The Art of Gossip | RP OC | Jiah Son

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Role | Fashion Designer

Name | Jiah Son

Age | Seventeen - April Eighteenth

Gender | Female

Grade | 11th

Face Claim | Kim So Hyun

Hometown | Busan, South Korea

Personality | She is a spoiled rich brat you could say, she act as bratty when she doesn't get her way and will throw a tantrum. She will use her wealth to get what she wants when she knows it is absolutely necessary, she won't just use it for anything. She really thinks highly of herself and has a lot of confidence, which many people wish to aspire to have. She does have a kind heart, but people never really see that, they are too stuck on how she acts and not who she is truly as a person. No one tries to get through her layers, she wishes someone would care about her enough to ask such things. She doesn't get her hopes up when she knows it is a lost cause, she knows what it is like to fail and she hates failing. The pain of failing is really bad, along with the pain of losing someone or something you adore more than anything. She is such a sassy girl, she has so much flavor you can't even handle her. she is much like a cat, you don't own them, they own you and have their own way of doing things, you can't control them. She is a very head strong girl, she didn't afraid to speak her mind and maybe even ruffle a few feathers. She is blunt, and by that I mean harsh blunt when telling you what she really thinks about you. She doesn't sugarcoat things but gives them straight up raw. She doesn't think before she speaks and she gets into a lot of trouble because of it. She is the type of girl to push the limits, see how far she can get away with things or before someone does something. although she never strays for the laws and rules, she still does push the boundaries. If someone messes with the ones she loves or herself she will get angry and go off on a ranting spree, pretty much become a jerk. she sometimes doesn't know how to keep her mouth shut and can say the wrong thing at the wrong time and make a mess of things.

Backstory | Her parents were both born in Korea, as was she was until they moved to the states for her father's job. She at first had trouble fitting in since she couldn't really speak that good of English. Yet somehow, through her fashion she had made friends and people wanted to help her. She never knew why, but she was thankful for those people. She was always at the top of her class, even if she seems to be too engrossed in fashion, she shocked people of course. She may be a spoiled rich brat, but she does care about the people who have nothing or very little.

One thing they did over the summer that they don't want people to know | she was at this party with her cousins having a good time. She had a few non-alcoholic drinks, but little did she know they were spiked and she was hammered drunk. A guy had taken advantage of her, he was drunk too and used her as his punching bag and as a way to fulfil his desire. Of course she never told anyone, since she didn't want to be known that she was assaulted in that way. If anyone found out she would rather die than that have to happen to her.

Other | Ever since she was a young girl, she had a thing for making her own clothes to wear. It gave her a sense of uniqueness and that no one else would wear what she would, and she would be the only one to wear it. As she got older, she wanted to let others wear her clothes, especially those in need. | She has a ragdoll cat named Molly Brown, who she loves more than anything. She will do anything to protect her sweet feline that has always been there for her since she was a kitten. | She has a drivers licences but she is really scared to drive so she had someone drive her, she walks or carpools with someone. She does work on not being scared while driving, but there are so many crazy people out there and she doesn't want to die. | She loves grape juice and will always be saw drinking it, that and tea she loves more than anything. She even has grape flavored tea that she adores more than anything her tow favorite things combined together. |

I will add more as we go on, but here is the form! I will post it in the comments in your book as well.

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