Sigel Charoi

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Name: Sigel Charoi

Age: 310

Birthday: November 4th

Gender: Male

Species: High Elf

Sexuality: Straight

Creative Origin: Book Character (The Riders of Quenndar)

Looks: Sigel stands at 6'2 with a generally thin, but compact build. He has fair skin like most high elves do, his hair long and golden colored with natural dark green streaks in it. All across the left side of his face and down his neck is a flash burn scar which he usually hides with a ward. His eyes are a dark emerald green, which are usually rimmed with dark bags due to how little he sleeps.

Personality: Sigel is the definition of "too tired for your crap". He usually speaks his mind on things in a very deadpan tone, and he doesn't put up with people's bs. He usually keeps a very level head, able to keep calm in even stressful situations. Sometime's he can be a little slow due to his lack of sleep, but he's pretty smart. When he's not having to be a leader or a warrior, he can often even be playful.

History: Sigel was raised an only child by his mother and father in a welcoming, mostly laid back household. When he was just a young elf he had wanted to be a soldier like his mother, as he admired her and what she did. When he was older his mother took him on a few trips to different cities, though on these trips he found a new passion- medical work. Pushing aside his knowledge to be a soldier he took up medic training, though it was around this time that the war between drow and surface elves started to truly hit home, leaving many cities without their best medics. This, combined with the fact that his father was fairly lazy and his mother was gone often to fight, led Sigel's training to...stretch out a lot longer than it was supposed to. During this time of extended knowledge he met some of his closest friends, with which he formed a close bond and a small group of musicians, for which he became an excellent singer and violin player. However, this extended period of time came to a very abrupt end as he got the terrible news one day that his mother had been killed on the battlefield. After this, he threw himself into his medic training, having to put the band and the friendships he had created aside to do so. Months, years of training passed before he was considered educated enough to be a field medic, where he was sent to the same battlefield that had taken his mother from him. It was there he found something else, something new- romantic love. An injured drow who had patched up, who's name was Miz'ri. Their relationship grew strong despite the tensions between the races, until they at last got married. They even had a little half drow son, Tso'sun. But it wouldn't stay happy- eventually the Emperor of the drow at the time, Zeerith, caught wind of this. He attacked Sigel and left his face permanently scarred with runic magic from a Runeweaver's wand, and dragged both Miz'ri and Tso into the underdark. His anger and vengeance again turned his career into one of bloodshed, the once medic turning into a skilled soldier just like his mother. He slowly worked his way up until he became the military leader for the entire army of high elves, where he now stands and regrets his decision to ever return as a warrior.

Powers: He is a natural telepath and is pretty adept in teleportation, as well as earth and fire magic. He has a special attack where he can absorb the power from the sun itself, before redirecting it from his arms in two powerful, sweeping beams.

Abilities: Sigel is a fluid dancer and singer, as well as a violin player. He knows how to ice skate and snowboard, and is pretty good at those activities.

Strengths: Sigel is an all around pretty good fighter, though he much prefers hand to hand or close combat over ranged. His strength in battle lies in his agility and speed rather than his strength, which he's lacking in. He's also a habitual eavesdropper, which often helps him.

Weaknesses: Sigel is severely lacking in the strength department. He suffers from PTSD and Insomnia, as well as OCD sometimes. He also has tremors from having a bottle of drow poison forced down his throat, which the antidote he took didn't heal him completely. He has to take strength potions to stop the shaking.

Likes: Sigel enjoys his alone time, as well as spending time with his horse and his cats. He enjoys music as well as his close friends, as well as reading and singing.

Dislikes: Spiders. Just...spiders. Heights also don't sit well with him, or his stomach.

Family: Tso'sun

Companions: He has an all white horse named Orla, and usually either one or two cats named Niven and Lennox

Weapons: Sigel has a pair of scimitars and an enchanted bow that doesn't require physical arrows to fire

Other: Sigel is the military leader of the city of High elves.

Voice: Peter Hollens (Edge of Night)

One of Sigel's Scimitars

Sigel's Enchanted Bow

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