K'yorl T'sarran

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Name: K'yorl T'sarran

Age: 236

Birthday: August 2nd

Gender: Male

Species: Drow Elf

Sexuality: Straight

Creative Origin: Roleplay Character

Looks: K'yorl stands at a daunting 6'10, though he's considered to be on the shorter side of average for his race. He has black skin and a muscular body, three massive scars from a dragon attack starting at his left shoulder and curling around to his stomach. He has piercing red eyes and short silver hair, adding to an overall 'evil' look, though K'yorl is far from it. He generally wears a single golden loop earring in his left ear.

Personality: K'yorl's mood changes as often as the wind changes direction, often going from happy, to sad, to angry, and back again within a single conversation. But under that bipolar outside, he's a caring man who only wants to please his family and friends.

History: K'yorl was born into the royal family of drow elves that led the city Agrach Dyrr. Ever since he could remember he was trained to be the next emperor by his abusive father, Zeerith. His older half brother, Tso'sun, was usually there to protect him or help him out when he needed it. At around age 12, K'yorl had found out that he had the genetic disease that would cause his lungs to fill up with fluid, like pneumonia, but was just as quickly onset as asthma. Once he came of age to be emperor, he took a mate which turned out to be one of many mistakes. She, and several other women he took as mates, all broke their Bonding with him to leave his very soul shattered. It was only with the help of Sarai and Tso'sun did he find someone that truly loved him- Sabrae. However fate was not on his side, as after they had their only son Jevan, Sabrae was killed by a delirious and feverish Sigel. Now K'yorl is set on revenge against the high elf.

Powers: Besides seeming to be able to annoy people at will, his only power is Shadow Jumping.

Abilities: K'yorl is a decent blacksmith, as well as a flute player and a dancer.

Strengths: Due to his species, K'yorl is immune to most poisons, venoms, and toxins, and resistant to others. His incredibly thick bones and musculature allow him to take hits that most other species can't, including several blows to the head. He's physically powerful, able to bend iron with his sheer strength alone as most of his species can. He has amazing control over his Bloodlust as well. He also has incredible night vision, able to see in even pitch black.

Weaknesses: K'yorl's genetic disease has, over time, left him with a lower lung capacity, and he runs out of breath quite easily. Another major flaw for K'yorl is his mood swings from his bipolarity. These mood swings can leave him either incredibly drained, or irrationally emotional, but either way these swings make having friends quite difficult. He also gets reckless in battle, a side effect of his Bloodlust, that let him take hits he shouldn't be. He's also incredibly weak to only one certain kind of poison, Drow poison, which could shut his body down in less than an hour. He's also sensitive to light, bright flashes often disorienting and momentarily blinding him.

Likes: K'yorl is a family oriented man, loving his half brother Tso'sun, his cousin Sarai, and his son Jevan. He enjoys blacksmithing in his free time, as well as spicy food.

Dislikes: He's very aware of his state of mood usually, and he hates when it shifts. He has no control over how he feels and how he shows it, despite him usually trying to control himself. He's also not very fond of being interrupted in his forge unless it's his immediate family.

Family: Tso'sun, Jevan, Phantom/Zilva, Sarai (Liznightangel)

Companions: N/A

Weapons: His main weapon is a large, double bladed axe that he crafted himself. He had it engraved with runes that would prevent it from breaking.

Other: K'yorl is the emperor of the underdark city Agrach Dyrr, despite being the younger sibling.

Voice: Heidevolk (Immigrant Song [Cover of Led Zeppelin])

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

K'yorl's Axe

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