Dancing in the Dark RP: Snowella Janessa Des'Channel and Percy Hunter Scott

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Name: Snowella Janessa Des'Channel

Nicknames: Snowi, Ella, Snowflake, Frosty, Ellie, Jess, Jan, Essa, Nessa, Snow, Smol Bean,

Age: 16

Grade: Sophomore

Sexuality: Straight

Face Claim: Allie Deberry (She is so beautiful)

Personality: She comes off as this sweet little smol bean, sweeter than sugar and candy. Always having a sickening sweet smile on her lips. Which she is, to a certain extent of course. She does have a huge heart for others, her caring about others is so much more than just doing what is expected, she goes way beyond. Is is always there trying to help people and make friends, she is a very social person and isn't afford to take a risk. She is very loyal, and sometimes her loyalty makes her a bit of a push over sometimes, meaning she will let people get away with things, due to not wanting to make enemies. She is also very polite when it comes to others who are in high authority, she respects everyone, even those who are mean to others.

But don't let the innocent personality deceive you, she can be a real you-know-what at times, but /only/ when she is mad. Beware, she might be a smol bean, but don't let that fool you, she does back a punch. However you really have to get under her nerves to let her actually like that, I mean like you have to really try and push he buttons non stop for a very long time. She shockingly has a lot of patience, more than anyone else could ever have. She learned to be patient from a very young age, it was installed into her by her parents.

Likes: Cookies, this girl is obsessed with them, she is always stashing them everywhere for a little extra snack. Smoothies, green, pink, yellow, any color and type of smoothie she likes and will always be drinking. Fashion, she loves showing off her style, she is always dressing to impress and loves to give makeovers. Fangirling, she is the poster child for a fangirl, she is always freaking out over her crushes, bands and actors. Singing, she loves to sing, but not around people, she likes to keep it as her hidden talent. Fruit, tea and juice, a few things she likes to have besides cookies, she tries to keep it balanced out. Cooking, she may not be very good, but she does try and often has to have help, same goes with baking. Animals, she is a huge animal advocate, hence she is vesco-tarian, she doesn't see anything wrong with dairy, or fish, she finds fish a little weird, not cite at all, she finds it okay to eat, but only fish like salmon, tuna, bass, things that.

Dislikes: Motorcycles, it's kinda of a fear she had always had more or less, she thinks they are really dangerous and a death wish. Broccoli, yes, she hates it more like loathes it more than anything, she hates the taste. Meats, like I've said, she is a vesco-tarian, she eats no animal meat what so ever, but she does eat fish. Nuts, she is allergic also to nuts, to many nuts can kill her, but she doesn't let anyone know, she only passes it off as she doesn't like them. Rock music or anything close to it, it gives her major headaches, it just annoys her beyond anything. Shrimp, shrine, krill, lobster, catfish, oyster and so forth she will not eat, she finds them disgusting, as is the trash cans of the sea. Smoking, she is allergic to the nicotine in it (yes it's a real thing), it makes her cough, her throat swell and sometimes makes her skin itch.

Backstory: Snowi grew up in a middle-upper class family, her father was a lawyer and her mother is a cosmetics sales person at a very high end store. Her father is always busy with his work and her mom is hardly ever around, when she is it's always giving makeup tips. Her mother had a bit of OCD and was always fixing and making the house "perfect". She had a pretty normal life, she did average in school, she wasn't above average or below. Starting out in school, she was hardly ever noticed, especially by boys. She had always did her best in anything she did. When she got older, in her teen years, she started to try and get boys attention. She started to dress showing her body off, getting the wrong kind of attention, but this only lasted for a few years. When she was fifteen she found out the way she was dressing was getting the wrong attention. So now she just wear whatever she feels like wearing. She have been to the beach a lot, she loves to surf and swim, it is her number one thing she does in the summer time. When she isn't in school she is helping out others besides having fun with her cousins and a few friends.

Your Type: Really, she likes any guys who will treat her like a princess. The type that really care about their girlfriends, take time to remember the little things, give small gifts so no real reason but to show their love for them. Yes she has her own little world of the perfect man. Of course there might not be any like that, but she always likes to keep hope.

Relationship Status: Single pringle ready to mingle

What Your Soulmate's Tattoo Look Like: A snowflakes, since she is very unique like a snowflake, plus her name does have Snow in it of course.

Other: She speaks Italian and French fluently, since on her mom's side she is Italian and on her dad's side she is French. She does tend to go to parties, if she is asked of course, she doesn't invite herself.

Theme Song: Primadonna Girl by Marina and the Diamonds


Her favorite song is: King by Lauren Aqulina

Offic_MayaEficent_ Offic_Dovellfangirl_ XAngelWithAShotGunXX LilMissCootie AeowynJaquelyn


Name: Percy Hunter Scott

Nicknames: Perce, Hunt, Pretty Boy, Loser, Nerd and a few other names I will not say,

Age: 17

Grade: Junior

Sexuality: Straight

Face Claim: Mateus Ward (Kill me now 😍😘)

Personality: He is a very charming young man, when it comes to girls and he doesn't even try. He is a true gentleman and treats every woman with the utter most respect ever, he treats everyone with respect and politeness. When he does find his soulmate, he will treat her ever so romantic, he will do little things, remember special little dates. He cares, he really cares about everyone and everything. He is very gentle and compassionate, he hates seeing people hurting, because he doesn't want to see anyone suffer the way he did.

He is very sensitive at times, especially around cursing, he tries to not let things that are set affect him, men don't cry, that was what he was ways taught, so he keeps those emotions bottled up in side him. He tries his best to help others around, being there for them, but no one is ever their for him. No one ever asks or presses of there is anything wrong with him. Even if he says no, it's quite obvious there is, but no one even cared enough to ask. Hence why he is always smiling, he always tries to make things appear to be good and happy, and his life is peachy.

Likes: Playing piano, music is his way to express his emotions, you can tell by the type of music plays shows what he is feeling at the point in time. Singing, he may not be the best (or at least he doesn't think so) it is something that is one thing he only has that his stepsiblings don't have. Books, they also take him away from his reality, he has read so many he can quote them word for word.

Dislikes: Alcohol, the very smell repulses him, it reminds him to much of his father, his yelling and cussing when he was drunk. He vowed never to touch the stuff, along with cigarettes, both very deadly and body harming things. Cussing, he will be very blunt and ask for you not to curse in front of you (*sighs* I wish I could be that way...), he doesn't care if you don't like it, he doesn't like hearing it.

Backstory: His mother left him when he was seven, all she said was she was going to the store, a typical thing to say when someone leaves, she never came back. He didn't know that she has packed up all of her stuff already and was just waiting for the perfect time. His father came home and asked where she was at, he to him she went to the store. Hours past she never came back, she ended up texting his father telling him the divorce papers were on the table, he just needed to sigh then and mail them off. His father started to drink after that, he became an alcoholic. He father loved him and showed it when he was sober. But when he was drunk, he got cussed and yelled at a lot, he never was physically abused, just verbally. He knew it was the alcohol talking. But then his father got remarried and his stepmother didn't like him, she liked her children more than him. He was forgotten most the time, but his father when sober always made sure to show his son that he did still love him.

Your Type: He doesn't really have a type, he doesn't look on the outside, it's what on the inside that matters, all he really wants in a girl is someone who will love him no matter what happens, that will stand by his side, will help bring him up at his weakest, someone who will pick up his broken pieces and work with him to put it back together, someone who is very open.

Relationship Status: a sad little single puppy

What Your Soulmate's Tattoo Look Like: The infinity symbol inside a heart, showing their love will last forever. (His will for his soulmate)

Other: His is weirdly good at puzzle boxes and Rubix cubes, Sudoku (it's pronounce soo-do-co). He has always wanted a dog, but his stepmother would never allow and pet inside the house.

Theme Song: I Believe by Christina Perri (Can I say what better song for my smol bean?)


His favorite song is: All of Me by John Legend

JubileeFlowers MysterysChild Carolynthe70schick cyanpuppy DamSlytherClawSchist

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