How My OC Would Change Illèa

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Annabeth thought about the question. It was something she thought about, though she knew she would probably never get it heard. She knew what was going on in Illea and what she would want to change.

"My first idea, I personally think that Illea needs to abolish the caste system all together!" She started to explain, nervous pushing her hair behind her ear.

"I don't think its right to categorize people by their jobs. I've seen and met people from different castes that treated others horrible! Especially the number 8 caste, they could do so much for illea if they were giving a chance! They need some help, its not their fault they are in that predicament, sometimes for certain people it is. But treating people like the don't matter because they at homeless or orphaned, is totally wrong. They are people to and mean something to someone somewhere." She said, giving various hand gestures, which calmed her down a little.

"For my second idea to help Illea is to reason and get along nd help with the rebels." She stated, knowing it wasn't such a good subject most people liked to talk about.

"They have just been hurt and had no one to turn to to help! The people they thought cared about them turned on them, and many families are torn due to allegations that aren't true. We need to help them, yes they've done some horrible things, but they are good people that lost their way. No one is will to help them, but I am." She said, getting a little emotional about talking about.

"And definitely not my last, just the last plan for now on to change it, is more pay for those who work harder then for the ones that don't and how we can make more jobs." She stated, knowing from her own family's experience.

"Coming from where I live, and what I see. It seems that those who work less and have a extremely grand title, gets paid more for doing very little, especially with the high class jobs. They get so much more money then the ones that work ever so hard everyday. My own parents have low paying jobs, of course they work more than the people they work for, who get more money for sitting in a chair, over seeing what's going on. Lower and sometimes middle class people don't get paid for sick days, unlike the higher ones do. Plus women get paid less than men, which I'm not trying to be a feminist, but we are all people, it goes the same for various skin tones and familiar status. So I would say that people who do more, get more than people who do less." She said, covering the first topic.

She continued adding the next topic in, the second one she stated. "Now there are things we can also do, to inquire more jobs. First would be is to find what is needed more than other things. Like for instance  food is a limited resource for most lower class families, its not about there isn't enough food to go around, its because of the prices and the low income they get. Now ever girl loves sparkly, but the money people pay for jewels is ridiculous. That money could be used for better things, like paying people more for their jobs, also charity, especially with helping out the orphans and those who don't have a home. I could go on and on about things to do to add jobs. The number one job that is needed that aren't enough of is producing food. For farms to orchards, many farms are having to cut corners because livestock and things of that nature are getting more and more expensive, when they don't really need to be. In closing, I think there is more to be done, but just these topics, are ones that are most needed to fix."

Annabeth finished with a sigh, her nervousness was still there, but it wasn't that bad. She was happy with how she answered, though she would like to act on them and just not say them. She smiled and gave a nod/bow of her head then said. "Thank you for having me, its been a pleasure."

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