Unsuspecting | A Group RP OC | Daeyhung Park

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| NerdGoddess- |
| Darkflames99 |
| hanukkahgoddess- |
| OwlGoddess- |


Quotes: "Don't play with me boy."

"A girl will never give over her heart that easily in fear of getting hurt."

"When I do hold me close like tonight is the last."

"Everything will be okay."

"I am grown up and can make my down decisions."

Role: Clairvoyance

Name: Park Daehyung (first name is always last and surname is always first in Asian countries but Japan and Thailand)

Age: 22

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Looks: She has thick, dark copper-ish hair, but in the sunlight it looks like a golden color. It is styled with thick, slightly messy bangs with long hair reaching to just below her shoulder blades. She often dies it other colors, like brown, blonde, ombre or just her regular black color. Her eyes are stunningly hazel, with lots of flecks of green and brown, many colors that are almost like a kaleidoscope of color. Sometimes they are very mesmerizing to look into, you can't pull away. Her eyes are a thin almond type shape, which can look bigger with the right eyeshadow. Her nose is almost like a Grecian one, but much smaller and daintier, 100% kissable if you must. Her lips have that lower pout, with a slightly medium upper lip, but with plumping lipgloss, you get kissable lips. Her skin can be quite pale in the winter but tends to look peachy, lightly peachy in the summer and in the sun. (Wendy (Red Velvet))

Personality: She has this bright sunny happiness radiating off her everywhere she goes. A smile is always plastered on her lips, along with bright eyes and a cute giggle. She is always polite and uses her manners, doing everything she knows a lady should do. She is as sweet as a peach, if you are on her good side, and everyone is pretty much on her good side. She is optimistic, always looking on the bright side of things, after her emotions get the best of her, and she hates that more than anything.

Now she is very sensitive, like most people, she has a huge heart, which she wears on her sleeve. She tries her best to control her emotions, but sometimes her sensitive part butts it's way and makes her cry. Now most the time he has them under control, as hard as it may seem, which it is, she manages. Once she is away from people, she will just break down into uncontrollable sobs, just letting it all out. She does admit she feels better once she had cried but it takes a while for her to stop, and even after, for a long bit her eyes are all red and puffy.

On the other hand, it takes a lot of make her yell and get angry at someone. She is a rather chill person, and let's pet peeves just roll off her back, and they don't even bother her. Little annoying noises don't bother her like most people and she is glad. But when you do make her mad, she is a volcano, even though it doesn't last long, her staying mad at someone. She doesn't like people treating others badly, that also rubs her the wrong way, and she will talk politely. But if that fails, she will either cry or walk away, feeling angry.

Likes: Seeing others happy, that just makes her day seeing others in a good mood, that always puts a smile on her face.
All drinks, yes that does include coffee, hot chocolate, lemonade all juices, water (which is the majority) and the occasional soda, although she tends to stay away from carbonated sugary drinks.
Indian food, this girl loves her native food. It makes her feel close to her homeland, even though she is far away from India. However she also likes food in general, so she is always open to trying new things.
Being outside, she will do anything outside and spends most of her time in the sun. She loves how them sun makes her feel and at on the surrounds of birds and the breeze it is all so calming.

Dislikes: Embarrassment and humiliation in public, if you want to call her out in private. She hates being humiliated in front of everyone.
Grapes, shockingly she hates all things that taste of grape. She always has and has never made such a bug deal about it.
Being sick, ugh this is the one thing she dreads most of all. She hates feeling all horrible and everything that comes with being sick she loathes.
Big animals, she has never been to fond of huge animals. She has always found them pretty intimidating and she dreads that.
Storms, she has always been afraid of them, especially the lightening and thunder. Just the found freaks her out and makes her heart race and she does get slight anxiety about it as well.
She likes to listen to soft classical music, when she goes to sleep. It keeps her asleep all night and she never wakes up. She does only do it when she has trouble going to sleep and feels lonely, but don't worry, it isn't a everyday thing.

Strengths: Her seeing in the future, it helps when she is making decisions to know which choice is the best for her. Yes her power only works a week in advance, but hey, it is at least something.
Her quick thinking, she is very witty at coming up with things on the fly and making sure that they work and are easy to use, as well as foolproof.

Zodiac sign: Gemini

Birthday: June 17th

Born or cursed: Born

If born how did you find out: Well, when she was in second grade, she was at a family reunion, sitting all by herself. Her mother brought her sweet treats and sat down beside her most of the time, while her father caught up with his family. She was looking around the room when all of a sudden she had like a small faint vision of one of her drunk uncles falling through a window. She blinked a few times, thinking she was just crazy and that it was her mind just playing tricks since she was so bored. But, a few moments later, what she had saw, had in fact, come to pass, her drunk uncle fell through the window, getting minorly hurt, but cursing up a storm. From there on, she had this visions that come and go, but lately she had been able to focus on someone and try and see what is in their future. So far she had only been able to see a week or a little over a week only.

Backstory: She grew up South Korea for seven years as a child. She doesn't know much about her stay there, but she knows from what her parents said. She has always yearned to go back but she hasn't br able to go back, and that makes her sad. When she came to America, she had a small trouble adjusting to this different life and going to school as well. No, she was never really bullied, but she was the center for teasing every now and then. As she grew up, she had learned to work and not show her power to others, since she didn't want to be called a freak. Her parents prohibited her from ever using it, so she doesn't tell her parents when she does use it. She knows they wish to get rid of her power, but she can't, and she loves it. She had moved into her own apartment when she was 20, and she was glad she did. She could have more free reign of what she could do by herself, and she felt more independent.

Hobbies: Drawing, well, it is less of a hobby and more of her dream job. From architecture to interior design, that is her dream job.
Singing and dancing, she doesn't do it in front of others, so she mainly does it in private.
Botany, yes she does love plants and all that stuff. She finds it interesting how plants grow in different places.
Cooking, she does enjoy the culinary art of making food that taste amazing and looks appealing.

Fun facts about them: She is not a runner, she does not run at all, she hates running and last time she ran, she pulled a muscle and wasn't able to move for a day or so.
She does know how to drive, although she doesn't really like to, she can if she needs to. She would rather walk or take a bike, save the planet, is what she is always about.
She is allergic to walnuts and pecans, so she just tends to say she doesn't like them, instead of telling people she is allergic.
Her favorite candy is that from her home country since they just seem to be better in flavor than ones here and are more healthy.
She speaks, Korean, Chinese, Japanese and English, since her parents made her take all those languages for if she ever were to go over to the Asian countries of her relatives.

Fears: Blood, yes, this girl will get all sick and eventually throw up at the sight of blood. It is a pretty common fear and she isn't a shamed of it at all, but she tends to stay away from things like that.
Death, pretty much what everyone is afraid of at one point in time. She doesn't like the idea that she could be gone for ever and never find love or any of that stuff.

Flaws: She get massive headaches after just ten minutes of using her power. Well, it is more like she pushes herself for ten minutes when seven is when she starts getting the head ache.
She gets side tracked very easily, by little things that is. Like a animal or butterfly, she will lose her train of thought and go off on that. But if someone gets her attention and reminds her what she had said, she picks up where she had been at.

Other: She has a husky pup named, Icy, who is always at her side, very protective of her, and doesn't like new people unless her mistress says they are okay and orders her not to attack and calm down.
She has been in come car crash, but it wasn't anything major, just a dent in the bumper, a rear-end, nothing serious.

RP example: Daehyung sat at her work desk in her apartment, some papers scattered about the surface of the table. A tea cup was held daintily in her hand as she brought it up to her bubblegum pink lips, in which she took a sip from absentmindedly that is. A pencil was in her other hand, which went about the paper in elegant strokes, creating a drawing, of the interior of a house. Her slowly stuck her tongue out of the side of her mouth as she concentrated on the work before her. Even though this was for fun, she was devoted to make everything perfect.

After a good hour or so, with an empty tea cup, setting that down, she leaned back in her chair. Her hands went over and picked up the paper, looking at it with a smile. She was happy with her design, it was unique, her own, and hopefully it would be something that other could use im their home. A sigh escaped her lips as she began to put away the papers, neatly filing them in a folder. A dream of her's she would never get to do, why you ask? Her parents looked down upon her dream of design, since it was a waste of time and a tough market to compete in. Yes she was wanting to take the risk, but her parents were allowing her to do so.

Standing up from the desk and chair, she walked out the glass doors and leaned against the railing of the balcony. Her whole life had been planned out by her parents, having little to no say on what she did. Yes she was upset about not being able to pursue her dream, but not in public yet. She was studying and so forth in private, taking classes in her free time at her college, which was sneaky, but she was going to do what she was going to do.

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