Chapter: 28

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DISCLAIMER: this song is called My Immortal by Evanescence

River sat at the piano, playing a little song. "I'm so tried of being here, supperest by all of my childish fears..." She sang, didn't ever dare to sing in front of other people. "And if you had to leave, I wish you would just leave, cause your presence still lingers here." River had found this song hidden inside a picture of Clara and herself. She had spent years memorizing every note and word, she could sing it in her sleep. River wondered who the song was written about, my her father?

'But why would Mom leave him, just to write a sad song about him?!'

She often thought, the words sucked her in l like a Venus Fly-trap did to it's victims. She could just picture her beautiful mother playing this song, with her beautifully haunting manor. "There's just to much that time can not erase, when you cried I wiped away all of your tears. When you screamed I'd fight away all of your fears, and I held your hand through all of these years. But you still have, part of me-e-e-e. You used to captive me, with your resonating light, now I'm bond y life you left behind. Your face it haunts, my once plesent dreams. Your voice it chased away, all the sanity in me. These wounds won't seem to heal, this pain is just to real. There's just to must that time can not erase." After River had finished her song, she jumped when she heard to sound of clapping.

"Very good!" A man said, leaning up against a near by bookshelf.

"How'd you get in here?" River asked defensively, wonder how the heck he snuck past Quinn. And her super hearing; it took her a minute for her to realize whom it was.

"You're GREAT at singing by the way!" Bruce smiled, River thought it was odd to see the Dark Knight happy.

"Thank, you."

"Hey I as just about to head out for lunch, would you like to join me?" He asked, as he straighten his suit.

"Uh - sure!" River managed as she stood and left with the millionaire.


"I have a super nacho, and a chicken chimichanga." The waitress said, as she sat the food at our table.

"Perfect, thanks you Amy." Bruce verbalized, reading her name tag; Amy blushed and pulled a piece of her black hair behind her ear. "Is there anything else I can get you two? Anything. At all?" She asked, making flirtious with Mister Wayne.

"Not at this moment," River cut in, stepping into Bruce's foot. "Thank you!" After Amy had left, Bruce glared at the teen. "What was that for?"

"She's a civilian." She commented, taking a sip of her orange soda. "If you wanna date someone. Make it a superhero - or someone who can handle themselves." Bruce smirked, as he lead back next his chair.

"And do you have any suggestions?" He snickered.

"No, but a waitress is not the best partner for you. No offense."

"Mhm." Bruce added, taking a bit of his food. "So you're saying I should date a hero?"

"Um, yeah I just said that."

"So let's make scenario." He said, taking a cheese chip from River's plate. "Say I'm you." She shot him a puzzled look. "Your a very capable a and independent young woman, correct?"

"I'd like to think that, yes." The brunette replied, while she ate.
"Then, using your logic. You believe that you should be in a relationship with another hero of sorts."


"So, someone that can also capable of handling themselves against supervillians?"


"Someone with experience in the heroing business." He continued, with a mischievous smile.

"Your point?" River bit of the words, getting rather annoyed by this game.

"Someone like... Robin?"

River chocked on her drink; she looked up at Bruce, her emerald eyes wide. "What?!?" Wayne simply chuckled into his hand.

"Relax River!" He managed between laughs. "It's pretty obvious that you two have chemistry."
"Well you're wrong. Cause we hate eachother." She spatt, hoping that she wasn't blushing.

The sound of a camera shutter alerted River; she glanced at where the origin of the noise came from; she then smiled the Bruce like she was enjoying herself. "Don't look now, but we're about to end up onthe front cover of a gossip magazine." She muttered, as she pulled a chip of off her plate and ate it.

"And where's it coming from?" Bruce asked, giving her genuine smile.

"North end of the room near the kitchen."

"Very good." He congratulated his ward, then flashed a quick smile at waitresses huddled around the phone as Amy took another picture. "I can almost ready the headline!" One of the girls whispered. " 'Bruce Wayne enjoys a casual day out with new ward River Moore!' "

River snickered as she, and Bruce ate their meal.

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