Ashley-Luv | Individual RP Form| Minsung Lee

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Name ; Minsung Lee

Age ; 23

Gender ; Male

Sexuality ; Heterosexual

Faceclaim ; Moonbin (Astro)

Height ; 5′ 11″

Personality ; he is very nice and politely, always using his manners and using chivalry to everyone. he was raised rightly like a young man should be, treating everyone with respect, especially women. he is quite charming and somehow all the girls just go crazy over him. he doesn't try to be charming, just small things he does people count as charming, it just seems natural to him. he is very caring and is always trying to help those around him, he adores making people smile. even though his family is rich, he doesn't show it or use it to his power, he would rather have no money than have a bunch. he is very genuine and does his very best to be honest, but sometimes that honesty comes to bite him in the butt. which is really sad since he is always trying to do right and be honourable to others. he is humble and very down to earth, and never takes credit for anything. he is such a cinnamon roll most days and most the time he doesn't try to be adorable he just is adorable. he just has a good out look on life, even when it is a gloomy day or he isn't just feeling happy, he will still try and find the good things in life to not get to down.

Hobbies ; × Riding Horses | × Reading books | × Cooking and baking.
Likes ; × Chili fries/dog, because they are amazing.
× Rainy days/nights, it is peaceful and calming.
× Suckers, because he can get his sweet, flavorful fix.
× Cooking, he does enjoy making delicious food.
× Fish with fins and scales, because he knows that they are very healthy for you with those fats that are in them.
× Sushi, he does love it way to much, and will commonly be found sampling ot eating sushi.
× Food, he can always be found eating, and he does work out, but it is (dancing) that keeps him in shape.
× Brushing his teeth, oddly enough he does enjoy brushing his teeth, it is calming and he can spends a long time in there just brushing his teeth.
× Swimming, he likes water and swimming is one thing he can do in the summer to cool down and have fun.
× The smell of wood burning, he likes that campfire smell, it gives him a nostalgic feeling of his childhood.
× Learning, he enjoys learning new things everyday.
×The sun, he likes how it makes him feel and how warm it is on his skin, it gives him a feeling that everything will be okay.

Dislikes ; × Winter and things involved with it, he hates the cold so badly he will bundle up like no ones business and will look like a waddling penguin.
× Sea Food (like shrimp, catfish, clams, things of that nature ect) and Pork, he is very health continuous and he knows those two things are very unhealthy.
× Running, he is not a runner nor does he like to run. He finds it hard and tiring all together.
× Pollution, he is one green and earth helping guy, who prefers to walk or ride a bike instead of taking a car, unless it is electric.
× Weapons, he has never held or carried a weapon before nor would he ever. He doesn't even know how to use one and if he ever were handed one, he would handle it so carefully like it was a bomb.
× Ticking of clocks, he hates it and finds it so annoying that he will take out the batters so he can have it stop.
× Girl's trying to flirt with him when he is on the job, he is not the type to get easily smitten by girl's.
× Arguing people, he hates it and finds that it won't help at all, it is just going to cause a riff and make things worse than they already are.

Fears ; × Death, and as cliche as some may think it to be, who isn't afraid of dying? I know I am, like her, she is more afraid of not knowing what she going on, then death itself. The faint idea of people needing help, and not being able to help then after are dead, is a haunting feeling if dread.

Strengths ; × His optimism. He is always very optimistic about everything that happens. He enjoys looking for the silver linings and good things in all that happen. he doesn't like those who are always pessimist and downers. He will try and make them see the good things and not the bad.
× His morals, unlike most people, he has them and aren't afraid to use them it shows others that playing it fair and by the rules is the right thing to do.
× Caring nature, he always looks for the best solution that helps everyone, he will not rest until he finds a way that everyone is happy.

Weaknesses ; × Seeing others hurt, it pains him to see others hurting and him not being able to help for whatever reason. But he will do whatever he can, even if it is dangerous, it is just the way he is. He has to help someone he can't just leave them behind, you never leave your team behind no matter what is happening

× Weapons being pointed at him, it really takes the bloom off of a situation. He doesn't understand how someone would think pointing a weapon can make him do anything? Now he knows they can easily hurt or kill you with it, but to scare him into not talking no. Know if it gets cocked or shot into the air, he will shut up.
× Pain, he has a very low tolerance for pain, and he hates it when he hurt. All he wants to do is curl into a ball and cry his eyes out. Pain is one things he hates the most, no matter what type of pain it is, the poor guy can't handle or take it.,

Backstory ; He is the oldest and crown prince of his family, as much as he doesn't like his title he hopes to make a change when he gets on the throne. His mother: Queen Chae-Yeon, father: King Kaison, sister: Princess Eun Tak, he loves them all so much and will do anything for them to protect them. They're all very close and tight knit, and now everything about everything they do since they're all honest with each other.

Other ; × He will eat peanut butter and sour cream (not at the same time) straight out of the container.
× He can speak English and Korean fluently.
× He loves to cuddle and cuddling is never complete without a sort fuzzy blanket.


I will add more as the rp goes on

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