Chapter 17 Stepping Out

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That night the air was so saturated, Laura wished there was a window she could open. But at the same time she was glad all the boundaries between them had fallen. Well, almost all. She knew he was still keeping something from her. She intended to get it out of him somehow but she didn't want to make him clam up again. Ji Hoon joined her in bed again, this time without complaint.

"What, no protests today?" she asked, lying beside him. He turned to her.

"I didn't think you'd mind." He said. She clutched his shirt collar and pulled him closer.

"I don't." she said with a smirk. He returned it, letting his hand slide across her waist.

"Do you mind this?" he asked. Laura shook her head. He tightened his grasp, pulling her close so she was pressed against his chest.

"What about now?" he asked. Laura traced lines with her fingertips across his neck and chest, hoping it would drive him to distraction.

"Kim Ji Hoon, do you really think you can scare me away?" she asked. He gave a soft laugh.

"After seeing your prowess today... Not at all." He said lifting her chin so that her neck was exposed. He ducked his head to reach it, trailing fiery wet kisses down to her collar bone. Laura quivered at the feeling, biting back a moan. She had to show him she was strong enough to take the heat.

"You're holding up well." Ji Hoon said, sensing her thoughts. Laura trailed her fingernails lightly down his chest.

"So are you." she said breathily. He took her hand and planted kisses along her wrist. Butterflies soared in Laura's stomach.

"Ji Hoon..." she called softly. He looked at her.

"Am I too much for you?" he asked. She shook her head.

"Never." She said, running her hands through his hair. It was soft and long, and she enjoyed being able to feel him like this.

"Ji Hoon, what are we?" she asked when he lay down to gaze at her. He brought her fingers to his lips kissing each one.

"Why do you want to know?" he asked.

"Because I want us to be real. I want... more with you." she said.

"Social statuses aside?"


"Laura, as long as you want me, I'm here. I'm yours. You'll never have to doubt that. Whatever the future brings, I can only hope I'll still be with you. If you want me to."

"I do." She said softly. She gave a little yawn.

"I just hope one day there'll be no secrets between us." She said sleepily. Ji Hoon kissed her forehead.

"I'll do whatever it takes to keep you safe Laura. But yes, one day I'll show you my all." He said.

"Mmm. That's enough for me. "Laura said, snuggling into his chest. Ji Hoon held her close.

"Get some sleep. We have a lot to do tomorrow." He said.

The next morning saw an unusual chill wind in the air. Laura wished she had her phone to check weather statuses but Ji Hoon's lack of real time communication devices rule made that impossible.

"Do you think the car will last?" she asked Ji Hoon as they drove out of the safe house. "The gas level is kinda low."

"I'll refill at the station on the way." Ji Hoon said. "It's the closest one from here. After that we'll head for the village. It's close to the mountain range but it'll have everything we need so we don't have to enter the city. The more we stick to the outback, the less likely we are to be detected."

"I don't think anyone will be able to tell who we are in these outfits." Laura said, staring down at her clothes. They were both wearing dull toned ordinary outfits with dark green coats and fake reading glasses; it was a very inconspicuous ensemble. "And with this blonde wig, I'm like a different person." She went on. Ji Hoon smiled.

"True. You look more beautiful as a natural brunette." He said. Laura hid a pleased smile at that.

"And black is more your color. Not that brown isn't a good look on you." she said, gazing at his wig.

"The town we're going to isn't exactly high tech so we won't have to worry about CCTVs." He said.

"This sure is a lot to stay off the radar." Laura said slumping against the seat.

"I have to do anything I can to protect you Laura. That's all that matters." Ji Hoon said. Not getting any reply from her, he added in a gentler tone, "Don't worry. You won't be on the run forever."

"I hope so." Laura said, staring out the window.

They stopped briefly at the gas station for a refill. Laura noticed Ji Hoon paid in cash; he explained to her that credit cards were easily traceable and a rare unlimited card like the one from Talavera was a sure give away. Afterwards they drove to the village. Stepping into the tiny department store after what felt like ages, Laura looked around feeling out of sorts. Aisles packed with groceries but devoid of people stretched before them invitingly.

"Where do we even begin? There's so much we need and I'm not sure where to start." She said. Ji Hoon pulled out a piece of paper.

"I made a list." He said, holding it up. Laura shook her head in amusement.

"I should have known you'd be prepared." She said.

"We'll start with the canned goods, then move on to fresh food and end with the frozen stuff." He said.

"Alrighty, man with a plan. Let's get to it." Laura said with a little salute.

They spent the next half hour browsing through the aisles, laughing and joking about each other's cooking and discussing what they would make as they picked up each item. While they paused at the baked goods aisle to get some bread, Laura noticed a shifty looking man enter the store. He looked around as though making sure no one was looking and went to the counter. He didn't see Laura and Ji Hoon at the back of the store. The cashier who normally manned the cash register had briefly stepped out back, and was just returning in time to see what was happening. The man swiped all the cash from the register just as the cashier came back. He gave a yell on seeing the robbery.

"Hey! You can't take that!" the cashier said nervously. The man pushed the cashier down and ran for it.

"Ji Hoon!" Laura gasped. Ji Hoon turned around and heard the cashier yell after the robber, assessed the situation and ran out after him. Armed with a can of beans, he rounded the corner into an alleyway where the robber had disappeared into. He took a strong swing with the can as though bowling and sent it rolling right between the robber's feet, tripping him to the ground. He stood up almost immediately, but Ji Hoon had caught up to him and wrenched his arms back.

"Didn't anyone teach you that stealing is wrong? Even if you're starving it's worse to become a thief!" Ji Hoon said. The man howled in pain as Ji Hoon twisted his arms.

"I give! I give! Let go, you're hurting me!" the man said. Ji Hoon brought him to the ground.

"I'll let go. After you've returned to the store with me and give back all the money you took. Then the cops can have you."

"What? No! I've got a kid I have to feed at home! I can't go to jail! Please!" the man pleaded.

"Is that why you stole?" Ji Hoon asked with a frown.

"Yeah! It hasn't been easy getting a job around here, and I can't let my kid starve!" the man said desperately. Ji Hoon contemplated.

"I'll take you back for now. We'll see what happens afterwards." He said.

The store owner had already called the cops who arrived in no time since the village was so small. The robber pleaded and screamed not to go to jail because of his son as the cops led him away. The cashier who had been watching nearby suddenly stopped them.

"Officers, wait. I don't want to press charges against this man after all." He said. The robber stared at him like he couldn't believe his ears.

"I know what it's like to raise a kid alone," the cashier said, "I get why he did it. let him go, I forgive him. And I also have a job opening that he may like – what do you say to working for me as a regular employee? I'm pretty old and stacking tins and boxes takes a toll on this old back of mine." The robber's eyes shone in gratitude.

"Oh, thank you!" he said, pumping the old cashier's arm up and down, grateful tears brimming in his eyes. Ji Hoon joined Laura where their groceries were.

"That's so sweet. I'm glad the old man forgave him." she said.

"Yes, hopefully this little act of kindness will go a long way towards teaching him not to steal again." Ji Hoon said, eyeing the robber. "Come on, we haven't checked out yet."

The cashier was in such a generous mood that he wanted Laura and Ji Hoon to have free groceries. But Laura insisted on paying and Ji Hoon gave him extra.

"Pay your new employee well." He said to the cashier. The cashier nodded gratefully.

"Well, I guess that covers the excitement for today. It's always an adventure around you, isn't it?" Laura said to Ji Hoon.

"You'd be surprised." He replied with a little smile. "Come on, let's go find a place to eat. You must be starving." Laura smiled guiltily.

"I was afraid you'd hear my stomach. That would be embarrassing." She said.

The cashier directed them to the only diner in town, a cozy little joint that catered well. Laura ate well though Ji Hoon picked at his plate, staring at it with pensive eyes.

"You know, this might be our first real date." Laura said. Not hearing him reply, he leaned closer.

"What's wrong? You don't like steak?" she asked. He looked up.

"Hmm? No, no, it's not that."

"Then what's got you so deep in thought?"

"I shouldn't have left you earlier." He admitted. Laura blinked. She hadn't expected that.

"That's what's eating you up?" she asked.

"It was reckless and stupid of me. Even if it was only for a few moments. I shouldn't have left your side." He said.

"Ji Hoon, you need to stop worrying so much." She said softly. She placed her hand over his on the table. "I'm fine. You didn't fail to protect me." he gazed into her eyes.

"This time." He said shortly. He began to eat without much appetite. Laura sighed knowing she would have to work hard to make him feel less guilty.

"Will that be all? We have a special apple cinnamon pie for dessert today." The diner lady said coming near with two cappuccinos.

"Sounds good. We'll take it." Laura said since Ji Hoon remained silent.

"I'll get those for you right away. Well would you look at that. Looks like a howler's hitting us tonight." The diner lady said, staring out the window. Both Ji Hoon and Laura looked out and saw light snowfall.

"Snow in the middle of autumn? Strange." Laura said.

"It's not uncommon around these mountainous parts. It's what we call a Nor'easter. It looks like the roads will be off limits. Good thing too, it's far too dangerous to travel after dark in a snowstorm." The diner lady said.

"What? But we have to get back tonight." Laura said, looking nervous.

"That wouldn't be a good idea missy. Getting stranded in a snowstorm is the worst thing around here. You'd better find some lodgings for the night. Mrs. Brewer is out with a cold this week otherwise her inn would've been the perfect place to stay. The only other option for tourists is the snow cabins a few miles away. You can stay there on your own. Bit more private too."

"Thank you. I'll see about it." Ji Hoon said. Laura looked unsure.

"Do we really have to stay here for the night?" she asked.

"I don't want to risk getting stuck in the snowstorm. We'd freeze to death. It's just one night; it won't be so bad." He said.

"You folks are lucky to be staying. Tomorrow's the big harvest festival. It's quite a show around these parts. There'll be a parade and music and all that jazz. It's a big hit with the tourists." The diner lady said.

"Thanks for the information." Ji Hoon said. "But we might not stay that long." Laura glanced at him, but kept silent. Naturally she would go along with whatever he planned, but she couldn't help feeling slightly uneasy about the whole thing.

The snow cabins were comfortable and fortunately vacant. They were situated quite far from each other and did provide adequate privacy. The cabin Ji Hoon got was near the forest and was well sheltered from the direct wind. But the temperature had dropped rapidly through the evening and by nightfall it was bitterly cold.

"Brr, are there any b-blankets here?" Laura asked, rubbing her arms.

"I'll fetch some from the cupboards." Ji Hoon said. He brought back two thick blankets and unfolded them for her. He wrapped them around her shoulders. While doing so his hand brushed against her fingers and they felt like ice.

"Laura, you're freezing! This won't do. I'll make something hot for you." he said, taking her icy hands in his warm ones.

"Thanks. I've never really experienced snow in my life." She said glad to feel his warmth. He blew warm air onto her fingers.

"But you live in New York. Aren't the winters brutal there?" Ji Hoon asked.

"They are – but I've never experienced it because every winter I spend Christmas in Australia. I've never been in a real snowstorm."

"I see." Ji Hoon said. Once he made sure she was warmer, he got up and went to the kitchen.

"How does soup and sandwiches sound for dinner?" he asked.

"Comforting." Laura said gratefully. "I'll keep the frozen stuff away. It's a good thing there's a mini fridge here."

"Absolutely not. I don't want you touching the cold stuff after I just warmed your hands. Sit down and don't move." Ji Hoon said with strict affection. Laura smiled.

"You know you'd make a great house husband. You take such good care of me." She said. Ji Hoon felt amused.

"Really? And whose husband would I be?" he asked while he assembled the sandwiches.

"That depends on you, doesn't it? Who you would marry." Laura said softly. Ji Hoon paused but continued cooking after a moment.

"I'm not really the stay at home type. I like cooking, yes, but I wouldn't want to miss out on the action in my life." He said.

"What if you could do both?" Laura asked.

"That would be ideal for me." he replied.

"And what would you do when you weren't cooking at home?" Laura asked, turning and resting her chin on the back of the couch while watching Ji Hoon.

"You're asking what would be my career choice?"

"Something like that. More like – what would be your dream job."

"Having my own dojo and teaching martial arts." Ji Hoon said without hesitation. Laura raised her eyebrows.

"Wow, that came out easy. I guess you know what you want to do in life."

"Being a spy means owning the skill. Putting that skill to good use is just an option for me. Taekwondo has always been my specialty. It helped in spy training. But if I was honest with myself, if I hadn't become a spy, I don't know what I would have become. I would've taken some other career I guess."

"Then why –" Laura stopped. She had been about to ask why he became a spy and then a bodyguard when she realized the reason from what he had told her about his father.

"Why am I a bodyguard?" he guessed, speaking her thoughts. He smiled.

"Because a very special person needed me." he said. Laura knew she should have seen that coming. But still, at least she had unlocked another secret from the mystery that was Ji Hoon. And she felt one step closer to who he was.

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