let down

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"Tony! Get over here! NOW!" Tony's dad yells. Tony walks over with his hands behind his back. Tony smiles.
"Did you break your mom's picture frame!" He yells with anger.
"Sorry dad....it wasn't on purpose! I promise!" Tony says with meaning.

"Go to sleep tomorrow your going to dare care!" His dad yells as he points to Tony's room. Tony walk to his room and slams the door.

(Mean while)

"Hey mom, mom...mom?.....mom!?" Malcom asks as he waves his hand in front of his mom's face.
"WHAT!?" His mom yells.
"I love yooouu." He says with a bright smile.

"Oh and pack your things, your going to day care for most of you child life sooo."

(Mean while)

"Mommy! Look I drew a flower! Like it? Like it?" Paige says while holding up her drawing.

"You...don't like it....." she says with a worried face.
"Eh it's ok. Get ready tomorrow your going to day care, I have work." Her mom says.
"O-ok......" Paige goes to pack her stuff.

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