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January 1, 3014, Washington D.C.

◇Nae's POV◇

I walked out of my house heading to my laboratory. I was wearing what I normally wear, my Amythesist necklace, my purple dress, purple shorts, and purple shoes. I really love pur-

♧Normal POV♧

BOOM!!!!! An explosion came out of nowhere knocking Nae down. The fountains, small rivers and ocean around D.C started to ripple and out come Cecaelia.

◇Nae's POV◇

I looked up from the smoke and saw a human, a bunch of humans, they had no shirts and what looks to be like... TENTACLES?!!! I scurried up and ran off. I ran off to the beach jumping in the water to my underwater laboratory.

♧Normal POV♧

Nae swam down super fast. She got up to a door that blended in with coral and rocks. When she went inside the room was huge.

There were a bunch of desks, giant test tubes, big enough to hold a person in, and a lot of other stuff.

She ran to her desk and sat down. "Masco!"

A voice came out of nowhere. "Yes ma'am?" A computer said.

"Turn on the camera of Washington please!"

"Turning camera on" Masco said as a computer came out of the wall showing her Washington. A bunch of Cecaelia were causing fear and more. One voice spoke, the king of Cecaelia, Nyb. "SCIENTIST NAE!!! SHOW YOURSELF!!!!!!" He yelled. The president, Adrien came out, "She isnt here! She left the country!" He said to Nyb.

"LIAR!!!!" Nyb yelled as two guard Cecaelia grabbed Adrien. "Let me go!!!"

Nae gasped as she watched. "The President!!! Masco! We need to stop the aliens!"

"According to my database those 'aliens' are called Cecaelia... They orginate from Native American Mythology, Legend and Folklore" Masco told her.

"Interesting... So... I think and it may be wrong! What if i make a robot that can shift into a human to find out about the Cecaelia?"

Masco doesnt say anything. "That sounds like a good idea ma'am"

Nae smiles as she gets to work on making a robot. "Wait! I need it to blend in with the ocean! I can make it a sea animal but what type?"

"May I suggest a turtle ma'am?"

"A turtle!!! Brilliant Masco!!! A turtle will blend perfectly in with D.C since there are a bunch!"

Nae starts to make a blueprint of a robotic turtle.

¤Few hours later¤

"I'm done!!" Nae shouts happily.

There was a white robotic turtle on her desk. It had no color and was plain.

Nae connected two ciruits and put the turtle in water and it started to swim. It looked at Nae then spoke. "Hello mother" The turtle says as Nae awes.

Nae then gasped. "I know what im gonna name you!!! Terminator Turtle! Or TT for short!!" Nae smiled.

TT swam around. "TT I want you to try to shift into a human"

"Okay mother!" The robot said as it shifted into a human.

Nae gasped. "YAY!!!!"

TT got out of the water and fell. Nae gasped again catching him. "You are heavy!" She said pulling him up.

"Now TT I have a mission for you! I want you to swim up to D.C. and live as a human! I want you to find out everything about those Cecaelia up there and report to me every Saturday!"

"Okay mother" He said as he went to the surface.

☆Narrator POV☆

And so TT went up to surface and started his first day as a humam! He started to learn about their ways.


Hello guys!

It is T here!

So here is a fun fact about this book!

TT is based on me! IM THE TURTLE!!!!!

And Nae is based on my friend Nae XD

I hoped you enjoyed this first part! Please tune in next time!!!


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