Winters Death | A Narnian Selection OC | Jeimei Lee

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Name: Jeimei Lee

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Appearance: JuA | Kim Bo Ra ( Dreamcatcher )

Personality: She is such a sassy girl, she has so much flavor you can't even handle her. she is much like a cat, you don't own them, they own you and have their own way of doing things, you can't control them. She is a very head strong girl, she didn't afraid to speak her mind and maybe even ruffle a few feathers. She has a bit of a smart mouth, with that comes with a bit of sarcasm that is very poisonous. she is actually very sweet once you get to know her and get real close to her. she doesn't really like being sweet due to that's what expected of a girl she does care and has a huge heart for everyone. she had a sense for adventure, and get boring easily. She is the type of girl to push the limits, see how far she can get away with things or before someone does something. although she never strays for the laws and rules, she still does push the boundaries. If someone messes with the ones she loves or herself she will get angry and go off on a ranting spree, pretty much become a jerk. she sometimes doesn't know how to keep her mouth shut and can say the wrong thing at the wrong time and make a mess of things. Then she or someone rose has to clean up her messes which aren't always ones anyone should be cleaning up but her. She is blunt, and by that I mean harsh blunt when telling you what she really thinks about you. She doesn't sugarcoat things but gives them straight up raw. She doesn't think before she speaks and she gets into a lot of trouble because of it.

Country: Telmar

Quote about the Selection: "Finding love is much deeper than people like to think it. Being put into a situation like this really reads you as a person to show who you truly are and what your true motives are in life.

Password: No God Modding - I hate that more than anyone else. It is so annoying to see people think they run a rp and can have their character become invisible when everyone else is playing by the rules.

I add more on that form as we go about the rp

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