumped off of the butler, and walked back to River's room happily.

"What was that?" Alfred asked as Dick and River pulled him up off of the ground.

"That would be Quinn, River's dog." Dick answered, picking up the fallen food.

"Ah, well in that case. I will go a range a vet apointment. Care to join me, master Grayson?"

"Um, sure!" Dick answered as he walked with Alfred. River raised her eyebrow wonder what they were talking about, and talked back to her room.

In her room, River played with her feather. Laying upside down off of a chair in her chambers.


River sighed and answered ear piece. "Hello?"

"Hi Shadow! It's Mag'han, I just wanted to remind you that your valuation is today at three." Mag'han energetically said threw the ear piece. River looked over at the digital clock that hung above her vanity mirror.

2: 43pm Thursday, September 18

'Crap!' She panicked as she ran into her closet and started changing into her uniform. "Thanks Mag'han! I'll see you soon!"

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