Training with SnowPaw

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"RobinPaw?" Called birchClaw with BlueStorm and SnowPaw at his side "want to train with us?" "Sure!" She got up and started to walk with them but then she saw her sister One Paw watching her go with sad eyes onePaw and her used to be the best of friends but that ended soon after they became apprentices they stopped having a close bond.
OnePaw got up and grabbed a mouse and walked into the apprentices den still watching her sister but this time with an angry look "you coming RobinPaw?" Asked SnowPaw "oh yea I just um spaced out." She said smiling the best smile she could well she was hurt her sister hated her and she knew it. But she pushed it to the back of her mind 'it's time to train not to think about OnePaw' "Race ya!' Said SnowPaw seeing that she was sad "your on!" She said racing up to him BlueStorm and birchClaw chuckled and watched there apprentices race off into the forest RobinPaw ran ahead of him since she she was much faster than him "be quiet or you'll scare off all the prey in the forest!" Screeched ScarPelt with his nearly red Amber eyes glaring at the apprentices RobinPaw backed up behind SnowPaw who was shaking "they were just having a little fun ScarPelt." Said BlueStorm stepping in front of the shaking apprentices ScarPelt just growled and walked to the other side of the forest mumbling mouse brain until he was out of sight BlueStorm stared talking again "that ScarPelt sometimes I wonder who is grumpier HalfEar or ScarPelt." BirchClaw chuckled he didn't talk as much as his brother BlueStorm did but he was a great mentor.
"well we're here lets start with what you guys know pretend we are shadow-clan warriors we will walk around then you attack us how ever you want." "Well you should get going shadowClan." Robin said as they walked into some bushes "so let's go we don't want them hearing our plan." Said SnowPaw said looking the the bushes they disappeared into "good thinking." RobinPaw said as her and SnowPaw ran the other direction "I think we're far them ." "Ok let's plan what do you think they would least expect?" Asked SnowPaw it seamed like a cat whispered in her ear 'trees' " umm t-trees?" She said "that's an great idea! Let's go." SnowPaw said As he climbed up a tree RobinPaw slowly followed wondering what that voice was she didn't notice that she stepped on a weak branch it broke she was holding on with one paw SnowPaw turned around and quickly pulled her up on too a big branch "Are you ok?!" SnowPaw said looking all over her making sure she was okay " I'm fine just hit my head on a branch but I'm fine it doesn't hurt too much." SnowPaw licked her head twice RobinPaw blushed as did SnowPaw "w-we should go find BlueStorm and birchClaw and tell them what happened About your head I mean." " yea." RobinPaw went down the tree after SnowPaw being careful not to fall again
((Time skip to when they find their mentors))
"And then RobinPaw fell holding on with only one paw I grabbed her and made sure she was ok then came down the tree to find you guys." Explained SnowPaw leaving out the part where he licked my head "well I'm glad RobinPaw isn't too hurt but she'll probably have too stay in the apprentices den for a while just too be safe." Said birchClaw "Then I'm Staying With Her!" Said SnowPaw fur sticking out BlueStorm and birchClaw were surprised at first but then realized why SnowPaw was doing this " I-I mean if I C-can BlueStorm." His face going a light shade of pink"of course but when she heals both of you will have to work extra hard." "Yes sir!" Said SnowPaw walking with RobinPaw back to camp well he was practically jumping RobinPaw giggled a bit.

Good I'm done this long chapter hope you liked it I wonder why SnowPaw was being like that :3 bye and thanks for reading don't forget to vote!!!!!!!!!

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