Eleanor, Spencer, Lyla and Gideon Jameson (For All RPs)

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Name: Eleanor Jameson

Age: 17 going on 18

Grade: 12th

Gender: Female

Face Claim: Victoria Justice

Personality; She is very mature, motherly to everyone younger than her and formal. She shows a impeccable amount of confidence when she is talking to people. She is very caring and sweet, she had a heart of gold, though many people don't see it. At first she can seem cold and closed off, but due to her past she doesn't trust anyone hardly. She is strict when it comes to her siblings and following the rules for sure. She is very stubborn at times and hates to admit she was wrong. She blushes really easily, any compliment no matter who it is her face goes flush since she isn't use to hearing them.

Fears; Death, Her siblings getting hurt, seeing her mother again, going back to her home town, fire of any kinds, daggers and knifes,

Flaws; She is way to mature and doesn't know how to have fun, she spends her time taking care of her siblings but never having fun, she isn't a carefree person. Also she is very stubborn at times and won't admit when she is wrong.

Likes; Her siblings, reading books, taking nice walks outside, being by herself, apple cider, animals, fer father

Dislikes; Her mother, talking about her fathers death, being called many horrible names,

Backstory:Eleanor lived in a middle class family, her father, Jeremiah worked as a blacksmith, a very well off blacksmith due to the passing of his father who was also blacksmith. Her siblings had a normal childhood, they had fun and did normal things children do, but she didn't. She had to grow up fast, do everything her mother had said so her siblings wouldn't have to do it. Lyla was her fourteen year old sister, Spencer was their sixteen year old brother and Gideon her ten year old brother. She loved them so much, she would die for them, she would do anything for them, and she had. Now her mother, Ingrid was a very strict and controlling woman who was her cold as to speak. They could never go into town unless they were given permission to and it was only for school, the store and the occasional library or bookstore. They never really liked their mother, but they respected her. After all she was their mother, and she was older, but that didn't mean they couldn't like her. She was like a tyrant to her kids, making them do everything for her. Of course Eleanor being the oldest took it upon herself to do most of the work to let her siblings have a childhood she never got to have one. But their father and fell into depression, no one knew why. He didn't want to go to work, he was not his happy self. Then one day he never came home, the next morning in the paper they had said he had killed himself. Everyone one was broken up about it, all but Ingrid who seemed to be happy about it. That would mean she would get a very large amount of money for the passing of her husband. Even more if her kids were to pass away. Eleanor soon figured it out and one day when her mother was gone. So Eleanor packed up their belongings while their mother was at the store and went to live with their aunt and uncle far away.

Other: She has always wanted to ride a horse, she has a strong relationship with Spencer, they are the most mature in the family


Name: Lyla Jameson

Age: 14

Grade: 8th

Gender: female

Face Claim: Ashley Boettcher

Personality: She is just the sweetest girl in all the world, she is so caring and compassionate for everything. She never judges people, and tries to find the good in everyone. She is very naïve at times especially to romantic love, she had never had a crush or anything. She is down-to-earth and modest, she doesn't take credit for anything. She like most of her siblings is always helping others, no matter who they are. She is always trying to do the right thing, even of it means "taddle-tailing" on them. She is always wearing a smile, and is always looking for the silver lining.

Fears: Never knowing what love is, never getting married, death scares her so much, seeing her mother or her mother finding them,

Flaws: She is just way to sweet, she doesn't know when to say no. She hates when people get mad at her for not doing something. She is a people pleaser and will always make others happy even if it is wrong.

Likes: Sweet things, second chances, having fun, spending time with her siblings, reading books, drawing, writing poems, cats, making friends, the undead,

Dislikes: Talking about her father's death, being bossed around and teased by her brother, people making fun on her poems,

Backstory: Same as Eleanor's

Other: She and Gideon are very close, they are peas in a pod.


Name: Spencer Jameson

Age: 16

Grade: 11th

Gender: Male

Face Claim: Nick Robinson

Personality: He is very stubborn, he's almost like a mule stubborn. He isn't persuaded to do anything, don't even try to goat him into anything he won't do it. He at first comes off as snarky and rude, its only because he has a little bit of his mother's attitude in that department. He fights with his younger brother a lot, mainly over a little things. He is mature, just like his sister, since he had to be the "man" of the house when their father was working, which was most the time.

Fears: His mother, death, girls that aren't his sister (only because he doesn't know how to act around them), blood yes he gets very queasy about blood, horses he is actually terrified of them, all beans (excluding green beans) because he is shockingly and weirdly allergic,

Flaws: He is very argumentative and is always wanting to be right. He doesn't admit he is wrong, and he can hold a grudge for a very long time.

Likes: Relaxing, being outside, hot chocolate, teasing his siblings, playing the piano, thinking and dreaming, leaning about things, reading books,

Dislikes: His mother, he never liked her, always thought she was a lose cannon, being told he is just like his mother, talking about his father's death,

Backstory: Same as Eleanor's

Other: He has a strong relationship with Eleanor, they are the most mature in the family.


Name: Gideon Jameson

Age: 10th

Grade: 5

Gender: Male

Face Claim: Owen Vaccaro

Personality: He is very happy, he hardly every has a frown on his face. He is very friendly and is always trying to make friends. He is ever so innocent and doesn't really know the concept of death. He is bubbly at times and is a little energetic power-house at times. He argues a lot with his older brother, and he often gets put into a headlock.

Fears: Death, dogs, the dark, he is scared of what lurks in the dark, not necessarily monsters either. Getting married, being kissed by a girl and girls in general,, he dislikes girls because he thinks they all have cooties but not his sisters because they are sisters.

Flaws: He is overly friendly, he will make friends with everyone and I mean everyone. He doesn't really know how to tell if someone is good or bad. His perception of people are always they are good, even his mother.

Likes: Bugs, his bug collection, playing with his toy soldiers, exploring, climbing trees, dogs, the dirt and mud, worms, pies,

Dislikes: Being bossed around, not getting to do what he wants, his toys being taken away or hid, teasing by his brother, being called cute, people pinching his cheeks,

Backstory: Same as Eleanor's

Other: He and Lyla are very close, they are peas in a pod. He had black glasses since he is like his father who needed glasses.

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