Trapped In Lace | A Arranged Marriage RP OC | Hara Jackson

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Full name: Hara Rose Jackson

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

FC: Katya Miro

Personality: She is just super sickly sweet to everyone she meets including strangers. She is caring and kind to everyone, going out of her way to help others when they are in need. She is so easy going and fun to talk to, you will never get bored talking to this girl at all. She is the most compassionate and has the big heart of her whole family, friends and well, everyone. She is brave, will do anything to protect the ones she loves even if it means taking the blame.l for something she didn't do. She is very polite to others and it doesn't matter who you are or where you come from, she will treat you equally. She is always wearing a big smile on her face everywhere she goes and it hardly ever fades. She can get a little too attached, almost like a leach and will trail you like a little lost puppy dog. She doesn't act her, because she doesn't want to lose her innocent and childish nature at all.

Likes: Rain - She adores when it rains, it is a calming and peaceful time, the rain cleans the air and makes it pure again. She does love playing around in the rain, it had always been the highlight of her childhood. | Cooking - She does enjoy cooking a a lot, it is calming for her so if she is upset or in a bad mood she is cooking but she gives the food away she makes. | Nights - She adores the night including all the stars that are in the sky, she could stay up all night if she could, but she can't, she has a job to do. |

Dislikes: Being Sick - She hates when she gets sick, she feels miserable and just wants to sleep until she is better. She hates how when she is sick she is unable to do anything and has to be taken care of because they are sometimes that bad. | Being Yelled At - She doesn't like being yelled at, it really makes her feel small and scared. Her father yelled at her mother all the time and called her names, she would be hiding in her room shaking at times. |

Hobbies: She doesn't have that many hobbies and the few she does have are creative arts, cooking and doing little random odd things. You could count the odd things like organizing things and stacking stuff perfectly you could say it is a bit OCD, but she likes all perfect.

What you want in your partner: She just wants someone who will show her what love really is. One who will make her feel loved and adored, that no one can take her away and she if forever is just theirs. It would mean so much to her that someone can teach her the love her parents never showed each other, and it really did make her scared about falling in love.

Pets: None

Allergies: None

Health issues: None

Extras: She works at a bookstore while she is taking online college classes for being an architect, since that has been her dream since she was young. | She has always wanted a pet but has been unable to have one due to being busy and never really being home to take care of one since she lives with her parents. | She is allergic to pollen but it is managed by medication, however she sometimes forgets to take it or it stops working since the time for it to work has ran out. |


And here is my female! I will had more to them once the rp starts and we go about the rp time.

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