the Egyptian Ruffian Individual RP by @crayola32: Habibah Lapis Botros

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Name: Habibah Lapis Botros

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight

Looks: Kelsey Chow (But the picture only in to media)

Personality: She is a very head strong girl, she didn't afraid to speak her mind and maybe even ruffle a few feathers. She doesn't really like listening to others go in and on about what she should do as a Pharaoh's daughter. It makes her so bored and annoyed at every little things she can't do. She has a bit off a smart mouth, with that comes with a bit of sarcasm. She is actually very sweet once you get to know her. She doesn't really like being sweet due to that's what expected of her. She does care and has a huge heart for everyone she meets and the people in Egypt. She had a sense for adventure, which she longs from. Unfortunately the only adventure she gets is being around the palace, which gets very boring easily. She is the type of girl to push the limits, see how far she can get away with things or before someone does something. She is not afraid to get her hands a little dirty. If someone messes with the ones she loves or herself she will get angry and go off on a ranting spree. She sometimes doesn't know how to keep her mouth shut.

Likes: Adventure, she had a huge heart for it and is always looking for an opportunity to take it. She likes the idea of freedom, the one thing she would love to have she longs for it. Books, not exactly books, but scrolls that have many great stories on them, including those of the gods. She always finds them fascinating and loves reading them over and over again. Any of the sweet and delicious Egyptian desserts they always have to the ending of the meal. Horses, she loves the place horses, even image can't ride them beyond the wall, she enjoys taking them out in the courtyards.

Dislikes: Being the Pharaoh's daughter and all the rules, dos and don'ts she had to follow. Her arrange marriage and the Royal Architect's son both which she dreads and can't stand one little bit. Crocodiles, the only reason is because as a child she almost had gotten eaten by one after one kid she knew pushed her into the Nile. Being told she can't do what she wants to do, she doesn't like it at all. Beyond told compliments about her beauty, as much as she is pretty, she doesn't really care to kick about her appearance.

Backstory: Growing up, she had a decent life, well if you count being a royal as descent. She had the best clothes and food. Always being dressed to the to by three of the handmaids, which were always at her side for pretty much everything. She was taught always what to do and what not to do. Which she obviously hated, she wanted to get out, see everything beyond that was beyond the walls, what the world had to offer.
Then her father told her she was having an arranged marriage to a man who she never liked and hardly even knew. She hated - no - dreaded the idea of marrying someone she didn't love or even like. She tried to reason with her parents, but he attempts were failed. She had to like her parents had said. She had ways had a dream of marrying someone else who she loved. In the future that is. She was young, she didn't want to be married, she wanted to do what she wanted and not follow the teaching of her parents. They didn't understand why she didn't want to marry the young man. A few of the handmaids just swooned over the young architect's son, who she could care less about. She didn't see what they saw in him. Physically or mentally. If she would have one wish, that would just to have adventure and do what she wants

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