Rules #5

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Same rules as every single one.

Theme: Parent Appreciation Day

Setting: JMA


Nickname: (optional)
Age: (9-14)
Parents: (you must have at least one.)
Powers: (ask first. Please.)

My form:

Name: Eclipticmoon
Nickname: Eclipse
Age: 13
Description: Completely black, teardrop scales, single silver scale on forehead, icewing spikes on neck and tail, under wings have the design of hanging icicles instead of stars, wings are extremely large to the point that they drag behind her, one eye is blue and the other is silver
Personality: harsh, always wants to be alone, has very little friends
Put the word moonlight at the end of your form so I can see who read my form.
Parents: Mother is dead, father is Darkstalker
Crush/Mate: whoever @sharktail plays
Powers: animus, future seeing, can block out mind readers, can turn into a shadow
Other: no soul, but no on knows that.

Hybrids: 4 left. (I have claimed one)

Animus: 2 left. (I have claimed one)

Please PM me to be a hybrid and/or animus. First come first serve.

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