The Sinners Society | A Roleplay Side Hoe Full Form| Tabitha O'Connell

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I know I am not to tag with side hoes but in case she becomes main this is her information!

Plus I spend a lot of time on her as if she was a main character. Because I really adore this girl and wanted to put a lot of time and effort into her.

There was so much that was needed to know about her since I came up with a movie on what she is based off (see bottom)



Role: Side Hoe

Name: Tabitha "Tabi" O'Connell

Age: Seventeen

School Year: Junior

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Face Claim: Thalia Bree

Personality: When you first meet this girl the first thing you notice is how clumsy she is. She is always knocking something over, tripping on something, or accidentally making a mess of things. Most people don't know how cleaver this girl is, she is the whole package, beauty and brains. She is a quick thinker and knows a lot of things, since she always has her nose in a book. She is very helpful and if your go-to gal for all things that you find in books, she is pretty much a walking library. She is extremely extroverted and has no problem butting into conversations if they bring up things that interest her. She knows how to make a grand entrance which always ends up with her on the floor. She does have a big heart and truly cares about those around her hence why she is always ready to help anyone. She isn't prideful or has a big ego, although at times it may seem like she os bragging, she isn't. She is merely explaining things and yes she may not have the best people skills, she tries at least. Whenever she thinks she made someone feel bad or uncomfortable she is quick to apologize and tell them she never meant that. She gets so excited at the littlest things, which most find off putting. She can't help she seems the good in the small things, perhaps it was how she was raised. Throughout history the little things had made a huge difference. She is that old fashion girl, morals included are all old fashion and she is proud of it too. You can say whatever you want, she won't get offended because she could care less what you say. If people are foolish enough to believe things that others say without first hand knowledge, then that is on them not her. She has no problem with pointing or connecting mistakes made my people. It often gets her into trouble but she is alright with it. She is very snarky at times but that is only if you get on her nerves which if you are the few fhat do, consider yourself special, because you truly are.

Likes: Books - oh boy does she love books. She loves the smell, the feel, the sight of books. She feels so much better whenever she has a book in her hand. Plus she gets really excited at books, no matter what it is she will squeal and act all giddy, babbling on about it. It often annoys people but it always comes in handy. ||| History - she knows her history and even dome things about history people have yet to find out. She doesn't understand how people can not like history, she would be lost without it. ||| Trying new foods - she adores trying new foods and always has a list of food you should try if you ever travel. You would think she could be a travel guide with all her knowledge. |||

Dislikes: Deadly bugs - she knows all to well every country has those deadly bugs that are often used as weapons. Which also goes with roaches since they can be deadly, since they are decease ridden little creatures often make people sick. Beetles as well, she knows certain types are horrid like scarabs, those flesh eating things creepy her out. ||| Being stuck inside - oh boy does she hate being stuck in side. This girl doesn't like to be locked inside a building unable to get out and be in nature. |||

Fears: Tight, small spaces - they are not her forté one little bit. The thought of being in a place where she had little to no room to go through is awful. Plus the walls and roof closing in on you isn't a fond thing either to have happen. ||| Forgetting vital information - it may seem silly but to this girl it is extremely awful to forget something that would be life saving. Which is why she, every day, goes over everything to make sure she never forgets and if she does happen a trigger word can bring it all back. |||

Flaws: Her people skills - she just doesn't do well with talking to people. Her family is different. She knows if she doesn't know how to express something they will express it for her or give her words for her feelings. ||| Her will to always follow the rules - that can at times be a tough one. She knows it is wrong to break rules and yes in some cases you have to. Though she will do all in her power not too break them. |||

Weaknesses: Limited amount of time to figure something out - she doesn't do that well under pressure. It may seem odd that she can't make a snap judgement in a few seconds. She is normally planning everything out and all scenarios. She just doesn't do well with sudden things, and it is annoying to her. ||| People seconding guessing her - know when people try and make her second guess herself she will do just that. It is like a tug-of-war with her heart. She has had it happen a few times and it was awful. |||

Strengths: Setting her heart on something and not turning from it no matter how scared she is for the out come. Oddly enough at times she can be dedicated for a cause, which happens rarely, but when it does she really breaks out of her shell just a tiny bit. ||| Her knowledge, it always come in handy whenever she or someone is in trouble. She always has a solution to get them out of which can be contributed to her books. |||

Family: Father - Richard & Mother - Genevieve = both famous historians, adventurers, archeologists and scholars. They travel a lot now since both if their kids are older and independent. They trust their kids and know they will always do the right things. ||| Brother - Nicolas "Nicky" O'Connell (22) & Uncle Thomas Carnahan - are virtually the same, money drives them and being well known is what makes them happy. They are a pair. May thing they are brothers or father and son, even she sometimes finds it hard to believe they are uncle and nephew. |||

Backstory: For twelve years of her life she had been traveling with her parents all over the world. She was homeschooled so it was easier to take school with them as her parents did their job. She loved learning about other cultures and the history of foreign lands. Her parents soon settled them back down and she went to a normal school to make friends. She was also the best at everything and often was valedictorian which she proudly wears. She doesn't really have friends since she is always in books, she hopes this year she can make friends. She would love someone to hang out with that wasn't family or the librarian.

Other: - She is often found tutoring kids in her school with subjects they are failing at. She is really good at all of them since she is so use to learning and soaking up knowledge. ||| - When she is not in school or busy or tutoring kids, she is working at the local library. ||| She knows how to fly a plane and drive a boat and car, got licences for each of them. Her father mainly taught her and she pasted each test with flying colors, mostly because it was always a private test. ||| Her wardrobe is inspired by the 20s, 30s & 40s, which is all she ever wears. You won't see her in modern clothes, she just down at like them. ||| She knows how to use weapons, her father taught her how to use a gun. In their line of work, sometimes you need the weapons to use against supernatural beings. ||| She has little emergency kids full of things to help people if they ever come across religious things, like mummies, demons, those sort of things. She knows you can never be to careful and always need to be prepared. ||| She can speak a few languages, and some ancient languages that has been forgotten by many people. Most the time she can read a language but has a hard time speaking it. ||| Her favorite book if Journey to the Center of the earth and she adores the movie of the same title. |||

Theme Song: Beautiful Times - Owl City ft. Lindsey Stirling



My sweet baby who died in that hotel who may come back as a ghost:

LaThalia Addams - Kina Shen


So I kinda modeled her after the movie The Mummy which ironically labeled as horror. I don't count it as horror, no blood or gore, just mummies and flesh eating scarabs, and deaths of characters who had it coming. I actually liked the movies, they are really cool, though I miss Rachel Weiss in the Emperors Tomb since she is always Evy, and will forever be sweet Evy.

Yeah, I know she is a side hoe and all, but she is still my baby and she may not be a MC yet, she will be, at least hopefully.

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