Euphoria | A Selection RP OC | Prince Hunter Nathaniel Schreave

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||Full Name||
**Prince Hunter Nathaniel Schreave



June 15th



||Face Claim||
Mateus Ward

He is some squishy smol bean, you can not find a sweeter guy than him. He puts most men to shame with how much he cares about everyone, even girls, who he always respect. He doesn't care who you are and no matter what you have done, he will be polite and respectful to you. He is a very loyal man, who never turns his back om those who he is loyal too. He has their back and even if they make mistakes, he forgives numerous times, since he will always forgive people. He is always happy to give second changes, no matter how many he has too. He truly is a "kindred spirit" and he is happy to be one and hopes others can see him for that as well. He is what most would call an angel, since he is just the most perfect person in those thing. Now he is a bit clumsy on his feet and often knocks things over, stumbles or falls down. But he gets right back up and tries to brush it off as nothing, however it always doesn't work. He sometimes gets all flustered and stumbles over his words, especially if he is front of a very beautiful girl, which he finds them all beautiful. He will sometimes make a fool of himself and that always leads to one sheepish but cute smile. He is quite goofy as well, and has no problem with being silly in public. He likes making people laugh and smile, it warms his heart and shows that some people truly still to care about the little things. In speaking, he gets fascinated at the tiniest thing ever, and boy, will he talk baby talk to tiny little bugs or his own cat. He doesn't get embarrassed at all, and he could do the chicken and just laugh his head off. He doesn't care what others think of him, since the only thing that matters to him is what he thinks. Yes it took a while for him to come to that place, but once he had, he is glad to be there. Now he can get sad and sensitive at things, and he may cry but he doesn't like doing it in front of people, unless he can't hold it in. But that is all just a mask to hide the pain he is in after the death of his parents he doesn't want pity, so, this is the only way he knows how to cope with it.

His optimism. He is always very optimistic about everything that happens. He enjoys looking for the silver linings and good things in all that happen. he doesn't like those who are always pessimist and downers. He will try and make them see the good things and not the bad ||| His morals, unlike most people, he has them and aren't afraid to use them it shows others that playing it fair and by the rules is the right thing to do |||

Seeing others hurt, it pains him to see others hurting and him not being able to help for whatever reason. But he will do whatever he can, even if it is dangerous, it is just the way he is. He has to help someone he can't just leave them behind, you never leave your team behind no matter what is happening ||| Weapons being pointed at him, it really takes the bloom off of a situation. He doesn't understand how someone would think pointing a weapon can make him do anything? Now he knows they can easily hurt or kill you with it, but to scare him into not talking no. Know if it gets cocked or shot into the air, he will shut up ||| Pain, he has a very low tolerance for pain, and he hates it when he hurt. All he wants to do is curl into a ball and cry his eyes out. Pain is one things he hates the most, no matter what type of pain it is, the poor guy can't handle or take it |||

He has none, he doesn't really like doing things, he would only do what there is to do when he bored, not because he likes it, but just because it makes time go away.

Being the baby of the family, he got a lot or attention and always got his way whenever he threw a fit. He has grown out of that now, and he looks up to his older siblings as his role models.

|| Pets||

||Thoughts on Selection||
He hates the idea of girls coming into his home and trying to love his brother, that was kinda gross, he still was not fond of any of the love stuff. He also knew that they probably only wanted the crown and not love, so, they would toy with his siblings and end up hurting them, then they would have no way to back out. He did not what that to happen.

Both are done

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