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Her Friendzone

His Understanding

Anupama's POV

'Anu, just control,'

I turned back to the picture. He was looking too cute and innocent in the picture. He stood to my left side gazing me. I caressed his cheeks on the picture.

"You're the cutest. I wanna pull your cheeks and eat you up," I tried to pinch the picture.

"Here you go," he bent showing his cheeks. I gasped and gaped him, gulping hard.

'Oh, my biriyani, Anu can't you control your stupid mouth.'

I smiled, "I would love to but I want those cute bubbly cheeks," I pointed to the picture. He was truly the cutest kid.

He heaved a sigh, "Well, it's highly impossible in this birth but we can do one thing," he excitedly rubbed his palm.

"What?" I got amused, turning to him.

"This..." He pulled my cheeks.

I groaned chanting, "Anup, leave me..." I tried to swat his hands. It hurts a lot, he was pulling hard, laughing his heart out. His melodious voice resonating in the hall but my cheeks are hurting. Finally, he left my cheeks with a satisfactory smile. I caressed them feeling pain with a pout.

"Awe, you're cute dimple cheeks are all red. Wait, let me kiss away your pain," he came closer to my face.

'Oh, my biriyani, stop him. His intimacy is not good for my plan.'

"I'm hungry, let's eat," I went towards the sofa. I didn't felt him following me. I turned back and saw him standing like a statue.


He smiled, following me. Sorry for troubling you Anup but trust me it's for our good well. We started eating silently. I'm eating a sandwich, he was eating chicken roll busily. He didn't have lunch and I'm sure even breakfast too. I'm thinking of ways to execute my plan. How can I ask a man to take off my insecurities? So, this is the only way I can make things easy.

"Anup, can you accept whatever my decision is?" I asked seriously, looking at him. He halted, gaping me. His cheeks are filled with food. After a few seconds, he gulped, munching the food.

"Trust me, Angel. I'll never force you," he said with a sincere smile.

I smile and took a bite, "Can we just be friends?" Said, staring at his hands. I don't have the guts nor heart to look at him and spell those words. He was silent. I can feel his gaze on me.

"Seriously, you wanna be friends with me?" He asked me curiously.

"Yes," I nodded.

"God, thank you, Cutie. Since last night, I was hell scared of losing you and your friendship. You made my heart relief. Sure, I believe that love starts with friendship..." I cut him off.

"Only friends nothing more Anup," I declared looking at him. He stared for a few seconds.

"Yeah, Melody but..." I glared. He closed his mouth like a scared cat.

'Oh, my biriyani, he's so cute.'

I turned my gaze to the sandwich and munched it. I'm sorry for hurting you, Anup but I need to overcome my insecurities and accept you without any hindrance. This friendzone will not last long, trust me, Anup.

"I want to be with you that's it. Whether it's a friend or boyfriend or anything, Anu," his sincere voice beamed in my heart. His dazzling eyes stared me with love. I knew you Anup. You're always best to support me and intentionally or unintentionally make me strong.

'I love you, Anup,'

I gaped feeling his lips on mine. Within a fraction of seconds, the scene changed upside down. I was in shock, he sucked my lower lip with that my eyes closed. He tasted like chicken, I lost in the taste and sucked his upper lip. His lips are perfectly curled to mine making me insane. His masculine aromatic fragrance made me enter into my Dream King world.

'Oh, my biriyani, Anu just stop this erotic Rockstar.'

I pushed him, gasping hard. What is he up to? He was looking at me intently. I shivered but glared.

"Anup I said only friends but not..." He cut me off squatting in front of me.

'Now what, Anup? Please don't make me weak.'

He held my left palm, "I'm sorry but trust me this the last time I dared to kiss you, Melody. I'll be a true gentleman and a very good friend," he said with pleading eyes.

His eyes depicted his words making me lose my senses. He showed his right fist; I smiled, bumping his fist. His smile widened, sitting back on the sofa he ate happily. We had a casual talk about food and music. I offered to clean the mess after our eating session but he declined, going to the kitchen taking all the trash with him. I saw his retarded back and heaved a long sigh once he disappeared from my sight.

One thing I observed was he calls my name only when he's serious. His endearments are making my heart flutter but I was still confused about his sudden kiss.

'Why his lips are so tempting?'

There was a spark in his eyes after we parted from the kiss. Everything is getting hard and I hope to manage it well.

He was taking a long time, so I strolled lazily to the kitchen, having a feast to my eyes of this beautiful mansion. The house was really beautiful and looks costly. The kitchen was very big and beautifully furnished with wood. Anup is really a billionaire. His back was facing me, leaning onto the kitchen slab he stood like a statue looking nowhere, in particular, turning his face to his left side. I'm sure he was hurt to my decision but I promise to make you happy Anup.

"Do you need any help, Anup?" He got startled, turning back to me. I stood to his right side.

"Hey, nothing. I was just thinking about what to cook?" He said looking at the fridge. I got surprised, smiling like a fool.

"You cook?" I asked frantically.

"What do you expect from a foodie like me? I learned it from Maa. I'm not any best but I cook well,"

"Awe, my Rockstar! You're amazing but I don't know cooking," he laughed resonating his melodious voice in my ears.

"Oh my Teddy Bear! Cutie is the perfect name for you," he pinched my left cheek.

"Argh, Anup," I swatted his hand, rubbing my cheek but his laughter was not ready to end.

"Why are you calling me, teddy bear?" I pouted. It sounds nice but...

He cupped my cheeks, "I can never make fun of you, Melody. I have immense respect for you because of the way you faced numerous troubles alone in your life but still, love to be yourself. If I had ten percent of your strongness, I would be happy with my real self but not a big deal as I can see myself in you. You're my replica, Anu. My precious Teddy Bear," his thumb caressed my cheeks gazing me lovingly. My heart beamed with pride and happiness. My Rockstar loves me so much.

"You don't need to be serious about it. I'm just kidding," I said with a pout. He again pinched my cheeks. I screamed in pain, swatting his hands. He was enjoying my condition and finally left my cheeks after he got satisfied.

"I just love your bubbly dimpled cheeks," he declared laughing and leaned onto the kitchen slab. I rubbed my cheeks feeling the burning sensation. My heart skipped its beat but I kept looking away scared of his love.

'Oh my biriyani, how can I easily drown in his dazzling eyes?'

"Should I tell you a thing? But you shouldn't make fun of me," he pointed his finger with a pout.

"No, no, no," I feigned like a good girl, nodding positively. I'm sure will tease you Mr. Rockstar.

"I have a huge collection of teddy bears until I was eleven years old. Maa would tease me like hell. I should be a girl but unfortunately born as a boy. I would get angry but she would pacify me with my favorite food. As I don't have real friends, I loved to share my happiness and sadness with those cute teddy bears.

"They'll not judge me like my so-called friends but I finally, left the teddy bears when the man in me grew up. Nanna gave them to the orphanages. After ages, I found a real Teddy Bear and I would call her always with the dress colours. For instance, peach Teddy Bear," he said showing me. My cheeks heated up and I felt shy. He was really a cute kid.

"Now you don't have any teddy bear to share your thoughts?" He nodded negatively with a pout. He pouts a lot.

'How would he been in childhood cutely pouting with his pink lips and bubbly cheeks?'

"Awe, no worries. I'm your very own Teddy Bear. Share with me whatever you want," he gaped blinking rapidly.

'Oh, my biriyani, why he is so cute?'

"Thank you so much Teddy Bear," he beamed, pinching my left cheek. I'm going to swat his hand but halted with the softness. His mesmerizing smile and dazzling eyes are beaming happily.

"Anup, can you please take me to your Rhythm Land?" I request with my best puppy eyes.

His expression became serious, "No," said sternly. My heart thundered rapidly in fear.

'Did I ask any diamonds or what?'

I became silent lowering my head. "Only if you order," his naughty voice resonated in my ears. I raised my head, he winked smirking.

"You scared me," I pouted, smacking his right arm. His laugh beaming my heart and it was an eye-catching thing.

'How lucky I am to see my Rockstar closely?'

"I'll surely take you there but you shouldn't feel awkward nor ask me to change it," I was surprised and kept a questioning face.

He pulled my right wrist and we dashed out, climbing the stairs. This beautiful mansion has two floors. We came to the first floor, strolled towards the left side of the staircase.

'Oh, my biriyani, Kalala Rajyam (dreamland) name suited to this mansion, it's so beautiful.'

This floor was beautifully furnished with wood and pista green colour on the walls. We passed by a hall and two rooms, coming in front of a beautiful door. 'Rhythm Land' craved on it with a beautiful font. Music notes and instruments art crafted on it. He abruptly halted, I turned my gaze to him from my gawking session of this beautiful place.

"Anu, can you accept me for whatever I am? Trust me I'll not disappoint you," his dazzling eyes held so much heavy emotion. I blinked trying to comprehend his words.

"What's it, Anup?" He squeezed my palm lightly. It felt like he was asking me to hold him forever. I held it.

"I'm not a bad guy or some creep. Sorry for kissing without your contest and will never repeat it. I positively admire you, Melody, as I found myself in you. The carefree, happy, lovely, foodie, cute, and whatnot. The younger version of me was like you, my pure replica. So, please don't take me wrong," I understood his emotional turmoil but I didn't understand why he said it.

He opened the door entering it leaving my hand. He switched on the lights, I gaped strolling inside. The walls are filled with big frames of my paintings, pictures. Even his family pictures were there but my pictures are the center of attraction to this room.

The walls are filled with paintings of musical notes and instruments. A double cot bed with a white bedsheet imprinted blue teddy bear on it. He was truly obsessed with teddy bears. My eyes turn to the left side of the room. There are different musical instruments proudly stood in their places.

"This is so beautiful, Anup," I said twirling around. I always had a dream to keep large picture frames in my own house, in my room. It looks like one.

"You like it?" He was surprised.

"I love it," I yammer happily.

"So you're not thinking, I'm some creep?" His voice was scared yet a time surprised.

"What the hell are you talking Anup? You said you're my admirer then what's wrong in it. I'm sure, you will never misuse anyone or anything. You know, my heart was thundering looking at this beautiful room. My pictures are in your Rhythm Land means they kind of inspire you right? How lucky I am? Thank you so much, Anup. I love you, my Rockstar," I halted roaming around, hearing his gasp and turned back to him. His eyes are begging me to say it again with love.

'Anu, you seriously can't shut your mouth.'

"As a fan," I said with a sheepish smile.

His dazzling eyes held disappointment, He heaved a long sigh and smiled, strolling to me. My heartfelt heavy but I don't have any other choice rather than to hurt him. He took off a shinning white cloth. A big black piano shone in front of my eyes. I giggled and pestered him to play the music. He played the melodious soothing music making my heart thunder loudly.

I enjoyed it a lot in his company, his music, his words, his tales and mainly in his pampering.

"Okay, Anup. I'll leave, it's getting late," I said looking at the round beautiful black watch in the hall.

"Hey, wait. I'll prepare dinner," I held his palm.

"Please, Anup," I kept my best puppy eyes. He laughed, trying to pinch my cheeks. I stepped back glaring him.

He chuckled, "Okay, come I'll drop you," said taking long strides.

"No, I'll go please Anup,"

"Order me, I'll think about it," I sadly pouted requesting him with my eyes. He didn't pester much.

Finally, I bid him bye, giving the treat money to him. I came to my hostel eating a full meal which I love the most in Shanti hotel near my college. This is the best day of my life. I got confident to win my insecurities, my love, his love, and him.

'My Dream King Rockstar.'

Anudeep's POV

My breath, my soul, my life came back to me with her text. Last night I didn't sleep a wink nor ate a morsel today. I felt like my precious thing snatched away from me. I didn't dare to look at her the whole day. Last night her expressions still flashed in front of my eyes. After meeting her, I got confident to gain her back.

Finally, my dream came true. Her soft plumpy body held me tightly while I'm driving. I don't understand why I behave like a jerk with her. I just want to feel her body close to me but she warned me with her beautiful round eyes. After that, I didn't trouble her not because of her threat but to take her with me. I knew she didn't have a bike ride and I been lucky to be the first in her life.

I left her in the hall and ran to have a cold shiver in this mid-winter to control my hormones forgetting that she knew Nanna. I mentally prepared to explain her clearly going down. She was engrossed in the pictures and didn't ask about Nanna. Even I didn't pull the string but thought to divert her naughtily. Her reaction scared me but ignored and eat the food. Since morning, I didn't eat anything not because of diet but with the heavy heart.

She pushed me to the friendzone which surprised me. Her beautiful round eyes depicting love but her words confused me. I kissed her, she didn't push me immediately. It's not that she desired to be kissed. I know she has many desires and fantasies but they are sacred. She kissed me because she loves me. I apologized and promised her.

She was insecure and not ready to take the step. I got clarified and took an oath to help her the way she deserves. If she wants me as a friend for life long then I'm ready to be the one. I'll support her, encourage her, care her, and love her the way she wants. She deserves true love, happiness and I'm ready to give her in any way. Her eyes, her actions, her feelings, her love shown pure love.

I got scared to take her to Rhythm Land but her reaction made my heart leap in joy. She spelled those magical words though she covered it still she said it out. I controlled my thundering heart and spend the best day of my life. After ages, I'm happily going to sleep.

'I love my Teddy Bear.'


If you like the chapter, please vote and share your lovely comments with your dear Melody.

Love 💕

April Melody 🎶

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