Chapter 21 Desperate Times

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Ji Hoon froze at that name. Andrew also looked shocked.

"How do you know that name?" Ji Hoon growled into the phone.

"Ah, your little friends from Korea paid me a visit. You see, they want their property back. A little trinket you stole from them." Giovanni said in a smooth tone. Ji Hoon gritted his teeth.

"Where's Laura?!" he shouted.

"My, my, you have quite the temper. Good. You and I share that in common. After all, a man's not a man, if he has no fire."

"Enough games. You tell me where Laura is or I snap the necks of all your men here." Ji Hoon said in a dark tone.

"Oh, but I love games. I live for the thrill of them. Tell you what. Why don't I ruffle your feathers a bit, hmm?" the next moment a voice screamed.

"Ji Hoon! Don't listen to him! Don't you dare come after me!" Laura's voice sent a jolt through Ji Hoon.

"Laura!" he shouted.

"I see you care for her as much as she cares for you... Tell you what Romeo. You give up the trinket you stole and I might consider letting your Juliet live."

You filthy little -" Ji Hoon called him a string of curse names.

"Tsk tsk. Watch your language. If you want to see Miss Talavera alive again, you will play my game." Ji Hoon swore aloud and punched the wall. He would have to give in to Vultaggio. He had no choice.

"I'll take that as a yes. Excellent. Now here's what you will do. You will disarm yourself and come to the location I tell you - alone. You will bring the evidence on the OIS and you will give yourself up, in exchange for Miss Talavera's life." Giovanni instructed.

"Fine." Ji Hoon said through clenched jaws. He heard Laura screaming in protest in the background.

"No Ji Hoon! Don't!"

"Don't worry Laura. Trust me." he said hoping she'd hear. Vultaggio simpered.

"Aww, the tragic romance of young love. How touching."

"You better hope your skull's made of iron Vultaggio, because if I get my hands on you, I'll break it." Ji Hoon growled.

"Your threats are amusing at best. I suppose a cornered panther would snarl. Now, shall we get down to business? Here is your clue. If you decipher it, you will find your beloved. If not..." Vultaggio chuckled darkly over the phone before continuing, "she dies at sunrise." Ji Hoon squeezed his eyes.

"Tell me where to go." He said controlling himself. Vultaggio sounded satisfied.

"You're cooperating at last. Excellent. The OIS said you had a breaking point. Very well. Here is your first clue. Behind every erotic condemnation there's a burning hypocrite."

"Yes, only a hypocrite would quote that." Ji Hoon spat.

"Now now, manners. Your sweetheart is under my gunpoint." Vultaggio said. Ji Hoon swallowed listening patiently.

"Next - It is not the beauty of a building you should look at; it's the construction of the foundation that will stand the test of time." Andrew gave a look of illumination.

"And finally - the road to success is always under construction. An intelligent spy like you should figure it out. After all, your sweetheart's life is on the line. I shall expect you before dawn. Arrivederci, Rogue Ranger." Vultaggio hung up.

"I know what they mean." Andrew said. "The first clue is referring to Jason Talavera. He's the one who initiated the renovation project, condemning a twentieth of the city's old and worthless buildings."

"The second?" Ji Hoon asked.

"The test of time... Some of the condemned buildings are over a hundred years old. They are scheduled to be demolished first."

"How many are there?"

"Over a dozen." Andrew's answer frustrated Ji Hoon. If they had to check every building - they wouldn't have enough time.

"And the third clue?" He asked.

"Only three of those ancient buildings are situated smack in the middle of construction sites. We'll narrow them down from there."

"Good. Then let's go."

"There's just one problem. The buildings are situated quite far from each other. In fact, they triangulate on the map." Andrew added.

"Then there's no time to lose. We have to find Laura before sunrise." Ji Hoon said, making his way back out. Andrew followed.

"But Ji Hoon, what are you gonna do when you find her? The OIS is involved. And if they get you - they'll kill you. Not to mention Laura. And the evidence -"

"I have no intention of getting killed, or letting Laura die by their hands. And they'll never get the evidence."

"Why not?" Andrew asked in surprise. Ji Hoon averted his gaze and answered in a low voice.

"Because I don't have it. Laura does."

The black Benz in which Vultaggio sat raced down the traffic free backstreets of New York. Laura sat behind him in the backseat, bound in ropes. She stared at the phone in Vultaggio's hand appalled; because of that phone call, Ji Hoon would come racing after her, straight into danger, ruining her plan to protect him.

"Your bodyguard has a backbone I see. It is a credit to him. Such a shame to lose a worthy opponent. A man of such skill and ferocity... I would have recruited him had I known him sooner." Giovanni said.

"Ji Hoon will never join you." Laura said through angry tears.

"Yes... Which is why he must die. The OIS indeed lost a valuable asset." Laura thought hard; the OIS wanted the SD card from Ji Hoon; but she had it. In fact it was around her neck at that very moment. Ji Hoon didn't give the fact away to Vultaggio in order to protect her. If they knew that, they would have what they wanted and killing her and Ji Hoon the moment they found him was all they needed. She had to protect the SD card; she had to protect Ji Hoon, most importantly. But how?

"Ji Hoon will never give the OIS what they want." Laura said, hoping to get a rise out of Vultaggio.

"That is to be expected. But with a little persuasion..." Vultaggio stretched behind and lifted Laura's chin in his hand, a sinister smile on his face.

"He will have no choice." The man next to her pulled her arm out in an iron grip and injected it with a syringe. Laura gasped trying to pull away.

"Relax Miss Talavera. I do not plan to kill you yet. I am a man of my word after all. And killing you before the Rogue Ranger's eyes will be more satisfying." Vultaggio said sadistically. Once again, Laura tried to fight the overpowering sleep but it was no use. The darkness overtook her, a black chilling silence engulfing her. A tear left her eye as she whispered a name.

"Ji Hoon..."

Andrew stared at Ji Hoon with his mouth hanging open.

"You're kidding me, right?" he asked.

"No." Ji Hoon said in reply.

"Laura has the SD card?! That thing you work for years to protect?! If Vultaggio and the OIS find that out -"

"They won't. I trust Laura. And believe it or not, that's gonna save her. Because I plan to ruin Baek Hyeon's plans. He thinks I have the evidence. He's gonna get a shock when I tell him I don't."

"But won't that endanger Laura?"

"No. if they touch her, the OIS will never get their hands on that SD card. And Baek Hyeon is working with Vultaggio. If he knows I won't compromise without Laura, he'll want to keep her alive."

"So you're using his need to protect Laura."


"Alright. So what's the plan when we find her?"

"I go in alone and get her. You'll be my cover. Shoot anyone with a gun, except Vultaggio. If Baek Hyeon is there, leave him to me." Ji Hoon said, his expression menacing enough to curdle blood.

"Understood." Andrew said.

They drove to the first building that Andrew said was condemned but it was a dead end. Ji Hoon sighed in frustration.

"Where's the next location?" he asked.

"Duffer Street." Andrew said glancing at Ji Hoon. Ji Hoon wasted no time, reversing the car so fast the tires screeched; he sent it bulleting onto the road. He drove dangerously close to a crash but Andrew held his tongue, knowing Ji Hoon was stressed. They had to find Laura soon and the tension was murderous. In about an hour they arrived at the second location but it too was deserted. Ji Hoon and Andrew checked every inch of the building to make sure before rendezvousing back at the car.

"Nothing. Then it has to be at the last location." Andrew said as they got in the car. Ji Hoon slammed his fist against the steering wheel as he drove.

"Damn it, we're running out of time! It's almost sunrise and we haven't found her!" he roared. Andrew laid a hand on his shoulder.

"Hey, we'll find her. And nothing's gonna happen to her." He said. Ji Hoon rubbed his upper lip with the back of his hand, a familiar gesture he did when he was troubled about something.

"This is all my fault, Tae Wook! I shouldn't have kept secrets from her! I should've been honest with her even if it hurt her! At least then she would've been safe..." Ji Hoon ranted. His eyes felt unnaturally wet and he wiped them roughly.

"I lost her. I'm the reason she's in danger." He said, choking on his words. Andrew breathed heavily. He had never seen Ji Hoon lose his cool before. Was it because of Laura? He thought on Giovanni's words. Did Ji Hoon have feelings for her?

"Ji Hoon, do you care about her?" he asked. Ji Hoon remained silent, his eyes fixed on the road.

"Ji Hoon, I've known you for years. It's not like you to accept defeat. And I've never seen you beat yourself up before. So don't start now. You think Laura would want you to be guilty about this? She probably destroyed the tracker to protect you - which means she cares about you too." Ji Hoon swallowed hard at that. He had figured that out - that was the only reason they lost the signal. Because Vultaggio and the OIS clearly wanted to lure him to her. Only thing that puzzled him was why did they move her from Vultaggio's headquarters? They must've expected him there. Something must've happened to make Vultaggio move her.

"I know." He replied to Andrew's earlier statement.

"Then stop with the guilt trip and get your head in the game." Andrew said with impatience. "Laura's depending on you. She needs you. You can't afford to cry over your mistakes now." Ji Hoon pondered on his words. He was right; getting bogged down by guilt had never been his weakness; that was not how he was wired. He had to be tough; he had to be the Rogue Ranger, one step ahead of his enemies to save Laura.

"You're right about one thing. Laura needs me." He said before lapsing into silence.

They finally approached the third building, a six floor edifice built solely for parking cars. It was almost dawn and the grayish blue glow was slowly turning to orange with the morning light. Andrew put his hand out to stop Ji Hoon.

"Wait. Park over there. That way they won't see us coming. I'll get out on foot and cover you from the opposite building." He said.

"Alright." Ji Hoon said.

"You'll be alone inside the building. Sure you can handle it?" Andrew asked. Ji Hoon glanced at the building.

"There's no need for me to go inside the building. She's right there." He said, pointing to the top of the building. On the sixth floor, on a tiny ledge stood Laura, tied and precariously close to the edge.

"Damn Vultaggio. He's gonna pay with his blood for that." Ji Hoon said venomously, getting out of the car. He went to the back of the car and unloaded several gadgets before strapping them to himself.

"They'll be waiting for you." Andrew said with apprehension.

"They can keep waiting. I'm getting Laura first." Ji Hoon said with purpose, before walking straight into the open complex in front of the building. He turned on the earpiece which was connected to Andrew's.

"You read me?" he asked.

"Loud and clear." Andrew replied. Ji Hoon braced himself. Now to get Laura.

Laura woke up feeling like she had a hangover. A cold wind blew across her face and the floor beneath her was equally cold. She opened her eyes and realized she was seated on the floor. It was dark, but the open windows of what looked like a car parking building showed that sunrise was approaching. Three people (she couldn't be sure because her vision was blurry) stood around her, one of them possibly a woman. She wondered if it was the same woman from earlier. It wasn't until the figure spoke did Laura confirm the fact.

"He will be here soon. Get ready." She said.

"Leave. If anything goes wrong, move to plan Beta. You cannot fail." A man's gruff voice said.

"You believe something will go wrong?" Laura recognized Vultaggio's voice. "You expect defeat too easily and overestimate your enemy. It is no wonder you sought my aid."

"With the Rogue Ranger always expect the unexpected. He is no ordinary threat." The other man said sharply. Laura's mind came alive - Ji Hoon! They had planned to get him using her as bait!

"No... Ji Hoon..." she moaned weakly trying to move. The woman turned her head towards her. Laura wished she could see clearly but coupled with the darkness and the fuzziness in her head she could barely make out a face.

"She is awake. Get her ready. I will be on standby." The woman said and left. Two other men came from the shadows and lifted Laura up.

" I wonder if the Rogue Ranger figured out your location." Vultaggio said. "If not -" he gave a slow chuckle. Laura wanted to retort back to him but she felt too weak.

"Put her outside. We cannot make it too easy for him after all." Vultaggio said. Laura gasped in fear when she realized she was being lowered outside the building onto a tiny ledge. It was six floors high and terrifying for a normal person, let alone someone with a fear of heights. She screamed, struggling to get away from them, but it was like trying to escape hulks; they lowered her down and let go.

Vultaggio and those who were with him left the building, crossing the lot to wait in the nearby building for Ji Hoon. Laura saw them leave over the ledge. Panic came over her. Even if Ji Hoon came to rescue her, she feared she would not last on the tiny ledge. Every slight movement felt like she might fall to her death. And if Ji Hoon came here and they got him, they would threaten him with her life. He might reveal that she had the SD card in the necklace and give it to them hoping to save her. They wouldn't hesitate to kill them both after that.

What was to be done? Would Ji Hoon stand a chance fighting against all of them? What if he got hurt? And she knew he would do his damned best to save her; who knows what lengths he would go through to protect her. But she had to protect him.

She scrunched her head down, trying to reach her necklace with her mouth ignoring the vertigo that threatened her. Somehow she caught it between her teeth and managed to break the clasp. The chain came off and she held it tight between her teeth. Now for the hard part. Getting it in her jeans pocket though her hands were still tied. She threw her head back, the necklace swinging behind. She suddenly felt lightheaded and turned her head back. She breathed painfully, feeling like she was going to black out any moment. But she couldn't, not until she secured the SD card. Trying again, she turned around, ignoring the black spots in her vision. Holding her palm open, she dropped the necklace. Thankfully, it fell right in her palm. she stuffed it in her back pocket. Now no one would know where it was. She leaned back.

"Oh Ji Hoon!" she cried. At least the SD card was safe; now if only she could get off this ledge! She felt like she would fall any moment. She desperately longed for Ji Hoon's comforting arms - yet she hoped he wouldn't show up and be in danger. The conflict weighed heavily in her chest and she began to hyperventilate. If one of them had to die, she would rather it be her. She couldn't bear it if anything happened to him.

"Ji Hoon, I'm sorry." She wept. "I shouldn't have left like that. This is all my fault. I can't even see you one last time..."

And then she heard it - the voice she loved called her name.


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