Imolil A'agaranth

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Name: Imolil A'agaranth (The Gilded Runedancer)

Age: 559

Birthday: February 18th

Gender: Male

Species: Drow Elf

Sexuality: Gay

Creative Origin: Roleplay Character

Looks: Imolil is on the taller end of the spectrum for drow elves, standing at 7'6 with a compact, yet lithe build. His warm, yet black skin is marked with many, many intimidating black runes almost everywhere, including along his jaw, down his nose, and on his ears. He seems to be almost an amalgamation of what the drow elves consider lucky features- his hair is a beautiful golden color that reaches down to the bottom of his shoulder blades. His eyes are the same soft golden color, his ears having the rare scalloped edging that many find attractive.

Personality: Imolil is generally a playful, mischievous guy who loves to converse with people, whether they're friends or complete strangers. Despite his intimidating height and runic tattoos, he tends to give off a warm and inviting aura once someone approaches him. He's practically allergic to being alone, the extroverted male loving to just be around other people. It's rare that he's ever seen without a smile on his face, to the point where he has crow's feet at the edges of his eyes

History: Imolil was born completely deaf to a well off middle class family. With as normal of a childhood as he could have he grew up admiring the Runeweavers and what they could do. Once he was old enough he tried out to become a Runeweaver, though it took him several attempts to actually get accepted as one. Through decades, centuries, of vigorous training he eventually became the best Runeweaver in his city, Agrach Dyrr. Having gone against most of the training that a Runeweaver is actually taught (mainly, stay in one place while casting runes, say the name of the rune as you cast it, etc) he turned his disadvantage into an advantage. Casting his runes through movement by magic and kinetic energy, he soon became the Head Runeweaver of the city.

(Official Timeline Add-On: he remained the Head Runeweaver of the city for centuries, the old emperor passing before being replaced with his son Zeerith. A heavy grudge grew between the two of them due to Zeerith's blatant homophobia and jealousy. The emperor eventually grew so angry and frustrated that he himself ordered the assassination of Imolil. Imolil died by drinking poisoned wine, passing his position of Head Runeweaver to Tso'sun, who had been his pupil up until that time.)

Powers: Imolil has the basic drow elven ability of Shadow Jumping, as well as casting magic through his runic tattoos. He doesn't have a shifting rune due to being unable to communicate as an animal, but he has one of the highest tier runes which allows him to breathe fire like a dragon. His main runic element is fire, his secondary being electricity.

Abilities: He's a graceful dancer, able to feel the beat of the music through the soles of his feet and move along to the beat with ease. He can cook okay, though he's definitely not a professional by any means.

Strengths: Imolil has incredible endurance and stamina from the amount of movement that he does while runecasting. He's hard to hit in battle due to him not standing still, and his precision is unparalleled. He can almost predict where someone is going to move and adjust his aim to compensate.

Weaknesses: Like any other Runeweaver, Imolil needs a lot of food to keep himself and his runes going. His deafness, while he has worked around it to make him stronger, does limit him.

Likes: Imolil loves wine, to the point where he can be seen having at least a glass a day. He also loves the music that he can feel through his feet and he loves to dance to it. He enjoys being around people, even if they're complete strangers.

Dislikes: He isn't a fan of being ignored or being alone at a party, and he hates those who judge him or treat him as a child simply because he can't hear them.

Family: His parents, who he is only mildly close with. He does, however, consider Tso'sun and K'yorl family though they share no relation by blood.

Companions: N/A

Weapons: He uses the same runic staff that Tso'sun does after he dies.

Other: N/A

Voice: Perły I Łotry (My Mother Told Me)

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

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