Foreign/Adopted Selection Princess OC | Princess Malaria "Mal" Sun-(surname)

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Name: Malaria "Mal" Sun-(insert surname)

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Title: Adopted Princess/Foreign Princess

Face Claim: Nayeon (Twice)

Personality: She is just the sweetest girl in all the world. She is so caring and compassionate for everything and everyone around her. She never judges people, and tries to find the good in everyone even when others don't see it. She is very naïve at times especially to romantic love, she had never had a crush or anything. She is good at poetry and can come up with a poem off the top of her head, although she doesn't use the first that comes to mind since she has to make sure it makes sense. She is down-to-earth and very modest, she doesn't take credit for anything. She, like most of her siblings is always helping others, no matter who they are. She is always trying to do the right thing, even of it means "taddle-tailing" on them, she just doesn't like getting others in trouble, but she knows it was the right thing to do. She is always wearing a smile bright on her face no matter what happens (unless it's sad). She is always looking for the silver lining in everything that happens to know if there was a reason for it happening.

Likes: Singing, she loves to just burst out in random song, mainly being really cute and funny. Dancing, she loves to just dance, just for fun that is, but she loves to have fun and make others smile. Animal onesies, yes she adores them and always ends up wearing them when she is sad, because they make her feel cuddled. Hugs and cuddles, she loves to receive and give them to everyone. Sweets, she loves all sweets and loves to bake them as well and give them away to others.

Dislike: Storms, she is not a fan of thunder and lightening at all, honestly, she just doesn't like it at all. Rebel attacks, oh no, they scare her so much, only because she knows that death and terror only comes from them. People using her siblings, she doesn't like people playing her siblings just to gain or get something because of being a royal. Her name, her real parents, as she had been told, named her that out of spite since they never wanted a child.

Secret: She is anorexic after being bullied over their weight when she was a child, by her real parents and some others. It isn't very noticeable for this small girl, but she barely eats anything and often uses the excuse she had snacked earlier. She is very self conscious about her body, even though she doesn't show it since, after all, she is a princess, she tries to mold to what society says is the perfect body type.

Secret power: She has no powers without her necklace, with her necklace she has the power of to grow plants, aside from that no one knows that she is adopted and it would be a huge disgrace if they found out that she was not a legitimate child.

Fears: Death, that is the one thing that scares her to (ironically) to death. She doesn't like the thought of not being able to feel emotion or enjoy normal things in life. It doesn't have to be her own death, it is anyone's, especially her family. She is also scared of seeing her family getting hurt and not being able to do anything about it, that slowly kills her inside.

Thoughts on the Selection: She is skeptical about this whole idea. She doesn't like the fact that people will be trying to win her siblings heart, but she does want them to be happy in the end.

Other: She speaks fluent Korean, after all, it is her first language she had learned as a small child.
She can be typically seen with animal ears on her head walking or skipping around the palace.

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