Tempo || A Selection RP OC || Yoon-ah Oh

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|| Heed_Not_The_Rabble ||

|| Quotes ||

~ Sometimes, knowing pain helps us to know that we have always loved the person we lost, it means that we have a heart, that they meaned so much to us. ~

~ Love is a scary thing, it can easily make or break you. The pain of being shot down is worse than any pain you cam ever imagine. Especially if you have to be around that person you love the most, and you cam never stop loving them. ~

~ The wisest person is the one who thinks before they speak. Quick to reply is never smart, once it is out there, there is no taking it back. Be careful with what you say because it can effect people. ~


|| Info ||

~ In Korean, the first name is always last and the surname is always first. But you casually call them by their first name, unless it is for business or formality then you start with the surname and end with the first. ~

~ I like leaving some things like, likes and dislikes blank so you can find them out, and not always tell you them all. Because what is the fun in knowing everything! ~


|| Korean Name (primary name everyone calls her, if they can say it right) ||
~ Oh Yoon-ah ~

|| Western Name (hardly ever goes by unless someone can't pronounce her birth name) ||
~ Yvonne Oh ~

|| Nickname ||
~ She has none, it isn't apart of the culture to have nicknames, so she had never had one, yet she doesn't care if she had or not. But she is open yo having some if people give it to her. ~


|| Age ||
~ 17 ~

|| Birthday ||
~ April 21st ~

|| Gender ||
~ Female ~

|| Sexuality ||
~ Heterosexual ~

|| Nationality ||
~ Korean ~

|| Ethnicity ||
~ Asian ~


|| Time Period ||
~ 1840 was when she was born, and she would be seventeen in 1857, now she was born in Korean, under The Joseon dynasty, it wasn't until she was fifteen, that they immigrated to Illéa. ~

|| Providence ||
~ Angeles, but in the poor part of the city, but not having nothing poor, just the barely surviving poor. ~

|| Social Class ||
~ Middle in Korea, but now Lower in Illéa, ~

|| Caste ||
~ 6 ~

|| Occupation ||
~ Her family owns a clothing shop and she works there as well ~


|| Appearance || 
~ She is considered one of the most beautiful young ladies, who had caught the eye of a royal nobel boy in her time. Having soft, flawless, pretty much porcelain skin that has this peachy hue to it. Her eyes, although they may be narrow, they are bright, brown, full of life and sparkle with curiosity, but they also are they key to knowing how she feels, they can hold all her true emotions. She has a perfect small button nose, very kissable and dainty, one that is so perfect, some people would want a nose like hers. Het lips are a soft pink pout, blossom lips if you must be technical. Never chapped, always soft and healthy looking. She is a short girl, but she holds much confidence as she walks, standing up straight and looking as much as a perfect lady as she can. Her long black hair is the color of coal, a navy blue hue it has at night under the moonlight. ~

|| Face Claim ||
~ Lee Ji-eun (IU) ~

|| Her in her traditional Hanbok ||




|| Her in more modern clothes ||





|| Personality ||
~ She is a bright eyed and curious girl, always fascinated with the little things in life. She never gets bored, because everything is always so interesting to her, even if she has seen it hundreds of times. She knows you can learn something new from everything, everytime you look at it. She really takes in details and can figure out when things are not right. She studies people, enjoying learning how they act, react, it really helps her understand people better. She can notice right off the bat when something isn't right, and she has learned to always look whenever she hears a sound behind her. She can see when someone isn't themselves, so she takes that and uses it to to help them out. She can be a bit overbearing when she is caring for others, and she does get annoyed and sarcastic when she is trying to help but no one works with her. She will tell you like it is, she does not shy away from telling you her true feelings, not about love, but how you are making her feel. But she won't do it alone, she will only do it when people are around, so she doesn't feel like things will get out of hand in public. She does have a sweet heart, always showing she cares for others and making sure they are happy. When her smile is on her lips, it makes others feel good, because it is a genuine sweet smile. Now she does have this cute nervous giggle that may escape every so often. Everyone finds it adorable, and can't help but join in on the laugh, and she tires to be funny and she sometimes fail, but mostly she succeeds in making people laugh. She is always honest, and sometimes to honest, and that can hurt people's feelings, but she doesn't mean to. All she hopes for is that she can help someone look better, or whatever it is, she had a good heart. She is such a classy lady, she knows how to hold her tongue when needed and she knows when to speak her mind. She has no problem with breaking up fights, and telling the others to be have and act like civilized people.


|| Likes ||
~ Tteokbokki, these spicy, slightly sweet and chewy rice cakes are simply addictive. She loved making it, and eating it, especially when she is sick or feeling down. It makes her feel comfortable, and like she is back home, the type if mother made. She loves any korean food, but this is her most favorite out of them all, it is just such a delicious taste, she can't get enough of it. ~
~ Singing, she may not sing in front of people, but she enjoys it. She finds it helps her get out her emotions and not keep them bottled up in side her. It calms her down and relaxes her, even if she is singing in a hushed soft voice it makes her feel safe. ~
~ Painting, she is very detailed and delicate when she paints. Whether it be on paper, or objects, she is articulate when she does. She prides herself into things like this, it shows how dedicated she is to things. ~

|| Dislikes ||
~ Girls or people in general who think they own the world, who are so self righteous, who always get their way, think they are the end all be all, and treat others like dirt, whether it be ignoring them, or making them feel less than for what they do. ~
~ She hates it when people thinks she dumb because she can't speak fluent English. (More info in flaws) ~
~ Guys who thinks she is easy and that she will just bed them to make them happy. They just don't know her, she is not that type of girl. She wants to have a strong connection, then get married and have fun in the bedroom. ~

|| Dreams ||
~ She dreams of being a scientist, now the type that creates knew medicine and things of that type. She has always been fascinated with science in het time, know she is even more fascinated in all the technology and things we know nowadays. She will light up as she talks about her dreams, because it is something she really wants. However she knows it may never happen, since she has no idea where to start at all. She just hopes someone can help her achieve her dream, and make her parents proud of who she is and what she has done.

|| Flaws ||
~ Not being able to speak English very well. It does not help when people are trying to ask her things or even when people yell at her, she doesn't really understand what they mean. Hardly anyone helps her learn English, they are quick to call her names and leave her in her unknowing state and left to go look it up herself. She, to some, appears to play dumb, but she really can't speak that good of English, and tries to find some way of communication with someone, so they can help. ~
~ Very rarely she can be way to nice, and that can end up making her a push over. It has happened, only when she is threatened or scared into being that way. Otherwise she would never do such a thing otherwise, since she is not afraid to stand her ground. ~

|| Fears ||
~ Never being able to go back to Korea again, she wants to go back to her home country so badly. She misses her home, and yearns to go back, back to her place of birth. The place where she is accepted and not judged by anyone, that she can speak her native language and the people understand what she is saying. ~
~ Losing the ones she loves. She knows loss, and that feeling of guilt and pain, last forever, it never goes away. It is something ahe can't even bare to think about because she will cry about it. It makes her want to be in their place, she wants them to take her place and still be able to live. ~

|| Strengths ||
~ She knows how to fight, with both fists and swords. It may be hard to believe, but this girl is experienced in all Korean self defense and she can take care of her self. There are a few things she does that can be scary, but hey, it keeps her safe and she enjoys not feeling the the damsel in distress. ~
~ Her morals, unlike most people, she has them and aren't afraid to use them it shows others she has more class and she doesn't have to use her body to get things she wants. Her mind, voice and eyes can get what she wants, but she isn't like that. ~
~ She is very motherly when it comes to caring for people. She will do all she can to make sure someone gets well, or gets happy, whatever it may be, she is the girl to help with that. ~

|| Weaknesses ||
~ She can't stand seeing someone hurt because of her, so she will literally do anything to take make sure she is the one to be hurt and not no one else. She will sacrifice herself for the lives of others, that is selflessness and she is one to be admired for that how she doesn't mind giving up her life if someone else can live forever. ~
~ Pain, she has a very low tolerance for pain, and she hates it when she gets hurt. All she wants to do is curl into a ball and cry her eyes out. Pain is one things she hates the most, no matter what type of pain it is, the poor girl can't handle or take it.~


|| Why They Volunteered ||
~ She has this curious nature to find out what love is. She really wants to know what it is all about, yet she may know just the surface about love, she wants to know the deeper meaning to it. She has never felt love, the romantic type love, so she wants to find it. Hopefully she will, which she is keeping optimistic about, but yet she is still a bit scared. She doesn't want to find love and then lose it, she doesn't want to be hurt by the one thing she had never felt. She wants to keep her heart guarded, but yet she knows if she doesn't let it down, she will never find love. She is so torn, she stresses herself out so much trying to make a decision. ~


|| Family ||
~ Mother, Seul-gi (38) ~
~ Father, Tae-min (40) ~

~ Brother, Se-hyun (21) ~
~ Sister-in-law, Dah-yeon (19) ~

~ Sister, Dai-ji (14) ~
~ Sister, Jei-yeon (10) ~
~ Brother, Joon-jae (7) ~
~ Sister, Chae-yeon (5) ~

~ Grandfather, Hoseok ~
~Grandmother, Fa-Mi ~

|| Backstory ||
~ She grew up during The Joseon dynasty, a strong Korean kingdom that lasted many decades. She lived in a small village, the type where everyone knew everyone and everyone was quite close. It was a seaside village, most everyone either farmed or fished, primarily fished. However her family was the only family who owned a clothing shop where everyone got clothes. It may have been a small business, but it was high quality, low pricing and a warm environment to be in. They were  talked about highly by everyone, and some from other villages and even kingdoms sometimes stopped by to have some of the fine clothes.

In school, she did quite well, like her siblings and the others in the village, schooling was held high and everyone was expected to be at the top of the class. It was not acceptable to be anything less, and even if you were, if it happened one time, it was over looked. But if it was a recurring thing then they were schooled privately, single type that did better for some kids. It wasn't like the classes we have know, there was one teacher for all the kids, since they didn't really have anything for different ages. But everyone learned together and were all held very highly by their parents and others.

Soon, when she was fifteen her family moved to Illéa, and even though she was against it, she had to. They had to go help her father's parents, who had sent a note saying they needed help. So, they had a long journey by boat before the arrived in Illéa, it was quite different than it is today, but she soon grew fond. Nothing much happened, she basically had a normal life, like many kids. Nothing extremely bad happened, a few sicknesses or wounds, but nothing that was deadly. If there was something, she doesn't want it to be known, so she keeps it hidden, locked away and a secret from everyone.


|| Other ||
~ Gayageum, she has learned from a young age to play the beautiful long stringed instrument, like most young teens learned during her time period. She enjoys the soft sounds of the Gayageum and how calming it is to play. ~

~ She speaks Japanese quite fluently, due to knowing some people in her village who were from Japan. She was able to help them learn Korean, while she learned how to speak im Japanese, which isn't that far off from Korean and Chinese, which she speaks a little better than English. ~
~ She prefers her traditional hanbok dresses than things now days, unless it is comfy and girly. Not to girly with sparkle, but girly colors and patterns, like the ones she prefers. ~
~ She knows how to style hair and can even do it without even looking. Due to her mother teaching her, she knows what to do. She can learn pretty quickly, since she learns from others and what they do. ~
~ She does blush, but you have to try really hard. Not just any compliment does she blush on, it is ones that are truly meant, that are not just things to say to be polite. ~
~ She is clueless to any of the new technology and it often quite scares her, since she doesn't expect it at all. Now at times like these she does tend to act sheepish, only because she feels a little silly for not knowing these type of things. ~

|| Theme Songs ||

Run ~ BTS


Love Story ~ Lee Se-jin (Lyn)


View ~ SHINee


Gee ~ Girl's Generation


|| Aesthetic ||

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