Chapter 1

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"Rodan, wake up!" A voice said as Rodan's snoring came to a stop. He opened his eyes and sat up in his bed. Radon, his best friend, was kneeling next to him. She didn't look happy with him.
"Sorry. Did I sleep in again?" Rodan asked.
"Yes, like always." Radon said, crossing her arms. Rodan rolled his eyes and chuckled. He remembered how he and Radon met. They both woke up on Monster Island with no memory; the only thing they remembered was their species. They were a species of ancient Kaiju, and they both quickly realized they were the last. They were both 13 now. They weren't the only ones on Monster Island. There was also their friend Anguirus. He was a year older than them, and not the same species, but they quickly became friends after they met. Thinking about their friend made Rodan realize something: he wasn't in the room with them. They all slept in a large cave covered by a worn tarp to keep out harsher weather. Anguirus usually slept in way longer than Rodan.
"Hey, where's Anguirus?" He asked.
"I dunno. He left the cave a little while ago and never came back." Radon shrugged.
A familiar sound came through the door to the cave. It was the sound of a blunt object hitting someone's face, followed by a grunt of pain. It was easy for them to realize what was happening.
"Uh oh." Rodan said. "We'd better go see who Anguirus is beating up this time."
"Do we have to?" Radon muttered. She was always shy around new people. Rodan chuckled.
"Don't worry, I'll protect you." He said. He left the cave before Radon could yell at him for mocking her. She eventually sighed in defeat and followed him. When they got outside, they could see Anguirus was indeed fighting someone. This was someone they had never met. He looked to be about the same age as Rodan and Radon, maybe a little older. He had a bloody nose from the fight, but looked like he had no intention of giving up. Anguirus was relentless, but seemed to be bleeding quite a bit as well.
"We should stop them." Radon said. Rodan held out a hand to stop her.
"Hold on. I want to see where this goes." He said. Radon begrudgingly agreed. They watched as Anguirus put the newcomer in a headlock. It looked like he was about to win, until the newcomer somehow managed to flip Anguirus over before kneeling over him and punching him in the face repeatedly. Now Rodan felt the need to step in. He ran over to them and pulled out his knife from the sheath on his belt, pointing it at the newcomer.
"Hey!" He shouted. The newcomer looked up at him. His face was laced with anger, as well as blood. Before he could reply. Anguirus kicked him in the chest and onto his back. He stood up and wiped the blood from his nose. He stared down at the newcomer in disgust while Rodan walked next to him.
"You okay?" He asked.
"Yeah, I'm fine." Anguirus replied, wiping more blood from his nose. He turned back to the newcomer, who was now looking up at him.
"Who is this guy?" Rodan asked.
"Some kid who thinks he owns the island." Anguirus spat. The newcomer stood up.
"Look, can I just explain myself?" He asked. Anguirus cracked his knuckles and began to walk foreword, but Rodan stopped him. He nodded to the newcomer, motioning for him to continue.
"Start with your name." He said.
"It's Minilla." The newcomer said. Rodan's eyes widened. He recognized the name.
"Wait... Minilla? As in Minilla, the son of Gojira?" He asked.
"Yeah." Minilla nodded. Rodan turned to Anguirus and punched him in the arm. This wasn't a friendly playful punch. He was legitimately angry with Anguirus.
"Ow! What the hell, dude?" Anguirus muttered.
"You idiot! You just beat up the son of Gojira!" Rodan said through clenched teeth. "You know, the most powerful Kaiju on planet Earth, and the guy who single handedly stopped an alien invasion a couple years ago. You just beat up his son!"
"Pfft. Whatever." Anguirus scoffed. "Gojira's a self-righteous prick, and so is his son."
Minilla growled and tackled Anguirus to the ground, beginning to beat up on him again, until Rodan pulled them apart.
"Knock it off, you two!" He ordered. "Listen, we've obviously got off on the wrong foot. I'm Rodan, and this moron you've been fighting is Anguirus."
As he was talking, Radon popped out from behind him. She still seemed nervous. Minilla noticed her and raised an eyebrow.
"Who're you?" He asked. Rodan realized he was talking about Radon, and pulled her out into the open before she had time to object.
"This is Radon. She's a little shy." He explained.
"Um... h-hi." Radon squeaked. Minilla smiled at her, which made her feel a little better around him.
"So why are you here on the island?" Rodan asked.
"Well, my dad kept getting attacked by other Kaiju at our old home, so we're living here now." Minilla explained.
"Wait... you're dad's here too?" Rodan asked.
"Yep. And here he comes." Minilla said, rolling his eyes. Rodan turned around, only to see a tall imposing figure approaching them. His hair was long and dark grey, and his clothes were the same colour. He had two katanas, one on his back and another on his belt. All of them were able to easily recognize the figure. This was Gojira. Rodan was star struck, while Radon hid behind him again, and Anguirus seemed indifferent. Minilla crossed his arms and looked at the ground.
"What the hell's going on here?" Gojira asked. He walked over to Minilla and smacked him over the head. "What did I tell you about getting into fights, boy?"
"You told me to always bring a sword." Minilla muttered.
"And where exactly is your sword?" Gojira asked. Minilla didn't answer. Gojira shook his head and sighed angrily. He turned to the other three.
"So... who're these kids?" He asked.
"I dunno. I guess they live here." Minilla shrugged.
"Hm. I thought this island was abandoned." Gojira said, stroking his chin in thought. He noticed Rodan staring at him and raised an eyebrow.
"Staring is rude, kid." He said. Rodan quickly snapped out of his trance.
"S-sorry, Mr. Gojira sir." He said. "I'm Rodan, this is Radon and Anguirus."
Radon poked her head out before quickly hiding again, while Anguirus nodded. Gojira looked at Anguirus.
"And which one of you called me a self-righteous prick?" He asked. Rodan, Radon, and Minilla pointed to Anguirus. When he saw them pointing, he blushed and kicked the dirt nervously.
"I... uh... didn't think you would hear that." He muttered. "I kinda think you're pretty cool, actually."
"Yeah, that's what I thought." Gojira smirked. Rodan tried to hold back his laughter, while Minilla chuckled confidently.
"Anyway, we're gonna live here now, but we'll try not to bother you." Gojira said. "And ask me next time you want to beat up my son."
Minilla rolled his eyes again. Gojira patted him heavily on the shoulder.
"Might wanna clean that blood off your face." He said. "You want to look presentable in front of your new friends, right?"
Minilla looked at Rodan, who was now looking at him. Both of the them raised an eyebrow. Neither had really even considered an option that they could be friends. But now, the thought seemed almost inevitable. Even Anguirus was considering it.
"R-right." Minilla said. With that, Gojira nodded and walked off. Once he was sure he was gone, Rodan began to laugh hysterically.
"Holy crap! I can't believe I just met Gojira!" he said. "Oh my god, this is the greatest day of my life."
"I take it you're a fan of my dad?" Minilla said. Anguirus rolled his eyes.
"That's an understatement." He said. "He only talks about him constantly. It's like he's his personal hero or something."
"And so what if he is?" Rodan shot back.
"To be honest, Anguirus is kind of right." Minilla shrugged. "My dad's really not that great of a guy."
"What do you mean?" Radon asked.
"Everyone sees him as this big hero." Minilla explained. "He's not. Just because he stopped an alien invasion, doesn't mean he cares about humanity. In fact, I'm pretty sure he hates humans."
Rodan furrowed his brow and nodded. He disagreed, but he guessed that Gojira's son might know more about Gojira than him.
"Well, if you're gonna be on the island from now on, I guess you can hang with us." Rodan said.
"But you should probably clean the blood off your face." Anguirus added. "Sorry for kicking the crap out of you, by the way."
Minilla nodded and left to find a source of water. Radon stepped out from behind Rodan again.
"I like him. He seems pretty cool." She said.
"Not cooler than me, though, right?" Rodan asked. Radon giggled.
"Of course not, you're the best." She winked.

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