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Name: C106G1996 (Zilva)

Age: 7-8 years

Birthday: October 6

Gender: Female

Species: Drow elf

Sexuality: N/A

Creative Origin: Roleplay Character

Looks: Zilva is short for a Drow for her age, standing at "only" around 5'2. Her skin is a pale black and marked with scars, namely around her wrists, ankles, and neck from the chains she once wore. Her one ear tip is missing, though her long, straight silver hair hides it most of the time. Her eyes are a bright silver as well, guarded but often filled with curiosity and hopefulness.

Personality: Zilva, unlike her older counterpart Phantom, is generally shy and mistrusting at first. Once she warms up to you, however, she's just like everyone else her age: playful, curious, and often excited to just be a kid.

History: Zilva was sold as a child to the gold mines, a place only reserved for the worst Drow criminals. At only the age of 5 she struggled to adjust from her well off home to the harsh gold mines. It was only with help from the nicer guards (who were both paid and threatened to shut up about it) that she was able to survive at all, including her sterilization.

Powers: Zilva is barely able to control her shadow jumping as of yet.

Abilities: This young Drow is still finding what she likes and what she's good at.

Strengths: She has superior physical strength and stamina to most children her age, and is able to see clearly in the dark like all Drow elves. She also has enhanced hearing.

Weaknesses: Since she's young she tends to be naive, and isn't always the best choice maker. Her bones also aren't fully developed for a Drow elf, making her somewhat more prone to injuries. Bright lights and loud sounds, as well as subsonic noises, tend to disorient and or frighten her.

Likes: Zilva loves to listen to music and hang out around animals, as well as simply just discover the world around her.

Dislikes: She has trouble trusting people and doesn't like large crowds (particularly anyone of the male gender), as well as what can be considered offensive noises.

Family: She forgets who her family was.

Companions: N/A

Weapons: N/A

Other: N/A

Voice: Jarilo (Percival)


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