Eye Candy | Individual RP OC | Cheong Sim

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| Finally my female oc |


| F u l l  N a m e |
Cheong Sim

| A g e |

| G e n d e r |

| S e x u a l i t y |

| L o o k s |
Park Jung-hyun (Xiyeon ~ Pristin )

| P e r s o n a l i t y |
She is as sweet as a peach and it doesn't matter who it is, she is always sweet to everyone. She isn't one to judge others, she has never liked going by first impressions since she finds them quite unreliable. She wants to get to know them for who they truly are before seeing who they really are. She always looks for the good in people, no matter who they are, she knows everyone has good in them. She is very caring and looks after everyone, making sure everyone is happy and taken care of, before she even thinks about herself. Sometimes she even forgets about herself just to help others and that is the one thing she enjoys. She is quite loyal to her friends and will do everything for them, no matter who they are. She always tells the truth and never will tell a lie, honesty is the best policy for her, and that is her motto. Besides living by the golden rule, she will always treat everyone with the utter most respect. She sometimes can be a bit clingy, but she only doesn't want to leave or let you go, she attaches herself to people. That is a bad thing since she always gets hurt when she is attached to people, and she can never depart from them at all. She is quite sensitive and will cry at the tiniest little thing and takes everything to heart even if she shouldn't. She does and it is always bad in the end for her. Now at times she can be a bit of a diva, but only when she feels like she is, which isn't all the time, and it depends on who she is with. We know conforming to other people isn't good, yet she does it anyways hoping that they like an accept her.

| L i k e s |
~ sour and sweet candy
~ hot chocolate
~ every season
~ the warm sunshine
~ rain
~ cute comfy clothes
~ girly stuff
~ her little apartment
~ cuddling
~ baking and cooking
~ eating ice
~ talking with her friends
~ taking long walks
~ riding her bike
~ animals

| D i s l i k e s |
~ bubblegum
~ thunder and lightning
~ men who think they are superior to women and are rude to them
~ not being able to have a pet
~ trains
~ crowds
~ bad days
~ being yelled at and humiliated
~ being chased and walking alone at night

| S t r e n g t h s |
~ Being told that she can do something, gives her strength to do what she knows she needs too. She honestly doesn't have many, but as long as she has people to help boost her confidence and tell her she can do it, she will do it.
~ Her need to help others, since she will do anything (within the law) to make sure everyone is okay in the end. It doesn't matter who they are, if someone needs help, she will help them, even if she is being told not to.

| W e a k n e s s e s |
~Seeing others hurt, since that is just one thing that will shut her down and not really be able to do anything. The only thing she can do is plead and beg for her to do whatever they want so they won't hurt her family or anything, since that is horrible to her.

| F e a r s |
~Death, and as cliche as some may think it to be, who isn't afraid of dying? I know I am, like her, she is more afraid of not knowing what she going on, then death itself. The faint idea of people needing help, and not being able to help then after are dead, is a haunting feeling if dread.
~ Her family being hurt or killed, as you have seen, she cares so much about people and her family is gold to her. She loves them so much, she is willing to give her own life to protect the ones she loves so much.

| F l a w s |
~ Her personality is one big flaw, because she becomes a doormat for people and can't find her own voice. She is more scared of people not liking her and losing people, so she keeps her mouth shut and says nothing. She knows it isn't right, but people just don't understand where she comes from for that.
~ The way when certain things happen, she will freeze, like in her fears, and under stress, she will take a while before she is able to break out. People need to be understanding of it, but most the time people make it worse for ber by yelling at her.

| O c c u p a t i o n |
She works as a part time barista at the local cafe while she is going to college

| H o b b i e s |
The only hobby she has is painting, she enjoys how relaxing it is to express herself in various ways. She may not be the best, but abstract is her way and each ones tell a story that she will be excited to tell you.

| B a c k s t o r y |

She doesn't have anything out of the ordinary happen in her life. She lived in Korea until school, then she came here. She is an only child, her mom, Hyuna and her father Kai, have stayed in Korea, hoping their daughter will come back. But she is getting slowly attached to America, but still wants to go back to Korea to live if fate takes her course. It is similar to Taehyun's since she also had nothing bad or extremely good happen.

| A e s t h e t i c |

| T h e m e  S o n g s |

Electric Shock ~ F(x)


Heart Attack ~ AOA



| T a g s |


| P a s s w o r d |

Once again anything with chocolate

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