Titanic oc 3: Ian Alfred Hawthorne

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Name: Ian Alfred Hawthorne

Age: 14

Gender: Male

FC: Dylan Schmid

Personality: He had a bit of a mischievous nature to him, always looking for someone to tease, prank or steal from. He is very witty and always has a sarcastic come back to any insult, even if it offends someone. He doesn't really care about how others feel or what they think for that matter. He can be rather blunt, and by that, I mean a rude blunt. He doesn't mean to be, but that's how he had to act on the streets to survive like the others did. He can be sweet and nice, but he doesn't like showing that part of him. He doesn't really like getting attention, after all, he needed it fell his parents, who ended up passing away. He likes to keep away from the crowds of rich stuck up people and do what he is suppose to do.

Class: Lower Class

Why they are on the Titanic?: He works on it. Being an orphan, he had no where to do or had any money. So now he is working on it and gets a place to live and eat while he works.

Family: Mother, Celia Hawthorne (deceased). Father, Gideon (deceased).

Background: Being orphaned at age seven, after the death of both of his parents due to a car crash. He was of the middle class, but he now is lower and lived on the streets fending for himself. He took up a hobbit of pickpocketing from people who pass by to get money to buy food or give it to other orphaned street kids. He, along with many orphans, live in an abandoned warehouse near the docks where the Titanic weds set to sail. These warehouses had been closed for over twenty years, so no one would ever buy it or expect there were orphaned children there. When the Titanic was accepting workers, he signed up. Being young they accepted him quickly, knowing he would be of much use to help. He was glad to work, and once he got paid, he would go to New York and try and find his aunt, then once he did he would live with her. (if she and her husband took him in)

Other: He has always wanted a puppy to call his own, more specifically a German Shepard that he would name Max, the name his parents wanted to name their own dog.

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