Don't Want To Forget

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The small welcoming party had Robin in high spirits, Wally had gone out of his way to ensure his best friend had all the nibbles he loved along with some of his own. Everyone was there including a couple members of the Justice League. Shazam and Red Tornado were happy for his return, Tornado a more monotone welcome but the acrobat knew that the red metallic android was pleased with his return. Dick noticed Superboy was rather quiet and distance, the clone was closed off, isolated in the corner of the room and the acrobat was unable to approach him. Through his own emotions or his attention constantly being taken by the other members of their team , Dick wasn't sure. He couldn't help but oblige, a small but sad flick of a smile on his face as he turned from Superboy. Robin wanted to talk to Connor, understand why he had kissed him? Why had his lips felt so nice? So right? The party lasted a couple of hours unknown to Dick that Superboy had left half way through, ill-tempered and miserable.

Robin did eventually notice that Superboy was no longer in the room and held his arm in guilt knowing the clone was feeling the sting of rejection. The acrobat wasn't rejecting him, not at all, if anything Dick was accepting and hoping to return the sensation that Connor had given him. The bolt that had pulsed through his body when Connor had pressed his lip to his own had the acrobat's knee's almost failing him. Robin knew he had to find Superboy, reassure him that, no, Dick wasn't rejecting him, he just confused and unsure. Confused as to why he didn't blurt out that he liked him as soon as they broke apart and unsure as to why he didn't immediately find him when the party started. Perhaps a part of him was anxious that the clone was playing a trick, he knew that was highly unlikely but the thought was still there, nagging at the back of his mind. It was something that clearly had Robin hesitating to seek him out, only realising he was being utterly ridiculous and that Connor needed his mind put at ease. Dick glanced around finding himself suddenly unoccupied, the others were all crowded around a game that Wally had created on the spot and Robin took his chance and snuck away out of the room.


Connor was tugging harshly at the nut of his bike, the metal handle of the spanner folding in onto its self at the clones ruthless grip. Connor yelled out in a spur of angry throwing the tool at the far wall not acknowledging the harsh clunk as it hit and wedged itself into the wall. He hated that his emotions were always so strong, but that was what made him such a ferocious opponent. But when it came to Robin, he felt liked mush, like he had been shot in the heart and there was no way the hole would ever be healed. When he had kissed the teen he was struck with a sense of horror when Dick had almost resisted his act of affection. His heart warmed when they had broken apart to find the acrobat flushing red and staring at him in loving surprise. He held his tongue knowing Dick was processing what he had just done and his eyes had lit up when Robin was about to speak. But then, well, the rest was history. Wally came bombarding in interrupting their intimate moment.

Connor knew that Robin had wanted to approach him at the party, he could see it in the boy's eyes despite them being behind the domino mask. The sad smile that Dick sent his way after Rocket had called to him had the clone folding his arm with disdain. Maybe he shouldn't have kissed him, it had niggled in the back of his mind that perhaps this would end up coming back to bite him. But he was certain Dick had kissed him back, he felt the smaller mouth adjust itself to fit better against his own and Connor wondered if Robin merely engaged him to ensure his feeling weren't hurt.

Grabbing another spanner Connor tuned out his train of thought and focused on the front wheel of his bike. Superboy could still hear the music playing, his super hearing causing the start of a headache, but what caught his attention was the approaching footsteps of one individual. He knew who they belonged to and when they stopped by the door Connor pretended not to notice.

"Superboy?" Robin called out, hand on the door frame watching as the teen turned around wiping his nose smothering it with oil before giving Dick a disregarding glance, turning back to his bike.

"What do you want Robin?"

"I wanted to talk to you." Dick pulled away from the door and slowly approached the tensed super clone. "About before, I-"

"-Just forget it happened." Superboy snapped, growling in frustration as he broke a nug off his bike in a moment of pure resentment.

"I don't want to forget."

Connor froze for a second, the words that came out of the acrobat's mouth barely over a whisper had the clone straightening his posture, wiping his hands on the dirtied cloth. His back was still facing Dick, not daring to get his hopes up.

"You don't?"

"Well no." Robin fiddled with his fingers as he watched Superboy's shoulders tense before relaxing a little. "I was hoping to figure out what it meant exactly."

"I kissed you, Dick." Superboy glanced over his shoulder to see Robin staring wide eyed at him, deciding it was best to actually face the problem head on Connor turned towards Dick who was struggling mentally. "I like you."

"I think I like you too."

"You think?" Connor's heart sunk a little at those words and his eyes flittered to the floor in disappointment.

"I mean I've never liked someone before, and what I'm feeling right now, looking at you, is nothing I've felt before." Dick rambled, his arms motioning all over the place. "I mean this is what it feels to like someone, right?"

Connor's eyes had left the floor as soon as the words flowed from Dick's mouth, locking onto the shy boy finding his arm motions a little too endearing. Connor quick to stop the boy dying from lack of oxygen, the clone grasped the boy's hands pulling them towards him, placing them carefully over the red 'S' on his shirt. Robin's mouth ceased in its movement, staring at his gloved hands as they flexed a little beneath Connor's warmth. Dick glanced up finding Superboy already looking at him, his blue orbs glazed over with what Dick assumed was desire. The acrobat pressed a finger to the clones lips as the taller male leaned forward. A small amused smile made its way to Dick's face as Superboy pulled away furrowing his brow.


"You got a bit." Robin motioned to his nose, grasping the cloth in Connor's hand and gently rubbed at his nose. Superboy folded his arms unimpressed but let the acrobat do as he pleased.

"Gone?" Connor asked as Dick's arms pulled away and was shocked into silence as Robin pressed his own lips against the clones. Superboy's arms fell grasping the acrobat's waist, drawing the smaller boy into his embrace. The cloth fell from Dick's hand and Connor sighed as the acrobat's arms tangled themselves around his neck. Superboy felt Dick tilt his head a little to the side allowing Connor more access to the boy's mouth and let out a breathy gasp as Connor kneaded his fingers against the acrobat's buttocks. Dick pulled away breathless, not so far that he was out of Superboy's embrace, but far enough that Dick could see the 'S' clearly on his shirt.

"Do you think we could maybe take it slow?" Dick bit his lip worried that Connor would reject him outright.

"Yeah, whatever you need."

"It's just I've only just woken up really and everything's changed and my emotions are all over the place." Dick shook his head at the anxious look on Connor's face. "My feelings for you are pretty clear, I mean everything else, like with the team and Batman."

"It's okay Robin." Connor brought the boy into a gentle hug, pressing a kiss to the boy crown. "We'll take as long as you need."

"Just think." Robin pulled away, yanking the clone with him. "I'll be legal in five years."

Superboy's eyes blew open at that comment before furrowing his brow at the tinkerling laugh the acrobat produced as Robin lugged him from his safe haven that was the garage and back towards the party that was still ongoing. 

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