Getting the Letter

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Annabeth was nervously pacing back and forth around the living room, waiting for the mail to arrive. "Come on, come on, come on!" She repeated over and over again. Nothing was never more nerve racking waiting for this letter.

"Anna, you're giving me a headache," Piper groaned rubbing her temples and closing her eyes. "Slow down and calm down." She said sitting back, keeping her eyes closed.

"You're going to burn a hole in the floor." Thalia joked with a smile, as Annabeth stopped and looked at her four friends.

Hazel started to twist her brown curly hair around her finger. "The suspense is killing me." She said with frustration in her voice.

"You? Its killing me!" Annabeth exclaimed plopping down on the couch and leaning back, slouching.

"Proper posture," Fred remembered his daughter, looking at her, who sat up properly.

"Its killing all of us." Hazel corrected with a sigh. She hated waiting, they all hated it, especially for this letter.

"Clam down, I'm sure it will be fine!" Reyna told her, sitting back and crossing her arms.

"How can I calm down when my whole future depends on this." Annabeth told them. "My onw and only chance to find love!"

"Pfft, you know that's not true." Piper said. "They're are plenty of guys that would just love you!"

"Yeah, Annabeth," Hazel agreed. "I could name off a bunch of guys that would love to date you."

Annabeth sighed and laced her hands through her hair. "And if I don't get I know I wasn't chosen."

"Which is fine by you?" Piper chimed in before Annabeth could finish her sentence. Annabeth just nodded in agreement.

"I'm being silly, what royal in their right mind would choose me out of the million of girls here." Annabeth told herself to make herself feel a little better about losing.

"No you're not." Reyna butted in, taking Annabeth's hands. "Of they chose you, its because they like who you are, not anything else."

"Or its completely fate." Piper said taking her fingers through her hair. "Like they put all the names in a container and pull random ones out, like The Hunger Games."

"Only without the killing." Hazel added, earning a nod from everyone in the room and a rustle of the news paper from Fred.

Athena walked in then door with a handful of mail. Going through each letter and looking at where it came from and who it was addressed to.

Annabeth jumped up off the couch. "Is it there?" She asked breathlessly.

Athena looked at her daughter and handed her the letter. "Here it is." She said with a smile.

Annabeth ripped it open and began to read. Piper, Hazes Reyna and Thalia gathered behind and looked over her shoulder at the letter.

Annabeth's eyes widened as she read it. "Holy Hera!" She exclaimed jumping up and down. "Mom! Dad! Piper! Lia! Haze! I got in! I got into the selection!"

"Congratulations Anna!" Her mother praised with a huge smile giving her a hug. "My Aphrodite bless this selection for you."

"Congrats girl!" Thaila said hugging her, followed by Piper, Reyna and Hazel.

"If any of those boys hurt your heart," he said hitting his fist into the palm of his hand. "I don't even care if they are royalty, no one hurts my Annabeth."

She giggled shaking her head. "Oh father, I just can't believe it!" She sighed walking over  to the couch and picking up her favorite picture of her and her family.

"My dad said that too with my boy friend, not that anyone believed it." Piper said with a smile.

"Oh, Mr. Mavrokordatos, you know that's not true -" Reyna started to say when she remembered he was in the military. "Oh nevermind."

Annabeth sat down on the white bone couch. "I just can't believe it! Is this really what the Moirai want for me?" She asked her mother.

Athena smiled at her daughter and sat done beside her. "Of course they did."

"Duh, who else?" Piper deadpanned tapping her head with a smile.

"Well," Fred said unfolding his newspaper as he sat down at the other end of the couch. "Even if, I don't want anything bad to happen to you either."

Athena looked over at her husband. "Oh, hush." She playfully scolded him turning back to Annabeth.

"What if I mess up and make a fool of my self and get eliminated!" Annabeth asked searching her mother's face.

"Annabeth, you have the wisdom of the great Athena, the goddess, not me, although its some what ironic, thanks mom and dad." She told her daughter. "But you know what to do. You have been raised well by your father and I."

"Its true!" Thalia chimed in with a smile. "She is very wise, even though she doesn't know everything, she knows alot."

Hazel nodded. "And were always One Call Away!" She said in a sing-song way with a smile.

Reyna playfully hit Hazel in the arm shaking her head. "More like letter."

"Do you really think I will find love?" Annabeth asked getting up off the couch and turning off the TV.

"Hey, I was watching that!" Her father exclaimed laying the news paper on his lap.

Annabeth crossed her arms. "Oh really? What was it about?" She asked as he opened his mouth to answer but he shut it back. "I thought so."

"Oh course you will, if not there, somewhere else." Athena replied to her daughter.

"But its nerve racking!" Annabeth said. "I am not princess material! Maybe goddess, but not princess!"

"You're being too hard on yourself, Anna." Fred told his daughter. "Just go with the flow."

"You are princess material!" Thalia said nudging her in the arm. "More so than me."

"Or me." Hazel told her, earning a agreement nod from Reyna.

"I could." Piper said, getting looks from everyone in the room. "What? My moms a model?"

They all gave a laugh as Piper shrugged her shoulders. It was true, but she had been helping Annabeth with her poise, etiquette and princessy stuff.

"Oh my, I've got to pack!" Annabeth said putting her free hand to her head. "Ugh, packing is like so horrible!"

"Tell me about it." Thalia groaned, earning a nod from everyone else.

"I will help of course!" Athena told her daughter with a smile picking up the picture her daughter looked at and handed it to her. "Take this with you, you were the happiest here, with us and your friends on your first camping trip."

Annabeth smiled at the memory and accepted the picture. "Thanks mom, it was a wonderful time."

"It was until I fell into the lake and a catfish thought my hoodie hood was food." Piper said, crossing her arms and frowning at the memory.

Reyna put her hand on Piper's shoulder. "Who wears a hoodie to go camping in on a hot day anyway?" She asked, moving her hands to her hips.

"My mother, that's who." Piper said, pulling out her phone, seeing a missed text. "Whoops, I have to go, got chores to still to, see ya later guys." She said hugging her friends then walking out the door.

"I think I should go to, you've got lots of other things to do to get ready." Reyna told Annabeth, giving her a hug.

"Tell me about it." Annabeth said, hugging her back then pulling away.

"See ya tomorrow?" Reyna asked walking for the door, turning around as she put her hand on the nob.

"Of course!" Annabeth said with a smile, as Reyna nodded and said one last goodbye before she went out of the house.

"We will leave to." Thalia said getting up off the couch. "I've got some things to do before I leave on that all-girl survival trip."

"I've got to check on my horse, and ride him a little." Hazel said, giving Annabeth a hug, followed by Thaila.

"Okay girls, see you tomorrow!" Annabeth said pulling away from Hazel then hugging Thaila and pulling away with a smile.

"Don't forget anything!" Thalia said before she left out the door with a "goodbye" from both her and Hazel.

"Well, we've got a big task ahead of us." Athena told her daughter starting to walk upstairs. "Now Fred, where are the suitcases?"

"Attic." Fred mumbled, flipping to the next page in the newspaper.

"Okay, Annabeth come on." Athena called walking up the stair.

"Got it." Annabeth said reading the letter again, following her mother.

Her whole life was going to change. For good or bad. Either way, this was a once in a life time experience that. She was going to to make the best and hopefully fall in love and find her future husband.

So here it is, here is how she got the letter!

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